For the elves, this scene is indeed a strange scene never seen before.

Just because since they were created and the development of civilization, there has never been a formal and unique performance of music and dance. Their music is just a little rudimentary, and their dance is not even rudimentary. Sculpture and painting and other arts, relatively speaking, have a very sound development.

Therefore, we can imagine what kind of sensational effect such a scene will bring when it appears in the eyes of the elves who have never seen, seen or heard such a performance. Each of the elves quietly watched and listened to the performance on the stage. Their ears listened to the wonderful music, singing and dancing.

Infatuated, intoxicated like immersed in them!

Whether it's the music that elistre sings, the dance that she performs, or the musical instruments that eninville accompanies. The elves have never seen or heard such a wonderful sound of nature!

All the elves are completely immersed in the beauty of music.

With the passage of time, this beautiful scene attracted the spirits of the whole city to watch and listen. Beautiful music, sounds of nature like songs, beautiful dance, with the atmosphere spread throughout the city. All the elves gathered here to look at the two elves playing on the carriage with an expression of wonder and intoxication.

Until the end of the dance, singing and music, the elves have not come back to their senses, still relishing the wonderful spiritual food before. When they were sober, all the elves burst out with great enthusiasm. They cheered and looked at the two elves on the stage with extremely fanatical and eager eyes. They use the rich vocabulary derived from the process of civilization development to praise without stinging, and their great enthusiasm makes elistre feel extremely satisfied.

"This is the charm of music, singing and dancing!" Elistre looked confidently at ininville and whispered to him. Looking down at the spirits in the cheering frenzy, my heart is thinking about how to spread music, songs, dance and so on to enrich the spirit civilization.

In silence, ininville was thinking about how much power would be fed back to him by the progress of the elf civilization again, and how much maturity would be given to him by the powerful power which was not inferior to the natural rules in terms of potential and strength? Therefore, he did not object to her words, on the contrary, he agreed with her very much. I'm afraid that in this higher universe, no one will understand the influence of music and dance as much as he does.

Although, the weight of music and other arts in the civilization system can not be compared with those related to livelihood and other systems and technologies. However, the influence of music throughout the history of civilization, no matter where, has never disappeared. On the contrary, it will continue to grow with the continuous glory of civilization, although compared with the technology and system that can actually grow civilization, it is insignificant and dispensable. However, its influence throughout the whole history of civilization will not be erased, but will continue to grow.

Therefore, inenville is the most aware of how far-reaching the influence of music, dance and other arts on civilization will be. It is also a potential vocation by which the true God can achieve great divine power. It's only in the civilized race that it's possible. In the case of the less civilized race, it is only a small and weak clergy.

The elves on the stage don't know what the two real gods are thinking. They dare not associate a man and a woman with the real gods. What's more, I don't think that the God above will turn into a mortal. The mortal has not played a wonderful performance yet. And this performance, also doomed the future generations, can never surpass.

Whether it's elistre or inenville, who is not good at music and other artistic performances, they have already had a profound understanding of everything. But originally, the vocation included singing and dancing. It was easy for elistre to perform in her own field. She mastered the clergy, so that she will sing and dance, play incisively and vividly. That is not like the mortal song and dance, not like the mortal music, already with the playing and singing deep into the spirit of the soul.

They express their pursuit of music and other arts with extremely fanatical attitude.

At the end of a wonderful performance, in the enthusiastic cheers of the city elves, Wang of the elves also came to the performance. He respectfully invited ininville and elistre to his palace. However, ininville and elistre did not agree. Instead, they continued to play different pieces in the next few days. The performances of these days have greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the elves. Every time they play, they always attract all the elves to watch.

The unprecedented scene, involving the great enthusiasm and hope of the elves, made their spirit fall into a state of fanaticism these days. For the pursuit of art, climbing to an unprecedented level, fanatical.

Although they played for several days in a row, they were not idle. In recent days, through continuous performance, but the observation and consideration of the elves, for music and dance and other artistic talent of the elves. They should teach these gifted spirits in the way of teaching, so that they can spread and carry forward music and other arts.

They received a group of male and female elves to teach them music, songs, dance, etc., and to understand the charm of music and dance. Teach them to identify all kinds of musical instruments and playing methods, etc. These are things that no one has ever seen or invented since the birth of elves. They are extremely interested in the wonderful music that can be played by the small ordinary musical instrument without magic. Therefore, for the teaching of ininville and elistre, everyone who has been selected, who has sufficient interest in music and other arts, and does not lack talent, is studying all kinds of knowledge with great care.

In addition, ininville and elistre will also teach musical instruments, songs, dance and other arts one by one. These elf men and women who were selected by them are very talented in this aspect, and they study very hard. Through continuous learning and observing the performances of ininville and elistre, they have gradually changed from an apprentice who knows nothing to a time when they can play alone.

And just after all this was on the right track, no one among the elves, including the apprentices taught by ininville and elistre, noticed their departure.

For the two gods, ininville and elistre, these are just a small episode in endless years. At least, ininville thinks that their incarnation in the game of mortals is good for him. At least, the temporary "missing" side of civilization has been gradually completed after this experience, and the rest needs time to complete.

Because, as time goes by, the artists who have their own unique talents have created many famous paintings, music and dance, and stone carvings one by one. In the end, all of these will be fed back to ininville in the dark, so that the power still in the gestation on the Bank of his Godhead will continue to grow and finally take shape.