The vast area of roslorian at this time is many times larger than that after the third era! Because at this time, history has long been changed. The elves led by galantrel and kellepeng settled here. They protected the area of the forest. And sometimes they also expand the forest area, which leads to the huge forest area in the southern part of the black savannah in Enid. Because of the elves, the dark man can't cut down the forest and get wood.

As one of the three commandments of the spirit, Nanya, galantrel uses magic with its power to turn it into an invisible barrier to cover the vast roslorian. On the one hand, it ensures that there is no conflict between the elves and human beings; on the other hand, it protects the vast habitat of the elves. In fact, the relationship between elves and humans is not so good. There may be some historical factors in the first era, or there may be some side-by-side fighting in the vilino period, but it is more from the frightening reproductive capacity of human beings.

Iluveta gave his eldest son, the elf, flawless, enviable beauty and immortal life; The preference for the eldest son is almost obvious. Vera and Willie have never been given this preference. For the second son of human beings, although iluvita did not give the second son the same talent and preference as the spirit, iluvita gave the second son a unique gift, death!

But in the first era, because of the lies and fabrications of morgos, this was the best gift, but it became the fear and nightmare of human beings. In addition to the instigation and lies of morgos, human beings were in an extremely complex emotional state for elves at that time. On the one hand, they envied the power and perfection of the elves, on the other hand, they worshipped the elves with extremely developed civilization at that time. However, all this was reversed in the fierce battle that followed, the battle of vilino.

After this battle, the spirit was greatly hurt and never recovered. Even after villino returned to Middle Earth again, the spirit has not recovered so far. Compared with them, both iluvita's second son and adopted dwarf have recovered. They are not powerful talents. They have too many advantages over elves in reproduction.

Even now, the elves in the extremely weak state, for the vast number of human beings, have produced a trace of fear and huge pressure. In the face of these two decades can grow into a generation of race, even if the elves in how gifted, powerful. In the end, it will completely withdraw from the stage of history under the strong reproductive capacity of human beings.


"We have too few troops at the moment, and roslorian is too vast. We can't keep all parts of roslorian under the current force of 2000 people! Although they are primitive, their number is terrible Gandalf frowned. After he was in the middle of the earth, he was restrained by the rules of the middle of the earth. He didn't have the powerful mana that Maiya wanted to match.

"Although Nanya's power can hold roslorian, you can't stay here forever! It is almost impossible to defend such a vast territory. Therefore, in the war with mankind, we must seize the flaws of mankind and defeat them. Maybe this will make them retreat. If the two sides enter the stage of confrontation, it will be a very unfavorable situation for the elves! "

Galantrel nodded. "I know that. It's just our military power that limits us. Too little military power can not play a decisive role at all, and too much will have a bad impact on the defense of roslorian. What's more, there are many human beings. Even if they are divided into different groups, they are many times as many as ours. Once we choose to fight with human beings in the wilderness, we can all think of the consequences! " The expression on galantrel's face was very helpless. When the elves had such a situation, even in the face of morgos, who was countless times stronger than human beings, there was no such scene. On the contrary, the elves at that time actively sought to fight against morgos.

Now, however, they have to face a situation in which there are no soldiers available, and they even dare not fight head-on.

"The current situation is very serious. Our total strength is only 2000 people! In the face-to-face confrontation, this kind of force simply can't inflict heavy damage on mankind. How about... "Elrond pointed to the dense and tall forest of roslorian." we attract people into the forest. Depending on the terrain of the forest, we may weaken part of the human army! "

"But it doesn't have much impact on the overall situation!" "There will be a group of people who will be attracted to the forest by us, and they will suffer a lot in the forest," kellepeng said. However, human beings can never give up their own advantages and enter the forest in an all-round way. Then the situation will return to the original situation, we dare not go out, human dare not come in. The two sides can only confront each other. In other words, we will be trapped in the forest by human beings. We will sit and watch human beings cut down the forest and cut down the border line of roslorian step by step! "

"Alas, how serenduy is willing to help us will be an excellent situation for our present situation!" Elrond said regretfully, "it's really no good. If the situation reaches the worst, then roslorian can only choose to move to other places."

Galantrel, "it's going to be the worst plan!"

"I'll go to the woodland kingdom again. Anyway, I must borrow enough troops to rescue roslorian! I will go to the dwarves and ask for their help. In the case that Sauron has not yet appeared, no matter which of the three ethnic groups, they can not suffer huge losses. Otherwise, once Soren appears in the future, even if the three groups are united, they will not be Soren's opponents! " Gandalf cut the nail absolutely iron said, with that, he would simply pack up his things, and then asked for a horse from galantrel, then ran north along the dense forest road!

Woo! Woo! Woo!

At this time, the attack horn was sounded. The three Elven lords also heard the sound of the horn. Their faces changed instantly. Almost at the same time, a bodyguard came in and told the three lords that the human army was about to launch an attack!

At the same time, the three Elven lords went back to their rooms, put on their armor and took up their weapons. With the help of Nanya's power, galantrel was able to spy on the concrete strength of human beings. However, the results made them look very ugly, because outside roslorian, the number of human troops was so dense that they could not see the end at a glance, although they were very messy. But there are black heads everywhere. Although they don't wear armor, they have weapons in their hands. Although they don't have much advanced art of war, they have enough people.

"An army of nearly 30000 people!"

This huge number is despairing, the number of dark human army is more than ten times of the elves! Compared with the huge number of human beings, which is as high as 30000, the forces of the elves, which are only 2000 people, will not last long in the war and will be submerged. Even if each of the elves can be one to ten, the rest of the human beings can still easily kill the exhausted elves! What's more, their elves can't do that. Maybe only the high elves in the first era can do it, but not everyone can do it!

"Here comes the crisis of roslorian!" Then she gave the order again, "tell the people and the army to hide, and rely on the environment of the forest to resist human beings! Never attack on your own initiative The power of water ring Nanya is enough to ensure that human beings cannot enter the forest completely. Therefore, even if they have too many troops, they cannot enter the forest in a swarm. This is a rare good news for the elves. But sometimes things don't come out the way you think.

Boom! Boom! Boom!