Standing up from the riverbank and scanning his eyes, he found that before he knew it, he had been surrounded by all kinds of life. In these lives, there are three levels of relationships in the food chain. There are both top predators and bottom predators. But at the moment, they are in peace with each other gathered together, all the animals gathered, all lying on the grass, quietly waiting for him. Seeing him "wake up" and paying attention to them, the animals didn't panic and ran away, but got up and came slowly to ininville.

The genius of the elves has reached the limit state in ininville. Although the elves are the closest race to nature, not all animals can gather a large number of animals. This kind of talent close to nature is very rare among the elves. The vast majority of elves can not gather a large number of animals with their own talent and breath to surround themselves in peace. Unless it's the Druids who specialize in this way, only they have such strength.

Today, the scene on the riverside is like the most beautiful landscape painting of "man and nature", which is deeply remembered by history and imprinted in the long river of time. Beautiful harmonious picture scroll, even in the spirit, also can't see much. It's just a pity that no intelligent life can appreciate the unique beauty of such a beautiful picture.

The wild animals around ininville surrounded him in three layers. Among them, there are tall and fierce carnivorous animals, there are docile herbivorous animals, and there are many poisons. However, these animals at different levels of the food chain are all honest with each other around ininville. They gather around him, silently around him, feeling the rich natural flavor of him, which makes them very comfortable and full of attachment to ininville.

This situation, let ininville very clearly know what is the reason, he smile, not stingy of the gift. A warm light flashed from him, and then it spread in all directions. The animals around him felt the warm light and the physical comfort, though they didn't know what it was. However, it is clear that it is good for you. Every wild animal squints his eyes and feels the comfort inside and outside his body. For various reasons, the old and new wounds caused by them are all cured by the warm light. Simply, they are grateful for the gift of ininville with their own behavior and do not want to leave for a long time.

Inenville did not force them to drive them away, and then he walked inland with his tall posture, accompanied by countless wild animals. There is an idea in his heart, but it can't be realized by himself at present. That's because it takes extremely profound natural rules to make it possible. He always felt that the elf continent under his feet lacked some species full of ELF characteristics, and he didn't have the time to think about it in the past. Now, the continuous creation behavior for a long time makes this idea in his heart more and more intense. However, he also knows that he can't create a relatively complex species on his own, so he still needs the genes of his family for himself to accomplish such an idea or goal. At the same time, it's a great way to understand the rules of nature.

Because, each round of creation, more or less enhance his understanding of the rules of nature. The seemingly boring process of creation is actually a way for him to constantly sort out the natural rules he understands. Just like, a blacksmith always needs to forge iron constantly to improve his strength and improve his skill. Only in this way can he finally become a rare magic weapon. In the same way, the difference is only the way. For ininville, the process of understanding nature, going deep into nature, or creating life, is also a process of being familiar with the rules of nature. Although, in this process, he lost time and mana, but also improved himself.

When relying on pure natural rules, we can't create a complex, mature and powerful new species by ourselves. With the help of external factors, it is the only tool of ininville today. It's unrealistic to create something from scratch, or create a new species, and the price is extremely high. Don't you see that in the old myths and legends, it is the powerful gods who create human beings. Don't they also create human beings with the help of God clay and other gods? For the powerful gods in the myths and legends, the price of the supernatural power is extremely amazing. It also goes against the law of the universe, and the price is absolutely not low.

I'm afraid the price is so high that even the gods in myths and legends can't afford it. Therefore, they need a powerful external object to help them create new species. Therefore, they imitated their own forms and created the human race of wisdom. For those powerful gods, they also need the help of extraordinary things to create life, so it is not unacceptable for ininville to create a new species with the help of external things.

Because no matter what the final result is, whether it is success or failure, ininville is interested in the various experiences produced by the process. These are what he needs. As for other things, whether it is the creation of life or the things after it, they are trivial matters. The most important thing is that he needs the experience generated in the process of creation, which is what he needs and focuses on. Therefore, when visiting the vast inland environment of the Elven continent, ininville is also looking at what can help. Different from the past, the species he wants to create this time are much more "powerful" than before. According to ininville's conjecture, the new species should belong to the "intelligent" race. However, because it does not belong to human type, it can not be regarded as a new intelligent race in practice.

He went on and on, carefully observing all the existing species in nature, analyzing whether they could become a part of the new species in his imagination. He collected the genes of many plants and even animals and preserved them separately. Surrounded by countless animals, he continued to walk deep inland. Along the way, he didn't walk fast. It was like walking in the countryside. Ignore everything, will not be unreasonable to put too much pressure on themselves.

Therefore, ininville is not purposeful at all. Wherever he goes, he will collect the species' genes. Then, in the mind of continuous analysis, continuous deduction and comparison. Although, the actual hands-on may deviate from the expected results, or even lead to the opposite results. However, these follow-up problems need to be corrected one by one. What's more, he never expected to achieve his goal in one breath and create a brand-new species in his mind.

Therefore, all the good results and the possible bad results are in the consideration of ininville. No matter success or failure, no matter gain or loss, the experience process is what he needs. All of these are because he has some understanding in the process of constantly creating life, so as to find the most suitable way to understand the natural rules, or one of the directions.

The combination of theory and practice, through practical action, inningville incomparably agree. Now, the natural rules he understood can make such rapid progress, which is an irrefutable proof. Only ininville knows the most about the benefits of seemingly uninteresting and wasteful creation. In other words, it is not easy for him to understand other rules and find the most suitable process in the shortest time. However, he is the one who has the deepest understanding of the way of life in the rules of nature and the fastest way to find the direction. It's about the future. In this process, what is a little boring? What's more, inenville is still enjoying it.

Such a game like way of understanding can not only strengthen himself, but also help him to understand the rules of nature. Inenville can't figure out why he should give up the near for the far, the easy for the difficult?