The result of the prophecy made Jiangning a little confused. The pictures of these prophecies were too unified and incoherent. There was no sequence before and after. It's not clear when the content happened, before or after. They were images that seemed to be out of order, and he only predicted a point in the middle and a point in the back. As for the initial cause and the final result, he did not see at all. Although he spied some vital information, he still did not fully understand all the information and content.

"Aeneal... Half elf."

Whether it is the frequent occurrence of the aeneal elves in the prophecy or the sudden emergence of a group of semi elves in the prophecy, these clues and the scenes in the prophecy show the close relationship with their high elves. Moreover, in his prophecy, he also saw the white ships of their clan, whether they were the semi elves or the later signs, which clearly proved it. These people or things are closely related to them.

Jiangning pondered for a long time and thought about many problems. At the same time, he called Hassan and told him to spy on ayne al secretly. After he ordered this, he came to the wizard research tower in the city. This minaret is a college for training ethnic witches, and also a research and experimental tower for witches. At least, to study some large and profound knowledge, witches gather in this tower to study together. The knowledge here is also open to all high elves and witches, but it involves profound and mysterious knowledge, which can only be understood at a certain price. Since the tower was built, many excellent wizard talents have been cultivated, and many magic arts have been created. However, the most important task of the wizard is to study the grand plan made at the beginning and promote the plan of the world. In addition, there are other research plans and programs.

His arrival did not disturb the witches in the research, but went straight to one of the rooms, which belonged to his room and the research room. The room is spacious and bright with many instruments and materials. He did not fiddle with these instruments, nor did he come to do any research or experiment. Because of some experiments and researches, there is a stable framework and corresponding theory. The witches in the clan can do research on their own. However, those researches in the general direction, their current research focus and direction, are still groping for relevant theoretical knowledge, as well as various materials and materials.

In addition, it is to further improve the development and innovation of teleportation spell. In this strange universe, white frost is a kind of almost unsolvable thing. It is very similar to the super large ice climate, but its origin is very mysterious, different from the natural climate inside the planet. Because it comes from the universe, its causes and origins are mysterious, and because of its unique way of moving and destroying many worlds, it is daunting. However, Jiangning, who has a preliminary understanding of Baishuang, is not afraid of it. Just afraid of Bai Shuang, who knows if Bai Shuang will have any other changes after entering the world, or if Bai Shuang will have any other changes after entering their world?

Therefore, after giving up the vast colonial world, the high elves began to block the access to the world. At the same time, in the world where the white frost has been destroyed, the research on the white frost is carried out, trying to save a world covered with ice and snow, trying to expel the white frost.

For the lost people, the search of the white ship with a hundred crew members did not stop. It's still going on. Their search fleet has found the last missing place of the white boat and relevant clues. What we are doing now is to determine which world they went to. Because, in that vacuum, there are channels to many worlds.

At the same time, in that world, after decades of unremitting efforts, the wandering high elves have already built a new city in that beautiful valley. Isville, the name of their family, is also the name of the new city. It is located in the valley, along with the nearby vast forests and mountains, which are the territory of the high elves. After decades of development, in addition to the 100 high elves, there are hundreds of semi elves. They are the hybrid descendants of high elves and human women. Because of the scarcity of ethnic groups, they can't stand any war at all. After a long time, Elven wizard ashfat and Elven captain aharath finally decided to combine the people with mortal women to breed offspring.

Their aesthetic values are different from that of ayne Ayre, and they are similar to human beings in some places. The appearance of the high elves, both men and women, is in line with the aesthetic view of human beings, and the appearance of some beautiful women in the human world is also in line with the aesthetic view of the high elves. After all, when iluvita created the elves, he also created his second son man. Therefore, there is not much difference between the two groups in aesthetic standards. Although the human beings in the new world have no blood relationship with them, the aesthetic differences have not changed.

Because of the urgent need for fresh blood supplement, each elf crew has a number of partners. Therefore, decades later, nearly a thousand elves lived in the whole valley. Because they are of mixed blood, they are called half elves. At the same time, they also have to face a choice when they grow up, which is to become elves, accept the fate of elves, or choose to become human beings!

Not surprisingly, the new born half breed chose to accept the fate of the elves, gave up the fate of human beings and became elves. At the same time, it is also because the civilization of our father's generation is too advanced and dazzling, which is fundamentally different from the human civilization of the outside world. At this time, the gap of human civilization is thousands of years behind the high elves.

Although they are all the age of cold weapons, the measurement of a civilization does not rely on force alone. It's a comprehensive measurement of many factors, and the high elves are completely on another road in this respect. They are a new way of civilization mixed with supernatural forces and technology. It involves not only mysticism, but also scientific system and social operation system. It is also incomparably advanced, except for the convenient life without modern civilization. Completely, it is the most advanced civilization in the world.

With the contrast, the hybrid offspring of the high elves, their choice of the road is clear at a glance. After the establishment of their new city, the high elves took the initiative to release human beings. However, some human beings did not want to leave because they had been in contact with them for a long time. However, they could not live in the city, so this part of humanity chose other places to live in the land of the high elves. Moreover, because they are deeply influenced by the high elves, their behavior and language have been preliminarily assimilated. In their daily life, they learn the language of elves, and in addition, they learn the common language to communicate with the outside world.