On the street, people come and go, traffic flow, spacious straight Avenue, pedestrians have a disorderly walk in the above. The shops on both sides are full of goods. There are cloth shops, pastries, grain and oil shops, restaurants and restaurants, and some shops sell overseas goods.

Olive oil and wine from Europe, spices, honey, carpets, leather from North Africa, Southeast Asia and South Asian subcontinent. The prosperous streets are full of rich commodities and even diversified merchants. There is a sense of "the coming of all nations". In the past, the people of Tang Dynasty held their heads high and wore big sleeves. Both men and women, old and young, have swords around their waists, and martial arts are deeply rooted in this nation. They always abide by the "hadith" and never forget the difficulty of opening up in those years.

Just from the picture, there is a strong "wind of the prosperous Tang Dynasty", which makes the foreign businessmen who had been to the prosperous Tang Dynasty by their ancestors feel very sad. The descendants of the Tang Dynasty, far away in a foreign land, once again established their country to seek hegemony. Naturally, their descendants inherited the spirit and mind of the Tang Dynasty.

When foreigners came to settle down and do business in their territory, the Tang people didn't feel that it was because of the arrival of these businessmen that they proved their own strength. No matter the merchants in Central Asia or the white people in Europa, even the once hostile cannibals came from afar. The goods produced in their territory and even the best war horses were brought to the territory of the Tang people for sale. Moreover, merchants brought all kinds of exotic products, including livestock and wild animals, to Tang people's land for sale. Therefore, the impression given to the outside world here is that there are opportunities and business opportunities everywhere.

The prosperity of the sea trade made the economic strength and the overall national strength of the Tang people rise bit by bit every day. Their national taxes were very rich, and after the rich national taxes came up, there were special caravans organized by the government to purchase grain, iron, copper and other materials in foreign countries. Some are stored and some are put on the market.

It is probably due to the situation of being a slave at that time. People in Tang Dynasty didn't have enough food and clothing every day. After the founding of the people's Republic of China again, they had a greater sense of hardship than ever before. Even though they harvest a lot of food every year, the government still reserves it. If we can't finish eating, we will raise livestock in a big way. Everyone has enough to eat, everyone has warm clothes, and everyone has meat to eat, which has been realized for a long time.

The affluence of life also made the people of Tang Dynasty have no worries at all. Therefore, the style of literature prevailed. Especially in these decades, a large number of poets, writers, calligraphers and painters emerged in the Tang Dynasty. Their works are impassioned and heroic. Their large number of emergence has driven a series of cultural industry chain, and a large number of operas, operas and artistic performances have emerged. It enriched the spiritual entertainment of the Tang people, and the whole society not only didn't fall into a tipsy, but also became more and more energetic.

Externally, they dominate the party and are rarely invincible. Internally, they are modest and moderate, polite and chaste. After nearly a hundred years of Chengping development, the lost etiquette was picked up again, which is different from the Central Plains. This is due to their environment and geography, and not only that, in recent decades, the Tang people even organized a visiting mission to return to the Central Plains. Unfortunately, they did not see the reunified land of China, but the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms in chaos.

Although the people of Tang Dynasty were greatly disappointed by this, the Central Plains in chaos was full of interest in the descendants of Anxi army in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. One after another, they invited the confused Tang people's missions stranded in the Central Plains. Ask them about the situation of their foreign lands, and ask them about their situation in the hundred years since the fall of the Tang Dynasty. The people of the Tang Dynasty gave a full answer. When they said that they had been slaves for hundreds of years, every separatist monarch was filled with indignation. But there is no other indication. When they heard that they were rescued by a leader who was far away from the Qin emperor and the Han Emperor, and then swept Dashi to establish a new country, everyone was very surprised. And for a person with such courage, and then beat the cannibal backbone of the leader extremely curious.

And the Tang mission, talking about their founding monarch, is naturally a strong boast. It is just like the emperor of heaven coming to the world and relegating the immortals to the world, which makes the Central Plains have a very strong curiosity about the emperors in the population of Tang Dynasty. In addition, he kept a certain degree of vigilance towards the Tang people, for fear that these exiled Tang people would return to the Central Plains again, which would be another powerful enemy. As a result, the separatist forces with strong "shangguo feelings" wantonly enfeoffed the Tang people to show their "shangguo bearing", and wantonly rewarded a lot of money, cloth, jade and other things, so as to draw a clear line. Naturally, the people of the Tang Dynasty knew very well that this tune of the Central Plains Dynasty was also sad for the alienation of the old Tujia people.

After staying in the Central Plains for a period of time, the Tang missions began to travel back and forth. In the following days, the Tang people learned from the cannibals that the central plains were unified again, and a country called "song" was established. With the approval of the contemporary monarch, another group of large-scale missions were set up. Starting from Egypt under the control of cannibals, with the help of their own witches, they transported the ships to the Red Sea by magic. After that, a large team of envoys sailed along the Red Sea, along the South Asian continental line, across the Strait of Malacca, and finally landed from China's southern port.

After landing, inform the local officials of their intention. When the local counsellors learned that these large-scale envoys were the adherents of the Tang Dynasty who had come to the Central Plains in those years, they were very surprised. Then, a sense of superiority of China suddenly rose, and then expanded. However, the officials were very polite to the foreign envoys who visited for the first time, and told the imperial court the news of the Tang mission with the mentality of "eight hundred Li urgent". After that, the Tang people sailed along the continental line, landed in Su state, and then came to Kaifeng, the capital of the Song Dynasty. They were warmly welcomed by Zhao Guangyi.

The Tang people naturally did not care about the canonization of the Central Plains Dynasty. Their strength was not bad, and they were a regional hegemony. Even in the broad world, they were also several powerful countries. Therefore, the Tang delegation extended warm greetings to Zhao Guangyi from the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, congratulated them on their unification again, and submitted the national documents and rites. The book of Nations says that the contemporary monarch congratulates and greets the Central Plains court. The accompanying national rites contain the history, culture, tradition, poetry and drama, forged weapons and armor of the Tang people in these years. Naturally, the purpose is to show the Central Plains court that they have no intention of going back to the Central Plains to fight for the ruling power. Another purpose is to show that our life is better than yours, so we don't need to be vigilant.

The Central Plains court was filled with contempt when they learned about the land they lived in. When they knew the national strength of the Tang people, they were very surprised. Especially the results of the development of the Tang people, after comparison, even if some places are not as good as them, but in some places they are far more than them. In particular, the country's armament is very powerful, and it has the legacy of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. On the other hand, there is no shortage of good horses in this country. It can be said that there are good horses all over the country. And the cost of raising horses is very high, which can be used to spy on a country's national strength.

For them, an island country with such a narrow territory can raise so many good horses and maintain a standing army of tens of thousands of people. This is very moving for them. When they know that they have a population of nearly ten million, that everyone in the country can read words and read an article, they are even more surprised.

What the sage said about the great harmony society is nothing more than this!