The failure of Soren, naturally not reconciled. He was able to unify the whole of China, but failed in the crucial battle. The failure of this campaign led to the collapse of his previous good situation in an instant. The areas he had previously occupied were recaptured by the Allied forces that followed. Not only that, the Allied forces are constantly chasing behind him, constantly killing countless orcs. People of all ethnic groups who had been hiding in various places joined the coalition forces one after another, pursuing Sauron. The dwarves, who lurk deeper in the earth, return to the surface. They join the coalition forces, making the number of coalition forces increase.

They tried to drive Soren back to Mordor. However, after the first defeat, Sauron kept retreating all the way. He is also constantly gathering his troops. When he retreats back to Mordor, the number of his troops has already reached a certain scale. After taking the opportunity to defeat the Allied offensive, the massive war fell into a stalemate. Neither Soren nor the coalition can fight in a short time.

In the face of the United forces of the three ethnic groups, Soren could not easily defeat them. His previous almost invincible situation was broken, and the three ethnic coalition forces were no longer afraid of him. After they recovered the occupied land, they began to resume production and forge various weapons and armor day and night. And Soren, also hiding in Mordor, constantly gathered his men.

Meanwhile, Soren began to refine his plan.

Just as in the first era, morgos defeated the alliance of the three races and finally disintegrated it. Sauron took out his 16 rings and left Mordor to enter middle earth. He walked in the Middle Earth, constantly looking for the most powerful human beings, including three nobles from Numenor. He found them and gave them the rings in his hand. Among the human beings, another six powerful human beings were found, and the ring was given to them respectively. The nine humans who got the ring, with the help of the power of the ring, were called kings, witches or powerful warriors. However, while the Lord of the rings gives them strength, they are constantly corrupting their will. One of the most powerful human beings established a country in the northwest of the misty mountains. He gathered a large number of refugees and established the kingdom of angma. Because of the power of the ring, he was called the Witch King. Other human beings, under the power of the Lord of the rings, have gained great power, and their names resound through the Middle Earth. However, with the corruption of the power of the Lord of the rings, they gradually lost sight of what they could see with their naked eyes and what they could touch with their bodies. Their bodies gradually disappear under the corruption of the Lord of the rings, and become the spiritual state of ghosts. They became slaves to the ring, known as nazgul, or ring spirit.

And the dwarves under the earth also got seven rings from Sauron. As the children of Aoli, the power of dwarves can not be underestimated. Soren hopes to manipulate the dwarves through the ring, just as he manipulates and eventually corrupts the nine most powerful humans. However, he underestimated the willpower of the ring and its corruption resistance. Because of the Lord of the rings, dwarves, like humans, are not able to resist the power from the Lord of the rings, and eventually become slaves of the rings. Dwarves get the ring, they become extremely greedy, the power of the ring allows them to dig minerals to double the number. This stimulated the greed of the dwarves. Through the power of the Lord of the rings, they constantly dig deep into the earth to obtain more minerals, gold and silver, gems and so on. In the end, the dwarves' greed paid for it. Because of greed, the dwarves of the Dulin family are constantly digging underground, which awakens the Yan devil who has been sleeping since ancient times. The awakened Yanmo, with great fury, easily destroyed the kingdom of Moria.

The refugees in the kingdom of Moria began to flee. They moved to other places to survive. They migrated to Gushan and established a line of dwarves.

Because the Lord of the rings could not corrupt the dwarves, it made Soren feel his failure again. He began to take back the rings he had given to the dwarfs. He successfully took back a few rings, but he still didn't get all of them. As for the Lord of the rings, because the holder of the ring has been corrupted, Sauron controls nine powerful human beings through the ring, and obtains the power belonging to human beings from the ring. Under his call, nine human beings, who became slaves of nazgul, went to Mordor, and they brought him human power. Soren's strength began to increase. At the same time, he poured his life strength and willpower into the supreme ring to strengthen the power of the supreme ring.

Solon, who lives in Mordor, has enhanced his power to a terrible level. The thick smoke and poisonous gas from the doomsday volcano contain his will and strength and spread his power to the whole Middle Earth. It's a breath of fear.

At this point, the elves in the world were divided into three parts, the dwarfs under the earth got seven, and the mortals got nine.

The casting of the 19 rings of power, the only thing that brings benefits to Soren is the Nine Rings given to human beings, which gives him the power of human beings. However, what he wanted most, which belonged to the power of the elves, did not succeed. Keller blipeng learned about Sauron's impure ideas in advance, and Keller blipeng, who had one more heart, secretly forged the three commandments of the spirit. When he put on the demon ring, he also felt the supreme ring through the power of ring division. From the Lord of the rings, I learned Sauron's intention. Therefore, he gave the three commandments to the strongest elves, and let them keep them separately, so as to prevent him from being obtained by Sauron.

As for the seven rings given to the dwarves, it was Soren who underestimated the dwarves. Simple and honest, honest, almost paranoid to the blood of the dwarves, they were born, by Ollie's gift. They are only interested in making iron, forging various weapons, armor and various handicrafts. The dwarves have no interest in the hegemony of China. His bigotry made them love gold, precious stones and other precious metals as well as rare ores. Therefore, the power of the ring can only strengthen their ability in this aspect. The dwarves did not fight for hegemony, or for dominance with elves and humans, as Sauron thought. Therefore, after he realized his mistake, he wanted to take back the ring. Although several rings have been recovered successfully, the seven rings are still incomplete. Because some rings have been destroyed in the process of his collection. This makes the ring of the Lord of the rings not comprehensive.

Although Sauron was dissatisfied, he didn't care. That's because Jiangning has officially informed him that the game at this stage can be ended. Their army is going to sweep the Middle Earth and level villino!