Recently, one of the most remarkable things for the international community is the tutehem Dynasty, the hegemonic state in the middle of the earth. For some reason, all of a sudden, they ordered the destruction of all the anubis temples in the country. Moreover, the royal family and the national government issued a written notice to denounce anubis as an evil spirit. After thousands of years of belief, the God once worshipped by Xinfeng changed from a God to a demon overnight, which shocked the international community. People all over the world do not know why the whole dynasty made such a decision to abolish faith. Moreover, there are many ancient buildings with thousands of years of history in the destroyed temples and temples. These ancient buildings are the products left over from thousands of years ago, and have been maintained and repaired to varying degrees by the emperors of different generations. Even in other countries, it is also a key protection of cultural relics and ancient buildings.

However, tutehem was able to tear down all the ancient buildings in the country. I don't mind that these ancient temples and temples are all the most precious cultural heritages of the whole civilization. For this reason, all countries have to be heartbroken and scold the tutehem Dynasty for being the biggest black sheep and destroying the common property of all mankind. Among them, especially the paleontologists and organizations, are most puzzled and distressed by the measures taken by the tutehem royal family and the government.

In the face of criticism from all over the world, tutehem dynasty did not make any response to the outside world. I didn't defend myself. I've always gone my own way. As for the various reasons speculated by the outside world, we will not make any response or account for them. In the face of the people's confusion and protest, the king of the royal family finally came forward, and only said one word when facing the people of the whole country.

"Is faith important, or is ancestor important?"

"We have worshiped the gods for thousands of years, anubis betrayed us, and he committed intolerable crimes against us!"

As for the kind of criminal act that makes the outside world guess and makes governments curious, what is it. Neither the royal family nor the government gave a positive answer.

This country, whether in the past or now. They all go their own way and ignore the doubts of the outside world. They will not interfere with their own policies and actions because of external factors. One is the founder and disseminator of the original civilization since ancient times, and the other is the strong national strength of this country that can not be ignored. Today, tutehem is the superpower with the largest number of aircraft carrier battle groups in the world except the United States.

Their fleets are active in several areas, including the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. All of the above areas have the overseas territories of the tutehem Dynasty, and all of them are island territories. However, these places have very considerable resources, buried in the seabed. In addition to these reasons, there is also a natural reason for showing off force, as well as the overt and covert fighting against the United States!

At present, the succeeding king of tutehem Dynasty is tut XVII. The old king Huth has already abdicated and enjoyed his old age! This young king controls one of the strongest countries on the planet, although their population is only 20 million. However, the wealth and military strength of this country is a real superpower that can not be ignored! It is not only a regional hegemonic country, but also a powerful country that can make the earth tremble when sneezing all over the world.

Today, the young king, King Tut XVII, is constantly losing his temper in his bedroom. To be exact, he was angry with his ministers and members of Parliament.

"Your Majesty, I really can't understand why you want to convey such an order! The God of Anubis, which has been worshipped for thousands of years in our country since ancient times, is the only God besides our ancestors. Now, you have not only abolished faith, but also shaken the hearts of the people. It also demolished temples all over the country, among which there are ancient artifacts left over thousands of years ago. These are the wealth of our country. It's a pity that they are so destroyed. "

"Yes, your majesty." Another white haired minister said, "if it's just the abolition of faith, it's good to say. However, it is difficult for me to understand why I want to demolish the temple. These are the products of our country's civilization and precious cultural relics left over thousands of years ago. Every year, Chinese tourists will visit these places and admire the ancient culture of our country. However, if you order to demolish these temples now, it will greatly reduce our annual tourism revenue. "

Tut was obedient, and his face became blacker and blacker. He slammed his cup on the ground and growled, "enough, you all know something!"

The ministers and councillors were startled and shut up.

"You all know what, only cultural relics, money." He pointed to the noses of these people, "do you know what this evil god and demon did to the ancestors of our country and civilization?" After that, he described how tutehem was detained and tortured by anubis after his death“ Moreover, this order comes from the "Queen of God." in the definition of the tutehem Dynasty, Cassandra's title and honorific title are the queen of God.

Ministers and councillors were obedient, and their faces changed greatly. Then, all the councillors were indignant and scolded, "this damned hypocrite has wasted thousands of years of our efforts to worship him, and now we should treat him like this and humiliate us!" Then, one by one, they added the punitive policy, "Your Majesty, it's too cheap to just abolish the faith and demolish its temple." The minister added, "his name and evil deeds should be publicized, so that he can be thoroughly defined as an evil god, a first-class demon, putting its statue into the cesspit, summoning domestic witches to curse it day and night."

After that, a rigorous punitive measure, through these people's brain and mouth began to improve. Then something came that shocked the whole nation. In today's era of popular science, as the most powerful country in the world, tutehem's government and royal family have declared "feudal superstition" wantonly. What's more, what shocked the outside world is that tutehem has listed a crime of Anubis, and is in the Supreme Court of the country, Escorting the clay figurine of Anubis for trial. The people of tutehem, to the astonishment of the outside world, gathered around one by one with their own affairs and indignation. They watched the process and result of the judge's sentencing of the "God" crime. It makes the whole world feel extremely speechless after watching it, and also makes people all over the world have a joke and conversation in their spare time.

Although in recent decades, the emergence of various supernatural events and characters has made the world out of the common people's cognition. However, most of these things can be explained and analyzed by science. However, science at the level of belief and deity is unable to analyze and explain, let alone know whether these "deities" really exist, or whether the so-called deities are just a group of highly civilized aliens. Therefore, the scientific approach to all this is either to shirk it on the pretext that science can not explain it at present, or to explain it with feudal superstition.

However, this kind of thing happened in tutehem, a super power with highly developed and popular science. The result is naturally dramatic. However, just as we can't just look at the surface when we look at problems, the country and the true ancestors of this nation are real and well known by governments all over the world. Even though many people know him well, they still can't get the most correct explanation of his true identity. All the folk opinions are just speculation.

However, many countries have been so cautious in their treatment of tuteham as a "false" God, but they are secretly speculating about tuteham's scientific strength. Can they begin to touch and understand these unknowns? Otherwise, there is no explanation for a technological power, its government and royal family to do such a thing.

Because one is not good, the loss is not only the face of the royal family, but also the face of the whole country. Such behavior is enough to make their whole country the laughing stock of the whole world. However, in this way, the tutehem dynasty still did. Therefore, it is impossible for governments to guess how high their real scientific foundation and strength have been!