The huge equipment built on every planet absorbs a huge amount of energy! There's energy from the stars, and there's a huge amount of energy from other devices. Secretly installed in different places of the energy absorption device, a whole galaxy of stars, all as energy suppliers. And through the special energy conversion device, the huge amount of energy will be enhanced again in an instant. And, as a result, it opens the way to the alien universe.

This huge energy has shocked the whole universe.

At this moment, no matter individuals or groups, civilizations or cosmic powers and special superpowers, all kinds of life with different levels of life, look into the depths of the universe with astonishment. Especially those powerful individual life, their eyes have looked to one end of the universe, close to the Milky way.

There, countless lives in a huge galaxy are slowly dying. The power from the stars is constantly extracted, and life in the whole galaxy will face death. The real death is just a matter of time. This scene has attracted the eyes of the cosmic powers, but they are looking more at the galaxy.

Because, this shocking and even frightening energy is constantly spreading to the galaxy. When the doors to the multiverse are opened, all life doesn't know what will happen. However, when they see the endless fleet emerging with wormholes and entering the channel leading to the multiverse, no one still thinks what will happen, or even cares.

Although, this huge amount of energy is really eye-catching. But... When things don't happen to you, not many people care about things that happen to others or other places.

And it's scary. After all, the universe knows that a God was born in the Milky way, so the Milky way is by default the domain of the God. They can enter the galaxy without the permission of the gods. Although there are a large number of strong people who pay attention to it, including the legendary group of gods, there are still many powerful people. Their power also makes them not too afraid of the gods. What's more, not long ago, with the power of five infinite stones, the God banished death and extermination forever!

They don't know what the formidable power of the galaxy means. Even when countless spaceships and huge war fortresses enter other universes through the opened channels one after another. The civilization and the strong of the universe are still watching here silently, including the group of gods who created the multiverse.

However, when the endless war wantonly destroyed the multiverse, it finally triggered the intervention of the God Group!

A two thousand foot tall, armored giant has crossed the distance to the Milky way. They are all dressed in metal armor. No one knows what they really look like, but they all have formidable power. As a secondary God created by eternity, there are many members in the God Group, and at present, there are 1265 members known by people!

When they come to the galaxy one after another, they will start to close the door to the multiverse and prevent the destruction of the multiverse. And their appearance also surprised all the eyes of the galaxy. These tall giants, each body has a strong force that people can not reach! When they show up, they begin to close the access to the multiverse.

However, a figure in a black robe stands quietly in the universe, exposing himself to the vacuum of the universe. However, no one dares to look down upon him. All those with extraordinary ability and powerful existence can feel the huge and terrifying power from this man's body!

Jiangning blocked the group's action of closing the door of the multiverse, and in a flash, his figure appeared in front of the group. Firmly blocked in front of them, and with a pair of eyes hidden in the shadow of watching them.

"Are you going to stop us?" Under the unknown face armor, there came a dull voice. It is the judge of the Apocalypse group who is responsible for the judgment of doomsday to determine whether a race should exist or die.

"The universe God Group, eternal creation, I finally see you today." Looking at these giants who only heard their names but didn't see them. Jiangning quietly stands in the universe, slightly looking up at these tall giants.

"No one can destroy the multiverse!" The other members of the Tianshen group said this. Immediately, all the members of the Tianshen group seemed to have practiced for countless times. Qi Shushu attacked Jiangning. The power of their single existence can easily destroy the whole Galaxy! All of them, though not all of them, have the power to destroy the universe! After all, after being created eternally, they once cracked up a complete universe and turned it into a multiverse. In the same way, they also naturally have the powerful energy to completely destroy the whole universe!


When these powerful forces are released from and through these great giants. The powerful force will directly destroy the nearby meteorite zone and planets in an instant. When this force rushed to Jiangning, it was accepted by a vortex that appeared out of thin air! No matter how powerful these powerful forces that can destroy the universe are, they can't shake this little whirlpool at the moment.

Such a shocking scene is not only beyond the belief of the celestial group itself. Even all the powerful beings who witnessed this scene can not be easily believed.

"Infinite jewels!"

All the eyes of powerful existence are focused on the elegant sword that appeared in Jiangning's right hand. In the body of the sword, there are five beautiful gems. The gorgeous light is escaping from the sword; Powerful power, shaking the universe! Although there are only five gems, and the sixth soul stone has not yet been collected, these five infinite gems can still play their full power in Jiangning! Even though the stone of time has some defects, the other four stones still make up for the possible weaknesses and deficiencies.

"You also obediently enter the cage!" Kunguhar on the chest, the infinite gems listed in turn on the sword body, one by one blooming endless dazzling light. Then, a powerful force appeared, and the universe God group where they were, instantly space-time began to twist. Reality and everything are constantly distorted and tampered with, and form a solid cage one by one, all the members of the God group are trapped in it one by one.

In the cage of the universe God Group, even if the individual has the huge power to destroy the whole galaxy. But at the moment, they are facing a special place where they are imprisoned because of tampering with the rules. Even if they constantly mobilize the powerful force in the body, they can't destroy the invisible cage! Every member of the God Group, at this moment, is between reality and illusion. They can't interfere in the real universe! They are trapped in the illusory place. Even though they can see the real universe clearly through the illusory world, they can't intervene at all.

"What are you doing?"

When the members of the Tianshen group saw Jiangning slowly flying with the horizontal sword, they could not help but panic! The powerful cosmic power in the body is constantly bombarding the invisible cage, but every time the bombardment, the powerful power will dissipate. In turn, the cage in which they were imprisoned became stronger.

"In your eyes, there is only power, but in my eyes, there are rules!" With that, he came forward with a sword and stabbed one member after another, leaving their bodies floating in the invisible cage.