As time goes on, the active substances in the air begin to decrease in the old world and the new world. At the beginning, it did not attract the attention of the wizard community, or even attention. All people regard it as a very common event, even the gradual rise of the wizard community, and other reasons.

The small days of witches are still free. When they are silent, they expand their influence, and almost all the witches exist in the secular world.

With the discovery and gradual development of the new world, the knowledge and civilization of mortals gradually become prosperous. But in the eyes of the wizard, these achievements are still small tricks. The civilization they developed and the knowledge they created are essentially different from ordinary people. They mainly study the world, explore the fundamental existence of all things, and then strengthen themselves. Therefore, no matter how brilliant the civilization created by people is, it will never be seen by the wizard. As most witches think, even an apprentice who has learned a lot has a strong lethality and deterrence to mortals. What's more, a more powerful wizard far beyond apprenticeship?

This kind of thought and transformation, with the gradual expansion and prosperity of the wizard group, more and more occupy the mainstream position. Especially with the gradual growth of individual wizard, they have already lost their original awe. Instead, it is discontent and contempt for the secular regime, especially in terms of social status. When the business network gradually covers the old and new world, business has accumulated a huge amount of wealth because of the expansion of wealth trade network. Their influence also began to expand with the accumulation of wealth, and the growing bourgeoisie has begun to seek privileges and interests from the secular government. We have got rid of the embarrassing position that everyone despised in the past, and even the rising bourgeoisie has a stronger position than the wizard. This has aroused the dissatisfaction of the majority of wizard groups, especially the wizard groups that occupy the leading position.

Because at the beginning, with the first group of wizard return to the old world, the spread of civilization belongs to the wizard began. The wizard at that stage has always been serving the secular government. Even in some cases, it plays a very embarrassing role. However, the wizard who has not yet grown up at that stage has been avoiding more intense conflicts with the secular government, and they are even very low-key.

However, with the coming of the day when the wizard group has grown up formally, the dissatisfaction and contradictions accumulated by the wizard group for a long time have finally begun to break out. This first came from the territory of the Tang people.

When the body of the evil looking wizard who sneaked into the Royal Library was found the next day. In an instant, in the palace, there was a storm. Also let the palace, which has been quiet for a long time, shake like a pool of stagnant water. The emperor of the Tang Dynasty was so angry and frightened that the palace, which was heavily guarded, was sneaked into and so close to his bedroom. If something should happen, then... Thinking of this, the emperor of Tang Dynasty was both surprised and angry. Then, in his rage, the emperor of Tang Dynasty and the secular government, which was also dissatisfied with the wizard group, officially issued the order of expelling the wizard from the whole territory.

Although it is extremely unfair to those witches who have been working hard for the government and the royal family, the Tang emperor and the government can not manage so much. Although the wizard did not completely show his own means, it is easy to assassinate the monarch and important ministers of a country only by virtue of his ability to sneak into the palace quietly. They really can't rest assured that such a group of unruly, non tax paying and even mysterious witches who don't know their roots are wandering around under their own eyes.

Therefore, the expelling and rejecting of witches started from the territory of the Tang people. In addition, the Clippers came to the new world with local orders to declare and expel witches.

On the other hand, Tang people's behavior was calm on the surface, but it was dark in the dark. The dangerous old world continent set off a storm. All countries are concerned about the sudden exclusion of witches by the Tang people, and the witches are extremely angry because of the expulsion of the Tang people. They first began to retaliate, and set off a large area of plague as a warning in some important cities of the Tang Dynasty. However, the behavior of the Wizard makes the civilians who have nothing to do with themselves panic at the same time, but also extremely angry.

Many angry civilians began to expel witches spontaneously, which originated from the violent behavior of junior high school. Some suspected witches were tied to the stake and burned to death, even the family members of the witches in the secular world. This time, it was completely angered all the witches, so the war began.

The elite army of the Tang Dynasty was vulnerable to the attack of the wizard. Let the world watch the excitement, but also feel fear and fear. In fact, the means of the witches are so strange that they can easily defeat the best troops. The witches defeated the army, captured the city, expelled officials and even headed for the capital of the Tang Dynasty.

While the emperor of Tang Dynasty was angry, he was also extremely frightened, and secretly regretted that he had given the order too early. Some of them issued such orders blindly without thinking. At the same time, he called on the witches who had been loyal to the royal family to stop and even mediate. However, none of the witches wanted to help, so they chose to stand on the sidelines. The attitude of the royal family and the government at that time deeply hurt these Royal witches who were loyal to the royal family and the government for generations.

Until then, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty would regret his foolish behavior at that time. At this time, the outside news is constantly spread to the capital, to the Imperial Palace, to the ears of the Tang emperor. It turned out that the witches not only occupied most of the cities, expelled countless officials, but also said that they wanted to completely overthrow the royal rule. Let the whole country be taken over by the wizard.

This incident, however, completely frightened the royal families of all countries who watched and felt fear. Once the Tang witches overthrew the royal rule and the country entered the era of wizard rule, the Witches of other countries will certainly follow the example and overthrew the royal family and government of the local countries and be ruled by witches. Therefore, terrified countries began to unite to rescue the Tang people.

Even though it is clear that their alliance may not be able to threaten the wizard, the countries still do so. Just because they are all ruling class, although the change of Dynasty is very common, but most of them are made by ordinary people. The sorcerers, a group of different people, also want to rule everything in the secular world, which not only threatens the royal family of a country, but also threatens the whole country. It also threatened the nobles and civilians there. It was really the wizard's means to kill countless people at that moment. It was so frightening. Mortals can't imagine what it will be like when the country is ruled by witches.

Not only the royal family, but also the nobility, even the common people. The contradiction between the wizard and the secular, accumulated for thousands of years, finally got a thorough outbreak! And, no more reconciliation!