In the vast universe, a 35000 meter long spaceship is sailing aimlessly. On the spaceship are a group of homeless vagrants. They are a group of abandoned children. They originally stayed on their original planet to die. After learning that there is still a spaceship in our home, we started the self-help operation, a group of people who still maintain a good heart in the atmosphere of doomsday and did not abandon themselves. The limit is full of the most elite group of human beings, carrying another branch of human civilization. Resolutely and resolutely, there is no way to enter the boundless universe.

The universe is strange to them. No more familiar and friendly than the planet that gave them birth, but they have no way back. From the beginning, it's like children who are separated from their parents' protection. They can only rely on themselves, anything, and their situation is even worse. A group of homeless orphans, because of the survival of the Jedi launched a counterattack.

It is the most humble and powerless challenge of life to the unfair fate!

If they have a choice, they don't want to leave the protection of the parent star. Now, human beings don't have the foundation to leave the parent star and go to the universe. They are still very weak, but the sudden disaster makes them have to leave the parent star ahead of time and go to the vast universe. Will be their own weak, completely exposed to the Dark Universe.

They are confused and lonely, full of panic about their future. People live in groups, leaving the loneliness of the same kind makes people at a loss. Even if this ship carries 120000 people of the same kind. However, the feeling of being at a loss to move forward and having no way to go back, only those who are on the scene can intuitively feel their situation and complex and panic mood.

Although there are stars everywhere in the universe, there are also many suitable planets for life. However, the vagrants who lack the specific coordinates of the universe can only look at the brightness of the planet and salivate secretly. The universe is vast, but how far away it is is still unknown. However, in the vast universe, you can feel the desperate distance most.

Although they know that they are moving forward, their senses are deceived, making them think that no matter how long they have been moving forward, they seem to be standing still. In addition, there is no obvious reference in the universe, and meteorite zones are not everywhere. And their forward speed is not fast enough to synchronize their thinking with their senses. As a result, they feel that no matter how long they have advanced, they are still standing still. The size of the spaceship and the technology used to build it are not so advanced. The energy provided for spaceship navigation is still in the era of nuclear energy. This means that to ensure the energy supply of the spacecraft, they need to find uranium, which is not a rare resource compared with the environment of the universe. But this is in the situation of the whole universe, and they have no mature technology and advanced technology, although compared with human beings, the spaceship they inhabit is extremely huge. But that's just referring to human beings themselves. A spacecraft with a total length of 35000 meters is nothing when it is placed in front of a planet or a slightly larger meteorite.

Their energy supply is also very backward. The energy consumed after a space transition is an amazing number. In addition to providing the whole ship with the energy to maintain its normal operation, every second in the universe will consume the energy reserve of the spacecraft itself. If we can't find a planet or meteorite that can exploit uranium resources when the spaceship completely loses its energy and becomes an iron coffin in the universe, then the spaceship carrying the last hope and civilization of mankind will die in a very tragic form.

The last home, the last hope, will be their last burial place. If we are lucky enough, we may be covered by meteorites over time, and then, over a long period of time, meteorites will gradually evolve into planets. Perhaps, with the meteorite drifting into a planet, after a long time of change, it will be discovered by the subsequent intelligent life. Or, after their death, they will be discovered by the passing cosmic civilization. Maybe their state will attract the attention of the cosmic civilization a little, but maybe not.

However, whatever the outcome, it is a fate that this human adherent can not bear and is not willing to accept. They want to live, they want to find a new home, a new home that can provide them with survival, reproduction and habitat. We can protect them when they are very weak, provide them with all the nutrients they need, and nurture a new home for them to become stronger.

Therefore, even if the future is uncertain, fortune and misfortune are hard to predict, the last immigrants of mankind still adhere to the unshakable and unyielding will, vowing to fight against the fate to the end. It's ridiculous to say that human beings may be the absolute overlord of the planet when they are on the earth. They are pretentious and the proud son of heaven. However, in the universe, human beings are too ordinary.

The foundation of their birth is not strong enough. Compared with those cosmic civilizations who have been marching towards the universe for a long time, human beings are really immature. Even in the weak cosmic civilization, there are ways to crush human civilization easily. Compared with them, the weak can't even fight back, or even fight hard.

According to a striking contrast, human civilization is like a babbling child stage, while those cosmic civilizations have grown into teenagers, youths and even middle age. They are strong, tall and burly. With one hand, they can completely crush the human civilization comparable to the childhood stage. And humans, they don't even have the ability to touch their bodies.

And all this, human beings know nothing, perhaps they have not assumed this situation. Because they have speculated that the universe will be very dangerous and dangerous, but the real situation is far away from their speculation. And cruel. But there is no way, lost the protection of the parent star, since the survivors have boarded the spacecraft, they have no way back.

Billions of compatriots have already been destroyed along with the parent star. In the vast universe, they are one of the two human adherents. As for the other, they don't know where they are. For those who don't know where they are, they will think that they are the only human. Other people have already been destroyed along with the parent star. They abandoned them and left alone.

The lonely spaceship continued to sail towards the deep space. They didn't know exactly where it was. Because their spatial transition is completely random, the location of the transition is also random. They have no choice but to pray that they will appear in a good place and find a planet in the process of the transition. Even a planet that is not suitable for life, because they can continue to survive in the spacecraft and rely on the resources of the planet for development. At present, what they lack is enough time and enough safe environment to provide shelter, because they are in a hurry to set out. Even though they have prepared a lot of resource reserves, they are faced with an environment in which there is no place to replenish in the universe, and the reserves and resources are so limited.

"The energy of the spaceship can be provided for 30 days at most. If the supply cannot be found after 30 days. Then, we will die miserably. The only home under our feet will become a cold coffin! " It seems that the road ahead has become extremely dangerous. The Dark Universe is looking at them with great malice.


"Homeless vagabonds, shall we make a deal?" All of a sudden, the voice sounded in the communication system of the spaceship. Hearing this familiar and strange voice, all of us were unbelievable. Then, they looked at the console in horror, and then one of them rushed over and responded excitedly, "who are you, why, why do you speak Chinese? Are you human? Are you the first people to leave the earth? Tell me, tell me... "