"Oh?" Odin's words made Jiangning fall into thinking, which made him instinctively associate whether Odin knew something. So he gazed into Odin's only eye. "I believe you, and I'm happy to protect Asgard. I only need all the tasks and orders I give you in the future. Asgard can choose to comply at the first time, and successfully complete the task. So, Thor is still the king of Asgard, and I will give him the resources and the land on which to live. I'm sure you understand what I'm talking about. "

After hearing this, Odin also looked at Jiangning deeply, "you have already seen..."

Jiangning was noncommittal, nodded slightly, and then Odin got up and said goodbye, "with your promise, I firmly believe that Asgard will walk out of the shadow and march towards a broader future under your guidance in the future!"

"I'm leaving, your majesty!"

Jiangning nodded, Odin then left tutehem and returned to Norway.

In fact, Odin's visit did not surprise Jiangning. On the contrary, he firmly believes that Odin is bound to visit him. He just wants to explore his own words and get the promise he wants from his own mouth. Otherwise, with the arrival of the twilight of the gods, the refugees of Asgard would not dare to move to live on the earth as they did in the original historical time and space.

Because a God has been born on the earth. In any way, the earth is the default territory of Jiangning by the universe. Taking the solar system as the center and radiating towards the outside world, not to mention the whole galaxy is his sphere of influence, but as long as he wants to. No one will offend him because of the galaxy. For those people, these are just false names. There is no need to offend a real God for some false names. Moreover, if life reaches the level of God's life, the general resources are useless to God. Only some rare resources with special functions may be useful to God, or even covet by God.

Therefore, in a broad sense, the Milky way belongs to Jiangning's sphere of influence. For life in the vast Milky way, nothing has changed. There will not be a God to oppress and exploit them, or they are not qualified to oppress and exploit in the eyes of God. Therefore, if Odin can't get Jiangning's promise, once the twilight of the gods can't be avoided, the asgards in flight will have to stay away from the whole galaxy. Otherwise, I dare not move to another place without the permission of my master.

Although, this possibility is very small, even though Asgard does not have Jiangning's permission to live in the galaxy or somewhere on earth. Jiangning is not likely to trouble Asgard, but Odin is afraid of accidents. In case the God is in a bad mood one day, he suddenly thinks of Asgard coming to live somewhere on the earth or in the Milky way without his permission, so that he is criticized by the God. Then, what is the fate waiting for Asgard, Odin did not dare to imagine. Therefore, in order to cope with the future changes, he specially came to meet Jiangning, in order to get his promise. No, there may be unnecessary trouble in the future!

Jiangning knows Odin's mind and foresight. However, these are small things for him. As a God who aims at the whole universe, the universe has been regarded as something in his bag, so the race and life living in the whole universe are equal to it. Therefore, no matter what the result is, it will become meaningless after the whole universe is completely absorbed by him. However, Jiangning is not stingy with rewards for the race or civilization that is dedicated to doing things for itself.

This point can be verified in the three body universe! Today's three body cosmic civilization, in addition to those with low civilization level, will also break out wars and contradictions for a variety of reasons. It's very difficult to have a war between higher cosmic civilizations! Every higher cosmic civilization is devoting all its energy to upgrading the level of civilization and creating more powerful weapons to prepare for a new round of war of annexation of the universe. All civilizations have tasted enough sweetness and benefits from such a large-scale war.

In particular, the reward of the universe has unimaginable benefits to all cosmic civilizations. Because this award symbolizes that they can break through the barriers of civilization to a certain extent and reach a new realm. And this, for the civilization of the universe, is the most fundamental driving force. The weak civilization yearns for the strength and elegant demeanor of higher civilization, and higher civilization has an indescribable wonderful psychology for further development. They are also full of self-improvement and thirst for knowledge. They always want to see for themselves what a higher level of civilization will look like. Therefore, in such an atmosphere of strong desire for knowledge, all civilizations are thinking all day long of developing more powerful civilization and technology, manufacturing better and more powerful weapons, and then waiting for a new round of war of annexation of the universe. Get a cosmic prize, or get a broader space.

Therefore, in such a big universe, there are really not many wars between two cosmic civilizations or a kind of big scuffle between multiple cosmic civilizations! Because not many civilizations are interested in this kind of internal friction. At least, at present, they do not need to test their civilization achievements or expand their sphere of influence in this way.

As time goes by, Asgard's fate finally comes to her.

Thor and rocky met their father in earth Norway. It's hard for tol and rocky to imagine that this old man in human costume would be their father. Compared with their father in the impression, the old man in front of them is ordinary, without any brilliance. Their father, however, is a powerful and heroic man. It seems that there is no problem that can not be solved in him.

Father and son, after a simple but warm conversation, the contradiction between them seems to have dissipated. Since the death of Queen Freya, Odin also lost the motivation to continue to survive. Although, his life will also end, but according to his situation can still support for a period of time. However, the accidental death of the queen seemed to drain all Odin's energy overnight, and his time was running out.

After being sent to earth by rocky, it took him a little time to get rid of Rocky's magic. Then he came to touthheim to see Jiangning. In the little time left in his life, he sought the last way out for his children and Asgard. Now, he is waiting for his children and has a solemn talk with them.

"Your mother, calling me, has been waiting for me." Odin said, "children, with the time I have left, I have found a new way out for you."

"What's the way out?" Torr was curious, but said gravely, "father, I told you that I have solved Sirte. The prophecy is over. Now we should go home. "

"No, prophecy is not over, it's coming true." Odin seriously said, "God of the earth, promised me. He will reserve a piece of land for Asgard on his own land. I have a hunch that he will do an earth shaking thing, but I can't understand what it is. But I know that the consequences must be earth shaking. "

"... Er, that is to say, we Asgard will listen to this God from now on?"

Odin nodded. "No accident, yes." "At the very least, with the help of this God, Asgard was able to survive the most difficult years at the beginning," he said. Perhaps Asgard will prosper again in your hands. "


Odin pointed to the sea in front of him with a smile, "remember this place, home!"