The battle of the forgotten land is over. The linger inland sea, which is one of the two largest inland seas in the world, has completely disappeared. It has long been integrated with the boundless ocean, and the inner Gulf has been completely destroyed by kunguhar's sword. Gravel and cliff, all fell into the linger inland sea. Even the last remains of the giant lamp, the lamppost, sank into the boundless ocean. The last trace he left in the middle soil was completely removed. After the war, ininville disappeared again, Vera ouomu suffered a heavy blow, and olomi and tocas were not easy. Even talperian's last flower was cut off by kunguhar, and the moon has been flawed ever since.

Vera and VILI, who are far away in vilinori, Amen state, have rescued the heavily damaged ouomu. Meanwhile, they have sent their eyes and ears to the vast land of China to look for the figure and footprints of ininville again. Ariane and Tyrion, the daily masters of the sun and moon spacecraft, fly in the sky. They are constantly scanning the vast middle earth, trying to get a glimpse of ininville's figure and footprints from the mountains and forests.

Shiluo had already taken advantage of the war between Vera and ininville, and with the help of the moment when the moon appeared, he quickly fled back to Middle Earth. And ugoliant, her huge size, could not hide herself on the earth. She dived into the boundless deep sea, relying on the breadth and depth of the sea to cover her body. At the same time, all kinds of living creatures in the boundless deep sea also temporarily satisfied ugolian's boundless greed. However, she still dare not continue to hide in the deep sea, but rely on the deep sea, gradually toward the northernmost end of the Middle Earth.

She was always afraid and afraid of Vera's liquidation. After all, she climbed the holy mountain perory with morgos that day, and at the occasion of the grand ceremony, she partnered with morgos to overthrow and kill the double Holy tree. The endless crimes committed have never been cleared. Therefore, after witnessing iningwell's repulsion of the three villas, ugoliante also raised the idea of finding a backer for himself. There is no doubt that ininville is the most suitable person. He is the first one to kill the spirit of darkness dominating the body and form, and he is also the first spirit in the world. There is no doubt about his strength.

Whether it was at the beginning, easily hurt her, or this time meet again, subdue her. Both of them give ugoliant unforgettable memories. Therefore, in the moment of fearing Vera's liquidation, ugoliant also hides his body in the deep sea, and at the same time climbs towards the northern land where giant lamp iluin fell. It also belongs to utamo, the original home of the Dark Lord.

In addition, ininville, although defeated three villa, but he himself is not easy. If, as a pure comparative force, he is undoubtedly at the same stage as iluvita. However, subject to the special rules of the Middle Earth, most of his strength will be used to check and balance with the Middle Earth. Therefore, can play with the use of strength, only with Villa equal. Therefore, after mobilizing the power of mutual checks and balances between the mainland and China, ininville also has to bear the counteraction from China. Therefore, after defeating the three villas, ininville quickly left the forgotten place. At the same time, he also knows that the day of his decisive battle with villa is far away, at least at this time, it is not the day of his comprehensive decisive battle with villa.

Therefore, after returning to central Turkey, he not only needs to avoid the surveillance from Vera, but also needs to avoid the search of aryen and Tyrion. Because, a careless, and may make his figure, once again exposed to Villa's eyes. Already aware that this is by no means the right time for a decisive battle, ininville conceals his tracks with the help of the ubiquitous forests and mountains. At the same time, he began to look at the many Elven territories in the Middle Earth. Before that, however, inenville returned to the east to take a look at the orcs.

This is a new race created by the inspiration of the new Dark Lord Sauron through the alien. In the process of fighting with the three ethnic groups of China and Turkey, it fully proved the strength of orcs to the world. As a new intelligent race, they were not created by iluvita or Vera. However, the creation of their secondary God Maya, also in the creation of orcs in the process, joined a lot of fantastic ideas. Therefore, although the history of the new orcs is very short, their civilization is very backward. However, the intrepid orcs are still as strong as the nomads in the past history, and always maintain a strong deterrent and threat to the farming people.

However, under the instruction of ininville, there are almost no civilized Orc groups in barbarism. Under the instruction of ininville, a simple and unique civilization conforming to the characteristics of orcs was born. With civilization, we will get rid of ignorance and ignorance, which is different from pure oak. Orcs, though similar to oak, have the characteristics of intelligent race. Therefore, the emergence of civilization also predestined the differences between orcs and oak, and the fundamental differences.

Since the beginning of civilization, they have been committed to improving the strength of the whole ethnic group. Whether it is in the orc group, the lion family, which occupies the absolute dominant position, or the tiger bear leopard wolf family, which is in the noble status. Their overall strength represents the strength of orcs. As for other orcs, they just provide production and other roles. In fact, they don't have much fighting ability. However, it was the distinction between classes that laid the foundation of ORC civilization.

With the passage of time, the orcs on the whole began to grow stronger and stronger bit by bit. Their number is gradually increasing, and their civilization is also gradually enriched. In the end, the orcs who are completely strong will establish their prestige through a war. By then, it will be the beginning of an all-out war against Villa.

After understanding the orcs, the achievements of civilization at this stage. He walked on the earth with his feet, covered with a black cloak, and hid his elf appearance. After arriving at the misty mountains, he began to climb over the long and continuous mountains. Finally, his figure appeared in a beautiful valley, ravendale. He stood on the top of the mountain, with golden eyes looking at the beautiful valley below, watching the figures of the elves shuttling through the valley, watching them planting crops and raising livestock. Compared with the orcs and other human countries, the elves who still stayed in the middle land lost a lot of civilization of the first era, but on the whole, the civilization they inherited still occupied an advantage. However, with the gradual degradation of the descendants of the high elves, they no longer have the tall and burly bodies of their ancestors, but also lost all kinds of talents. So that today's elves, always unable to play out their own characteristics of civilization. Even in the small conflict with human beings, facing a group of human beings who are still in the stage of savage, they also feel the huge pressure like a mountain.

When the fact is placed in front of ininville's eyes, he can not help but feel deeply disappointed. He was the first spirit in the world, the first legendary spirit who created the magic diamond and left unlimited legends and beautiful stories to the elves. At the same time, he was also the commander of the first era. He personally ended the rule of the Dark Lord. He was also the legendary king of spirits who made the first era completely submit to him and was completely covered by his shadow. Therefore, even though the origin of the soul comes from human beings, the traces of human beings in his soul are less and less after more than 10000 years. It's more about identifying with today's identity than it is about human beings.

Therefore, when he saw that the future generations were so incompetent, ininville's psychology was also very complex, and he was extremely disappointed with the situation of these future generations and their incompetent governance.

After that, inenville, who was not interested in watching, turned away from the top and began to walk towards the woodland kingdom. In those years when he returned to the Middle Earth, he had already known the scale and distribution of the Middle Earth elves. The spirit of the woodland kingdom can be called his real kinship and offspring. He is the worthy ancestor of the spirit of the woodland kingdom.

Whether it is out of dissatisfaction with the status quo of the elves, or preparing for a comprehensive decisive battle against Vera, the first purpose of ininville is to completely integrate and accept the elves remaining in the Middle Earth!