After Rohan and Gondor, the orcs gained great profits in this easy war. Countless grains and meat were transported back to the east one after another, and then the incessant orcs began to attack Rohan pass, ready to enter the West.

At this time, the reaction of human beings, elves, dwarves, finally woke up. They spontaneously began to gather, gathered a large number of forces, sniper Orc attack.

Whether they are elves, humans or dwarves, when they first meet orcs, the fear that comes from the beginning will come out of their hearts.

Humans and dwarves are just fine. Their fear of orcs is more from the unknown. Because it's the first time to see orcs. Unlike oak, orcs are worthy of the name of orcs. They have the heads of beasts, similar bodies and strong claws on their limbs. They don't need extra weapons. Their claws and teeth are the best weapons.

When the elves see the orcs, their fear is more awakened. It originated from the alien army led by Sauron when he attacked central Turkey and villino. When they faced the alien army, they couldn't resist effectively, so they were scattered by the alien in an instant. Then came the brutal massacre.

After that, Soren destroyed Numenor and attacked vilino. Alien's terrible killing ability and changeable reproduction ability almost completely destroyed all things in the Middle Earth. Although after the appearance of iluvita, the alien will be destroyed, which is immortal spirit, their fear did not disappear with the destruction of alien. But has been hidden in the deepest heart.

Therefore, when the orcs appear, the elves' fear of the orcs is more from the alien. They were frightened by the terrible appearance of the orcs, the strong bodies of the high elves. As well as the rapid action of rapidly conquering the two great powers of mankind, there are too many similarities with the original alien! Therefore, humans are mostly afraid of whether orcs are alien second.

As a result, the three tribes that began to unite again collapsed without effective resistance in the first confrontation with the orcs. Then the orcs pursued the defeated soldiers of the three tribes, rushed into the pass of Rohan, and really entered the vast and prosperous West. The remnant army of the three ethnic groups retreated quickly and fled to all parts of the Middle Earth, while the orcs swept everywhere, robbing and killing all the visible people of the Middle Earth. At the same time, the collapse of the three tribes simply can not come up with the corresponding response plan, they are too little understanding of the orcs, but they know each other very well.

Therefore, the first war, also the war in which Sauron officially appeared in China, began like this.

During the period when the orcs swept by, the three tribes gathered together to protect themselves, and at the same time chose the dangerous terrain to block the orcs' attack. At the same time, the most gifted of the three tribes began to study strategies for orcs. They were defeated many times, but also in the war against the orcs, they fully understood the orcs. Although they look terrible, they are better than oak. But not all orcs are. Only the five tribes of lions, tigers, bears, leopards and wolves are like this. The rest of the orcs are not stronger than oak, or even worse than oak. They work as transporters.

Compared with their truly powerful reproduction ability, the five tribes of lions, tigers, bears, leopards and wolves are still limited by the world rules of Middle Earth. Although the number of their first child is several times that of human beings, the fierce competition within the ethnic group and the competition after they grow old make them extremely likely to die young. Therefore, they are strong, but they do not have an advantage in population. In addition, in the long war, there will be more or less loss. Therefore, the three tribes defeated the orcs for the first time in the subsequent war and drove them back to the East again.

At the same time, the appearance of orcs was well known by Vera with the war in China. At this time, villa also had to praise Soren's fantastic ideas! At the same time, when the heartache is so bad, the heart is still more angry! However, compared with the alien, the threat of the orcs is really nothing, especially when the three defeated tribes unite again to defeat the orcs and drive them back to the East. Vera no longer believes that Soren and the orcs he created can pose a threat to vilino. However, Vera still focus on the Middle Earth to prevent things beyond their control.

Although the three tribes united again, and after repeated defeats, they drove the new strong enemy orcs back to the East. However, compared with the plundered rich orcs, the three tribes are undoubtedly the party that suffered the most. Their cities, towns and villages were destroyed by the orcs, and their wealth and food were plundered by the orcs. Although they beat the orcs hard, the loss of the three groups can still make the three groups hurt. Therefore, the three tribes, who were unable to attack, began to build a vast and continuous fortress at the pass of Luohan.

And when they were short of their own forces, they deployed their forces and stationed them in the fortress. Lohan, the land of hussars, also gave up the vast territory in the East. Instead, they rebuilt their country in Enid area, wiping out the dark people and absorbing some of them at the same time. They, who lived next to roslorian, did not dare to target roslorian in secret as before. In the face of the common enemy, human beings began to seek cooperation with elves and dwarves.

However, the elves who have experienced another betrayal dare not trust human beings as before. The natural variability of human beings makes the elves extremely disgusted. What's more, the crisis of roslorian made the elves almost suffer irreparable damage and destruction. Therefore, in the face of human beings seeking cooperation and support again, the elves, in fact, give a certain degree of indifference and disregard.

They also suffered heavy losses, but with the brilliant achievements of the great alliance of the elves with less than 5000 troops and 30000 human troops. The reconstruction and rebirth of Rohan could not produce the idea of fighting against the elves, or even fighting against the elves. They are trying to repair the gap and distrust between them and the elves. Although the effect is very little, under the threat of the orcs, the elves and human beings are united again.

Excellent craftsmen and engineers from the dwarves, strategic masters from the elves, and workers from human beings began to build a grand fortress along the vast pass of Rohan. And it began to connect with the white mountains where Gondor kingdom was located. While Rohan Kingdom contracted its territory, Gondor Kingdom also contracted its own territory.

They gave up their rich land to the east of the Gillian River and are building a new capital on the CHILIER river!

Because the capital close to the East, even close to the ash mountains, is no longer suitable to be the capital of Gondor again. The orcs from the East will target Gondor first, so when Rohan falls, they will shrink their borders and rebuild their homeland. The same is true of Gondor. Thanks to the White Mountains in the north of Gondor, Gondor is not afraid of the orcs' attack from north to south. The vast white mountains are the best barrier. However, the rich land to the east of the Guillain river is densely populated with rivers and fertile land. There is no continuous overlapping of mountains. This side also faces the East without danger. Gondor, set up lookouts along many rivers to observe possible Orc attacks.

In the middle of the Dor en el Neill mountains, a grand fortress city was built as a barrier to prevent orcs from entering the interior. Dragging the mountains to the south, the loopholes in Gondor were filled. At the same time, the pass of Rohan, which is connected with the White Mountains, is enough to prevent any party from being attacked. On the other hand, both sides are able to carry out rapid rescue.

With the completion of the strategic defense arrangement, the three ethnic groups who had been temporarily calm began to recuperate. However, the orc's rapid recovery ability still exhausted the three tribes. Like nomads, they often attacked Rohan pass or Gondor. They plundered food, meat and wealth wantonly. At the beginning, the three tribes, which suffered heavy losses, were unable to pursue the ferocious orcs for the time being. The situation, a time of strange calm down, but the underground undercurrent never flat!