After a period of cultivation, Jiangning, who fell into a deep sleep in the Holy tree, also woke up. Dozens of crazy use of extinction mantra has brought him a serious burden, so that he is directly exhausted, and his strength has been exhausted, so he has to choose to sleep to make up for the double burden of spirit and body.

When he returned to the palace, he immediately summoned Hassan and asked him about his hunting. After she successfully grasped part of her blood power, she was able to swim freely in many worlds. However, crazy hunting also had the ability to find her. According to the characteristics of her blood, as long as Siri uses the power of crossing the world every time, she will be sensed by wild hunting. Therefore, eretin leads his hunting knights to hunt down Shirley and try to find her. However, every time, hilly escaped in the hands of wild hunting. However, the more crazy hunting is, the more useless it is to give up. For the monitoring of the blood power of Shirley, crazy hunting has achieved the extreme in this point.

They spread their own eyeliner in every world, a creature of construction and a hunting dog. Although this kind of construction creature can't pose a threat to any demon hunter or spirit. However, using them to act as eyeliner is enough, relying on the result of the voyage of different worlds, and in all the world, the most structured creatures are arranged as wild as possible. Step by step, the scope of Shirley's movement has been reduced. At the same time, the search for Shirley has become more and more rigorous.

In a word, although Shirley has awakened the power from her blood, her journey around the world is never happy. Every time she comes to a new world, before she can settle down, the pace of hunting will follow. Unless Shirley doesn't use her ability, once she uses the power to travel around the world, she will be hunted wildly. At present, Irene has already reached a situation that is almost crazy. He began to frequently open the channel between the world, because of this reason, the activity of Bai Shuang began to intensify. It attacks and engulfs the world faster and faster. Many worlds have been engulfed by frost. Whether there is life or no life. Frost can ignore these, these are with the passage of time, and have been occupied in frost.

"Your Majesty, Bai Shuang is more and more active. At present, dozens of the worlds we have detected have been engulfed by frost. " With a worried expression on her face, Hassan said, "if Irene is allowed to go on like this, the frost will expand faster and faster. I'm worried that if we don't find a way to contain the white frost, sooner or later, the white frost will come to our world. Once that day comes, I'm afraid we can't stop the frost. "

"Your worries are reasonable!"

Although there is a holy tree in the upper world, whether it can resist the frost is still unknown. May be able to resist the frost, perhaps also like other world, can not resist the invasion of frost. At that time, once such a situation occurs, the only thing waiting for them is death. There may still be people living, but most of them will die. Although the high elves are powerful, they are still not completely separated from the mortals. Although they are almost immortal because of the immortal fire, they are still flesh and blood. The existence and cause of Baishuang is still a mystery.

Even with the accumulation and knowledge of high elves, after such a long time, we still can't work out any clue. For the cause of the frost, they do not know, do not know the detailed information of frost.

"So far, iritin has no clue about the capture of swallows?"

Hassan said: "no, according to the information that iritin reported. With the help of Unicorn, the man with ancient blood opened up part of his blood power. At present, it is easy for her to travel freely in all the world. Moreover, because there are many worlds in the vast vacuum, Irene's search and capture operations have been very slow. In addition, he frequently almost crazy to open the channel between the world and the world, intensified the activity of Bai Shuang. At present, eretin has not captured the successor of ancient blood. " Finally, Hassan added, "of course, I can't rule out iritin's working attitude. Ayne Ayre has always been dissatisfied with the fact that our family covets their blood, but they are not as strong as our family, so they suppress this dissatisfaction. However, in response to your Majesty's orders, Irene may not honestly hand over the ancient blood. "

"Yes." He stroked his chin and began to think. "You just said that the swallow had some of the power of blood because the unicorn helped her?"

"Yes, my majesty!"

"I remember that in our world, there are also a group of unicorns. And you said, the swallow got the unicorn's help! "The one..." his expression was slightly serious, "in this vast world, unicorns first lived in the world of ayne Ayre. Later, he followed us and moved to our world. In addition to these two worlds, there is no third world where unicorns live. That is to say... "

"Swallows have reached the world of ayne Ayre!"

Hassan's face suddenly changed. "Sire, in this way, iritin and the other ayne Ayers are really cheating us."

"Yes, I would have done the same."

"Damn Ian Al, it's unforgivable!" Hassan gritted her teeth and said, "Your Majesty, I beg your permission to lead the fleet and flatten the whole ayne El!"

"It doesn't need to be so extreme, but..." he looked into the void with a murderous look, "it's OK to teach a lesson, just destroy half the world!"

"Yes, your majesty!"

Jiangning asked him again, "when you go to ayne Ayre, bring the unicorns there by the way. I'll ask them about swallows myself."

"No, your majesty. The unicorns are all here."


"Since 2000 years ago, some unicorns have chosen to come and settle in our world, and some of them have stayed in ayne Ayre," Hassan said. At that time, we gave them a special treatment because we liked this beautiful and kind creature. That is, whenever they are willing to come here in the future, our world will welcome them at any time. " He said: "although it took two thousand years, the rest of the unicorns chose to migrate to our world because they could not bear the oppression and devastation of ayne al. At present, they live in the valley of Unicorns with their original family

"Well, go and bring the unicorn who helped the swallow."

"Yes, your majesty!"