In the vast nothingness, ten strong and invincible individual lives confront each other, but the situation is that only two individual lives confront and talk. The other eight powerful cosmic entities are ignored by them.

O-a-a's words reveal a lot of information, which can be regarded as the truly invincible supreme figure in the universe. He lived so long that no one knew how long he existed. I just know that when the universe exists, it already exists. When the universe didn't appear, it might have existed for a long time.

His ancient identity, coupled with his truly invincible supremacy, enabled him to maintain his transcendent status as a real emperor. Since the birth of the universe in a big bang, until now, no one has challenged his position. For the multiverse, he is a real emperor and supreme figure.

As soon as he appeared, he saved the eight cosmic entities who were about to be devoured with just one word. This kind of magic power, which is just like the Constitution in the mouth, makes Jiangning understand the weight of his power and how far he has come. No wonder he is able to maintain a transcendent identity in the multiverse, as well as the invincible power that makes powerful cosmic entities fear. This is because the two sides are not equal rivals at all, no matter in any way.

"I've worked hard for such a long time. Do you think that just because of your reason of" convention becomes common ", I'll give up everything I've worked for." With a scornful smile, "is it possible?"

O-a-a's huge head is quietly floating in the nothingness, a pair of huge eyes emitting light, gazing at the universe entity incarnated by Jiangning wordlessly. Silent, then said: "I am very clear, pale language, can not change your will and decision. However, I would like to advise you that the gap between you and me is beyond your imagination. "

"Don't draw a conclusion easily. If you don't try, how can you know that things will eventually be the same as you think?" With that, he started. With his will, all things follow his will, which is the illusory rule. Time, space, reality, logic and so on all change with Jiangning's will. By his unscrupulous distortion, distortion, they will be demolished scattered, disorderly, so that the original orderly things, in a moment become disordered, and constantly combined, making it the most terrible weapon.

This unscrupulous distortion of time and space, distortion of reality, distortion of logic and causality, so that the multi universe in an instant chaos. And the powerful and invincible forces produced by this chaos gathered together. Pulling the huge golden head of o-a-a, from every angle, the opposite force of reverse rules is derived. At the same time, in the reverse distorted rules, there is the corresponding force of positive rules. Two powerful forces of rules repel each other and attract each other. From the positive and negative sides, an extremely powerful terrorist force is derived.

Even the nihilistic land was torn and broken by the positive and negative forces of these two powerful rules, and from this broken nihilistic land, there was the big bang of the universe. Each tiny and fragile universe has been born, but it will be destroyed in the next moment. Once you die, two kinds of extreme forces merge and repel each other into a more powerful force, and then other opposing forces are continuously derived from it... Until these forces are continuously merged and repelled, and then integrated by Jiangning again, forming a great force that is hard to imagine and beyond description in the world!

Even when o-a-a, who is powerful and invincible, has extraordinary identity, all rules and all things derived from each other, can't help but show a shocked look. And, he said with heartfelt admiration, "although, it's not your power, it's just the powerful power derived from the materialization of you and the universe. But, will not belong to your own strength, can achieve this degree. To tell you the truth, you surprised me and surprised me! I have to say that you have a gifted mind and lots of fantastic ideas. "

"Though most of them are useless fantasies. However, in your hands, but let me see a strange scene! I can't help cheering for you O-a-a is in the center of the infinite positive and negative rules, surrounded by the positive and negative rules, the opposite rules of life and death, reality and fantasy, and the interrelated rules. On the contrary, he praised Jiangning constantly with his shock and admiration.

Although, this kind of opposite and derived rules, are Jiangning and the universe after the entity, by virtue of the instant incarnation of the universe. A short time to grasp the power of the relevant infinite rules, and try their best to rely on their own imagination, constantly fabricating opposition out of thin air, resulting in an amazing scene. However, this process is full of intangible benefits for him. With this, he can feel the power of rules in advance when he is in a low state. Although, most of them could not understand and comprehend. However, just rough kneading has benefited him a lot!

The whirlpool derived from the power of kneading and reorganizing the opposite rules besieged the o-a-a group. However, o-a-a, who is at the center of this "vortex" of fear, is not alarmed or flustered. His golden brain bag floated there quietly, never moving a little bit from beginning to end. The force of the rules, which are opposite and influence each other and pull each other, has no effect on him at all. He let these opposing and related rules pull himself, and he did not make any defensive action.

This makes eight powerful entities in the universe far away cheering leaping birds. They look excited at the invincible existence standing in the center of the storm, the real supreme figure o-a-a.

For him, this scene is beyond their imagination. They have never imagined using the power of rules in this way. Even each of them is a powerful universe, materialized. Rules, they are born to master, and create a corresponding branch. Every creation has changed everything, everything in the multiverse. Because everything, because of their emergence, as well as their creation and emergence, growth and rise. It can be said that they have laid the foundation of countless civilizations.

But even so, they have never controlled such a powerful force of opposing rules. Even the fifth universe, which created the weavers of magic and fantasy, has never been so fanciful. Therefore, the spectacle in front of him had the most powerful impact on him. All his mind and will were attracted by this new scene. He didn't dare to be distracted and watched this scene infatuated.

O-a-a, standing at the center of the vortex and the center of the conflict, is as calm as ever, just as he said when he was introduced. Everything, including fantasy, loses its effect and becomes meaningless in the face of him. Because, what you can imagine and what you can't imagine has no meaning to him. It can be regarded as a part of him, and it can also be regarded as the appearance of all this because of him.

"You can imagine, and you can't imagine, face me..." slowly shook his huge head, "will lose all the meaning, very good ideas, very interesting fantasy, but... Meaningless!" At the end of the speech, Jiangning's conflict whirlpool, which is antagonistic, interrelated and interactive, disappears completely in an instant. All the things that he had tampered with were restored to their original state in an instant, and the same opposite things were restored to their original order and order under his will.

Supreme character, incomparable transcendence!
