After the birth of these lovely creatures in nature, ininville became a father for a period of time.

Although the tree of life is tall, it does not have the ability to attack. Although these elves bred by the tree of life are gifted beyond human beings and other intelligent races, the elves in their infancy do not have the ability to attack and cast magic. They need to learn and have someone to teach them, just like the ordinary intelligent life and the young.

Their minds are really in their infancy, and they don't have a superior adult mind. They are as like as two peas in all life, curious about everything, and want to touch, understand and understand everything in the world through various ways.

Different from the Chinese elves who were born and awakened in the past, they are children's mind and body; On the other hand, the Middle Earth elves are the body in the adult state. In terms of mind, although they can't be compared with the mature mind produced by the acquired knowledge, they are undoubtedly mature compared with the mind in the early childhood. In addition, the mind of the Middle Earth elves grows very fast. It doesn't take long for them to mature their mind with the knowledge they have learned from all things and make it equal to their body.

So, looking back at the group of elves that ininville just created.

They are beautiful and gifted, but their minds, like their bodies, are innocent in their infancy. They have no specific knowledge of everything, and they are also extremely curious about everything, just like the cubs of all creatures.

This means that in order to make them grow up to be independent, ininville needs to teach them well. At least, when they are mature and have the means to protect themselves, he can let these new elves develop and create their own civilization. The civilization of elves!

So in the decades that followed, ininville stayed with the elves and began to teach them. Teach them all kinds of knowledge, and from the game, implies certain knowledge, through the game and serious teaching complement each other, wholeheartedly teach them. Their talent has lived up to ininville's expectation. The knowledge he imparts can be absorbed and understood by these new elves. Let their original immature mind, under his guidance, finally have a preliminary growth.

With the passage of time, the minds of the new elves are growing up rapidly, just like their bodies. They don't lack food, they don't lack essential nutrition. They're not vegetarians, they're not carnivores, they're omnivores. Like people, they can eat both vegetarian and meat. Plants and meat, enrich their nutrition, let their body continue to grow tall, become stronger. At the same time, they are always hungry very quickly. The elves in their early childhood need a lot of nutrition. They are lively and active, and because of their study, they need more nutrition to maintain their daily activities and energy.

This kind of father like care of children's day, iningwell patiently, his brain knowledge, from shallow to difficult, one by one to teach the spirit. Although these Elves were not bred by him, they were bred from the tree of life created by him. However, in the treatment of these little guys, ininville always had a special feeling in his heart. Because both the tree of life and the spirits bred by the tree of life are created by him. It is also the same as, whether it is the tree of life or the spirit, it is his children, his children.

It was a long time from quevier's awakening to his migration to vilino, and even to his return to middle earth or to the alien universe. In the long years of tens of thousands of years, ininville did not find a partner. His spirit identity, belonging to his blood, has never been passed down. It was later a weak relationship with Francesca, and no blood was born. Therefore, in the face of this group created by themselves, the purpose is only to hide their identity. The special emotion in ininville's heart was rarely touched.

So, even if he is now a high God. However, in the face of this group of beautiful and lovely little life, he rarely raised enough patience of tolerance and tolerance. Try to teach them as much as possible, just 300 elves, under his guidance, continue to grow. The body grows up day by day, changing at a speed that people ignore but are clearly aware of. Born with extraordinary talent, they have enviable advantages. They are born with a long life span and are not disturbed by all kinds of diseases in the world. In the process of both playing and learning, the newly born elves are growing at a high speed, which makes people feel inferior.

When the elves grew up to a certain extent, ininville quietly left the place where the Elves were born. In these decades of teaching, his understanding of natural rules has also made great progress. Especially his way of life, because of creating a real intelligent life, his understanding of life is extremely profound. It's easy to recreate a race, not to mention waving. It's not too difficult to create just one kind of life for inningville today. Of course, this is limited to the life of wild animals, not including intelligent life. For any God who is proficient in creation, it is much easier to create beasts, even Warcraft, and even monsters than to create intelligent life.

The latter's secret and reasoning are too profound. Even today's inenville did not dare to say that he had a complete understanding of the elves he had created. Most of the time, in the process of creating them, he held a strange sense of speciousness. And this wonderful feeling comes from the special power of the life clergy. It's not so much that he created the spirit, but rather that the ancient power in the dark, with the help of his hands, created the spirit.

Although he created the tree of life that gave birth to elves, more importantly, in the process of creating the tree of life, the ancient forces he touched produced some special forces that he did not know at present, and then caused the touch of life. Thus, there is a wonderful way of intelligent life from the tree to the birth of fruit.

The more you understand the rules, the more you understand the rules. The more he was shocked by the vastness of the rules, the more he understood them. Compared with the vast sea of rules, it was nothing, not even a drop of water in the sea. For this reason, inenville can't help but fantasize. When one day, he completely mastered the rules of nature and became the incarnation of nature, or nature would become his incarnation. Then, at that time, how powerful and incredible he would be?

It's not difficult to create life out of thin air. Maybe, create the unreal things that don't exist. He has the ability to create material and energy out of thin air. In other words, these abilities he can imagine today are far more than these changes. After mastering the rules of nature, no one can explain how he really looks, except to the point where he has reached. No one can understand how powerful the existence at that stage is.