Tirnalia, the capital of the beautiful Ayn al elves.

The war left over from the past has been tempered by time and completely eliminated. The new tyrnalya was rebuilt in the ruins of the war. However, the new capital city, on the basis of the original aeneal elves, has added many traces of high elves. That is the deep mark of the long two thousand years of colonial rule.

The aeneal elves can hardly forget the time when they called it the "high elves" of humiliation. Although we are all elves, there is a huge gap between them and the high elves. Two thousand years of colonial rule, the high elves plundered their countless resources, their people under the order of the high elves, formed an army to fight for them in the alien world. At the same time, all their actions and culture should be carried out under the guidance of the high elves.

Two thousand years of rule, even in the long life of the elves, is also extremely long. Aeneal had been dormant under the high elves for two thousand years, unable to resist. We can only allow the high elves to bully them, plunder resources and fight for them. In this "dark" era, the sages and elites of the aeneal elves dream of overthrowing the colonial rule that oppressed them, turning over to be masters and taking control of their own destiny. To this end, they endure dormancy, and do not hesitate to learn from their enemies. However, the more they study and study, the more they feel the power of the high elves. Moreover, with the passage of time, the gap between them has become larger and larger, and it is difficult to make up for it. This result even made them feel desperate for a time.

However, an unexpected turnaround occurred.

On this day, the high elves who colonized hundreds of huge worlds suddenly withdrew to their world and gave up their vast colonies. No one knows what happened inside the high elves, and no one knows the cause of it. Overnight, there was no war or turbulence, and the era of high elves ruling hundreds of huge worlds came to an end! It was also during that special time called independence day that countless races celebrated the arrival of freedom, and ayne Ayre was no exception.

After a long period of chaos, the race finally returned to calm, but the long period of chaos also made them very weak. Compared with 2000 years ago, it's very weak. The Royal clans that once hid everywhere appeared again and still ruled the world. At the same time, a new situation appeared, the long two thousand years of colonial rule, their family lost the ability to cross the world. How does this ability disappear? They don't know. They suddenly disappear. For two thousand years, endless resources were plundered. Although ayne El did not know why the high elves gave up all their colonies and gave up their rule over them. However, they know one thing, that is, after two thousand years of colonial rule, the high elves plundered endless resources from different worlds. The plunder of these resources has enhanced their inside information and strength.

And ayne al needs to recover, needs the support of resources, so the only way seems to be external plunder. For this reason, ayne al chose to take the same road as the high elves, that is, plunder and colonize the foreign world. However, colonization and plunder of the alien world need to open the channel between the world and the bridge between the two worlds. For this reason, the aeneal elves began to study the transmission tower and various profound knowledge left over from the reign of the high elves. They created... Or imitated the spire of opening the alien world, which could open and maintain the passage connecting the alien world for a short time.

In order to plunder the alien world more conveniently, Oberon muhitazi, the king of ayne Al, ordered his general iritin to form an excellent fighting knight to attack the alien world and plunder the resources of the alien world. To this end, he made every effort to support Irene and his knights. At this time, ayne Al was different from his original history and destiny. Because of an alien spirit, their destiny and future changed greatly. But things didn't go as well as Oberon or iritin had expected. They weren't high elves. Even though they are powerful, they can't rule a vast world like the high elves. A white ship with a hundred crew can rule a vast world.

When they first arrived at a world once colonized by the high elves on the ship of doomsday, Nigel FA met with strong resistance. In the long two thousand years of Chengping, the progress of civilization in this world is very fast. Even after hundreds of years of chaos, civilization has been castrated and devastated seriously, but their own productivity has also improved to a certain extent. Therefore, the Red Knights under the command of eretin encountered a very tenacious resistance, even if his knights were all elite and brave. However, in the face of the strength is not weak in the alien world, iritin is still playing extremely difficult. In the end, they plundered only part of the population and resources, and hastily returned to their own world.

At this point, arrestin understood that only with the power of ayne Al could not reproduce the glorious era of the high elves. Even in how disgusted with the high elves, but the only thing that makes ayne El elves have to admit. Compared with the high elves, they are far from being able to reproduce the brilliance of the high elves, nor can they reproduce the glorious territory of the high elves.

At the same time, they also clearly understood their weaknesses through the process of their first expedition to the alien world. The minarets and transporters they imitated are far from the minarets and transporters built by the high elves. It's unstable. It turns on too much energy. The loss is very serious! For this reason, eretin and Oberon, the Elven king, gathered the elite of the whole clan to try to restore the power of their blood. Although they don't know what they lost the ability to travel through time and space, they also know each other well that this power still exists in their blood. I just don't know why this force "disappeared" or "fell asleep.".

Now, they have to do everything possible to find the lost strength again.

This arduous task has been given to eretin and the sage of the aeneal elves, craivan espane ABO kaomhan Maha, commonly known as awalak. He is the sage and versatile of ayne Ayre. He has spent hundreds of years with iritin to cultivate a successor of "ancient blood", Laura Doren, who is the daughter of Oberon. It perfectly inherits the blood power of ayne Ayre. Her blood contains powerful power and can freely shuttle in all the world. She is regarded as the revival and hope of ayne'er, and plans to arrange her marriage with the sage awalak. However, fate teases them again.

Instead of marrying awalak, Laura Doren left her powerful blood power in the aeneal clan, but fell in love with a human Warlock. Cragnan, from Lord, comes to tyrnalya by accident and has a strong bond with Laura Doren. The two fall in love. Naturally, the aeneal elves oppose the combination of people and human beings. Oberon orders the arrest of cragnan. However, Laura Doren chose to elope with her lover. They fled there and went to cragnan's hometown.

Naturally, ayne al would not give up their escape. For the traitor Laura Doren, issued a hunting order for the two. Although they finally came to the new world, cragnan was killed. And Laura dolen, exhausted, gave birth to a daughter in the wild hills of redania, and then died. The hybrid offspring of humans and elves was adopted by sero, Queen of Rhodania, and named kalanther Fiona Ryan. She was raised as a princess in the court of Rhodania. After growing up, he married the king of temolia. Since then, the ancient blood began to spread among human beings.

The loss of ancient blood did not make ayne al give up. The betrayal of Laura Doren and cragnan's snatch of love have always made avalac hate him. He vowed to recover the ancient blood