The three-year countdown to death has put all mankind in the fear of destruction. Governments all over the world dare not let the public know the news at all. They are secretly working together to develop spaceships for interstellar escape. Big capitalists from all over the world have also generously funded the government to develop spaceships. The earth is no longer safe, and so is the solar system.

The fragments of neutron star will rush into the sun, and the violent eruption of flame will completely destroy the life on earth!

Everything can not escape, the established fate is doomed at this moment.

All countries have the same attitude on the issue of escape. All kinds of cutting-edge science and technology are no longer hidden, but are contributing one after another. They seize the time and dare not waste or slack off for a moment.

And began to choose the person who can enter the spaceship, all as in the movie 2012, this moment reality and fantasy reached a perfect overlap. Those who are qualified to enter the spaceship are all senior officials, politicians, scientists, big capitalists, a few soldiers and their families. They're all the people at the top of the pyramid. There's no one else except them. Billions of compatriots were mercilessly abandoned, and even no news was received. They were all concealed. It was only at the last moment that the deceived masses suddenly learned everything.

But at this time, they did not have the slightest way.

Ordinary people can't make spaceships, which are advanced products with the highest technology and quality. They don't even know the most basic technology and function of spaceship, and the problems they may face in the universe. The governments of all countries in the world disappear in a flash, and the stable human social order loses all its functions in a flash. Chaos, inevitable.


All this is clearly seen by the God level civilization of the universe through the time node. Their eyes focus on the only living planet in the solar system, and pay attention to the only intelligent race on this planet - human!

"Some people have escaped. Do you want to destroy them?"

"No, time is too powerful. Even if we unite together, we dare not say that we can influence the whole time and compete with it! They are not our main target. Our target is still on the planet called Earth. As for these fleeing human beings, they can't bear the cruelty of the universe. They will fail, and then they will be completely reduced to history. "


When the spaceship hope was full of the last 120000 compatriots of human beings and fled from the earth, the celestial civilization also watched them closely. Every pair of eyes, wish to kill all these people immediately. However, they interfere in the past time through the distant future. The self correction and rebound from time make them dare not act rashly at all. At most, they can only achieve their goals by relying on their influence. However, what disappoints them is that even if they affect the space transition engine of the hope spacecraft, let the hope spacecraft jump to the place where they want human beings to arrive, and hope to eliminate this human being with the help of those harsh environments.

However, human beings are always accompanied by good luck, and their influence does not produce enough strength and threat to help them achieve their wishes. Human beings, always in danger and crisis, risk and risk of survival. What's more, what they fear is that there are too many evolutionists in human beings, especially the leader among them is an omnipotent. The fate of human beings is not that they can easily handle it, nor that they will be extremely vulnerable in the universe because of their influence.

The vision of the God level space civilization is paying attention to the human beings, following the human spaceship, watching their constant transition. Watch them in danger, step by step, gradually become strong.

Until a twisted vortex appeared, the eyes of God level cosmic civilization were immediately attracted by the vortex, and they watched the sudden vortex. Looking at the huge man-made steel planet slowly squeezing out the whirlpool, looking at the familiar shape, it obviously belongs to the creation trace of higher cosmic civilization. The divine civilization is silent, silent.

"Time... Once again returns to the origin that should belong to it..."

"History... Cannot be modified."

"We... Failed!"

God level cosmic civilization, when crossing back to the node of time, saw two time lines overlapping each other, not overlapping in the middle, but overlapping again in the later period. Or, it can be called a historical timeline.

The first time line is seen by the divine cosmic civilizations, under their operation and interference. Human beings enter the universe ahead of time, and grow up rapidly under the tempering of the universe. Although later, human split, but the final outcome, always standing in the top position of the universe. They're powerful, they're terrifying, they're terrifying.

On the second time line, because of their own reasons, humans fled the parent planet ahead of time and the planet that gave birth to them. But the process after that is almost the same as the content of the first timeline. The only difference is that in this time line, human beings meet noble people. Noble people from different universes are also human beings, but they don't feel like human beings. Whether it's going through two different universes or even unconnected universes, or making wormholes by hand, it's a great force that today's civilization system doesn't have.

Under his intervention, the development of human civilization on this time line is much slower than that on the first time line. Because they have not yet entered the divine civilization, nor have they obtained a small universe. However, they are also powerful, even if they are not comparable to the divine civilization. However, more than 90% of the civilizations in the universe can not pose a threat to them at all. Except for the divine civilization.

However, because of their interference, history did not go where they wanted to go. Time, and not toward the direction they want to self correction, everything has not changed. On the contrary, because of their reasons, their universe is exposed to the eyes of the alien universe. Thus, it triggered all this and started the end of the universe.

"Our universe is coming to an end because of our arrogant interference?"

God level cosmic civilization does not understand, although they can travel through time and reach any time node to interfere in the fate of other races, planets and galaxies! However, they are not gods after all and cannot understand, control and explain the real power of time.

Two identical and different time lines began to merge. The contents of the former and middle parts were almost the same, but the crucial latter part became blurred and illusory. This represents the fate of the universe and tends to be in an unpredictable situation. There will be countless possibilities for fate in the future. It is also very likely that different parallel time and space will be derived, or they may be heading for a new and unknown place.

On top of the two time lines, there is an endless white light. Its past, present and future are all unobservable lines. Slowly, slowly towards the two time lines representing the universe. And, in the light, be engulfed and fused.

"We... Are not gods!"