The return of the high elves is beyond everyone's expectation. In many people's minds, the high elves are like the hermits. They live on a continent that is said to be extremely beautiful, holy and rich. They enjoy this beautiful continent alone, and there are many strange species living on that continent. Whether it's plants or animals, their existence completely subverts the three concepts of human cognition. Such a rich and strange country can only appear in fairy tales.

What's more, the return of the spirit, not alone came to the human world. They formed a fleet, crossed the unknown sea area and distance, and returned to people's vision again. And in the human kingdom, the court of the Tang emperor, the high elves told their intentions to the ruler of the human overlord.

They came to spread civilization and teach people.

After hearing this for the first time, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty was stunned and then indifferent. Today's human civilization is not a long time ago. After thousands of years, they have developed a highly developed civilization, and human beings are very proud of their civilization. Most of the time, though, human beings are scattered in a mess. They do their own things. They distinguish between nations and beliefs for themselves and others, which makes the already divided human beings split again. However, one day, when human beings learn that they are not the only intelligent race. Their instinct makes human beings become a whole again when facing different races.

In the almost contemptuous and arrogant language of Esquire, the Tang emperor's instinctive fury made him want to get angry. However, his reason began to persuade him, and eiswell was telling the truth.

Therefore, the Tang emperor asked eiswell again.

"Do you elves like to teach other people?"

Estelle thought about it, and then replied, "it's not like that, your majesty." "In the past, our people liked to teach other people, whether they were human beings, dwarves or wild animals and trees, and we would be happy to help them when we found them," he said. So that they can move towards civilization and get rid of ignorance. "

"Can wild animals and trees be like human beings?" Emperor Tang looked at him suspiciously.

"Your Majesty, our family is endowed with the ability to communicate with all things in nature. We can transmit our voice and will to other people through all things. We can pass on information to people through the atmosphere and birds. We can also pass on our knowledge through trees, wild animals and running water. But... Very few people outside the elves can hear and understand the message. "

"How can you prove to me that your family has such a magical ability?" Listening to eiswell's words, the emperor of Tang Dynasty was very surprised that the elves could communicate with all things, and also could transmit information through all things. This kind of power was just like God. However, the emperor of Tang naturally did not believe it because of the words of aswell, so he looked at aswell suspiciously. I want aswell to prove the truth of his words, so that I can compare the truth with the falsehood.

"Yes, of course, your majesty."

"How can your voice... Ring in my heart?" Emperor Tang looked at him in shock. He clearly saw that eiswell's mouth was moving, but his voice did ring in his heart.

"It's the gift of elves, and we can use it to communicate with any race," eiswell said. Ignore the language barriers, let each other's will, through the heart of communication freely convey As he said this, eiswell closed his eyes and said something in his mouth that the emperor could not understand. It's the language of the high elves, the language of the isville people. As asville said softly, a group of birds came into the sky. Even the birds and animals kept in the palace garden, and even the butterflies fluttered in.

These birds and butterflies and animals, around eiswell, will look at him. Under eiswell's command, winged creatures dance around him. And the animals running on the land, issued a happy song, running around the side of asville.

The Tang emperor, who knew the music, was surprised to find that no matter the birds and butterflies flapping their wings or the animals hopping around, they always kept a steady rhythm. This is the ability that animals don't have. It's hard for different groups to cultivate such tacit understanding.

"Your Majesty, I will prove the good will of the elves with the music and dance of the elves." Said, eiswell straight out of the peony palace, birds and butterflies and animals, have followed him. And the emperor of the Tang Dynasty also hurriedly stepped down from the throne and walked towards the outside world. Similarly, the officials who did not say a word from the beginning to the end followed the emperor of the Tang Dynasty with their shock eyes.

To a more spacious outside world, with the genius of elves, eiswell calls for everything in nature.

The atmosphere began to flow, the wind appeared, they came here gently and harmlessly, the plants stretched their branches one after another, and the water became more rapid. Eiswell opened his voice and hummed. Under his leadership, everything had amazing coordination and tacit understanding, following his pace and humming rhythm. For a moment, the voice of all things and the voice of eiswell mixed together to form a beautiful and moving ballad. The sounds of plants, animals and celestial phenomena compose the fun, while eiswell plays a dance from the high elves with all things in this music.

All the people were watching the music and dance performance that they had never seen before.

All the music and dance developed by human beings for thousands of years lost their color at this moment; All kinds of music and dance music developed by human civilization are eclipsed by the combination of spirit and nature. After all, intelligent musicians and dancers can't make all things follow their own rhythm and compose an ancient and modern music and dance.

At the end of the song, people were still pondering over it for a long time.

"How, sire?" When eiswell's voice rang out, the people who were addicted to it turned around and said, "wonderful music and dance performance. For the first time, I saw this kind of music and dance that can make all things in harmony with nature." He is full of praise way, "spirit, as expected have unique place."

Even if his heart is full of admiration, the way of being king does not allow him to express his admiration to the people of other nationalities as ordinary people do. It's better to be a small country with few people. As a big country and powerful country, it's still a country used to being a overlord. Every word and deed represents the face of the integration of family and country, which can't be fooled by the personality of the monarch.

"Can human beings learn to play just now?" The Tang emperor refers to the harmonious coexistence of all things.

"Not really." "It's a gift, and humans don't have it. Compared with human beings, animals and plants are very simple, and not so complex mind. But the genius of the elves can communicate with them unimpeded by virtue of their simplicity. "

After hearing this, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty said, "what a pity!" He added, "today's unprecedented music and dance has opened up my horizons. I am also very interested in the other deeds of the elves. I believe my people are willing to follow the elves and learn more advanced civilization! " This word, on behalf of the Tang emperor agreed to learn part of the spirit civilization.