With the voice of challenge, his roar and his determination, accompanied by the awe inspiring figure. Standing in the middle of the battlefield surrounded by countless orcs, at this moment, his courage and determination make even the orcs who are enemies admire him. Therefore, the fight ends naturally. Whether they are elves or orcs, they end the fight spontaneously at this moment. So, their eyes, coincidentally, looked at the field of Fen Guomin and that always sit firmly in the Diaoyutai of morgos.

Morgos is always in awe of Vera. He is afraid of Vera. Fear them, fear them. This kind of fear and fear, but also in his now almost all the power of the moment, is promoted to a near extreme point. In this war, morgos didn't want to appear in person, but somehow, morgos summoned up the courage to appear on the battlefield again. His figure, always throughout the overall situation, and proud to see under his command, trapped in the encirclement of the elves that fight hard, trying to break out of the bag encirclement struggle figure. This kind of scene like watching the drama "story" made morgos feel very interesting. He looked at iluvita's children with pride and disdain. The expression of struggling and dying made him very happy. However, when he heard that fingol's challenge was almost beyond his ability, morgos's heart was filled with anger. He did not want to respond to his challenge. However, in front of his army, he had to respond, otherwise, it would be a serious blow to his prestige.

Even if he created them, he must keep his prestige and dignity. Especially when his power is almost exhausted, and the betrayal from ugoliant, it makes morgos alert himself. Therefore, he responded to the challenge of Finland! His tall and burly body slowly got up and left the throne. The iron crown on his head and the three fairy diamonds inlaid on it were the source of all disasters!

As he got up, as he responded, whether it was elves, humans, dwarves or orcs, their eyes turned to fingo and morgos. The orcs who surrounded the kingdom of Finland spontaneously formed a circle, leaving enough space for the two people to move. With the clattering sound of metal friction, morgos's tall body of more than two meters came step by step towards the field. His right hand, holding an angular sledgehammer, dark helmet and face armor, let Fen Guomin can't see his face clearly. However, Fen Guomin's eyes looked at his head, the three fairy diamonds inlaid on the iron crown!

This is a treasure belonging to the nordo, and it is the painstaking effort and crystallization of the most intelligent people in the nordo people. At the same time, it is also an honor for the nordo people. Especially in the era of Shuangsheng tree's collapse and death, no one will be able to forge the unique magic diamond again. With the magic diamond on the head of morgox, kundi's thousand years of development and accumulation only gave birth to five! Two of them, originally one, were separated by their forgers. One is cast into a powerful ring, and the other is inlaid in the end handle of kunguhar, which enhances the power of the sword. In addition, there are three magic diamonds forged by ferno. However, they were all taken away by morgos, and now they are adorned on the crown as ornaments of his royal power.

"Second son of Fenway, you have the courage to challenge me!" Morgos's tall body came slowly, moving with the sound of friction between weapons and armor“ If you want to see your father and brother, I will help you! "

Finn jumps off his horse. He holds his sword tightly, takes off his cloak and goes to morgos step by step. "Morgos, the enemy of darkness, the enemy of nordo, I will kill you today." Lingier pointed to morgos from a distance, "the magic diamond that you took away by despicable means is bound to return to nordo, and the elder brother who was cheated by you to die and the strict father who was killed by you must be paid by you today!"

"Fen Guomin, you overestimate yourself too much. Today's World War I, you just follow the path of your father and brother." After that, morgos came running to fingol with a hammer. But Fen Guomin took down the shield of the horse's waist, held the shield in his left hand and the sword in his right hand, and met morgos without fear. As the two sides meet at the moment, the hammer in morgos's hand smashes into the kingdom of Finland with an irresistible momentum. But the left hand of fenguomin's shield resisted the attack of morgos, only to hear a loud sound of metal impact, fenguomin could not help kneeling on one knee. He fought for a long time and almost exhausted his physical strength. In the confrontation, he was not the opponent of morgos, who had been saving his energy for a long time. Under the attack of morgos, Finn had little resistance.

With the battle roar of morgos, the hammer of his right hand kept falling, and fingomin fell to the ground, constantly holding a shield to resist. However, under the attack of morgos, he could only resist in embarrassment.


Morgos let out a roar and used all his strength to smash the hammer in his hand. At this time, Fen Guomin dodges. However, morgos is ready to kick Fen Guomin away. In a moment, the shield was taken off, and the fallen Finn vomited blood. He was very tired. Forced to support the remaining physical strength, struggling to stand up, but failed several times. Morgos, on the other hand, went to the back of the Finn. He raised his hammer and hit the back of the Finn. Fen Guomin screamed and almost fainted. The blood in his mouth was constantly spitting out, and his breath was like gossamer. The rear see this spirit army, the moment restless constantly forward fighting, the end of the war again. Fen Gong, the son of Fen Guomin, tries his best to fight. However, the horses want to have impact, but they don't have enough space to move and accelerate. Helpless, Fen Gong immediately dismounts. His sword keeps cutting down the blocked orcs, and his cavalry also has blood samples to help him cut down the orcs and clear the way for him.

When he was dying, Fen Guomin was as angry as a gossamer, looking at his son, whose eyes were almost dim. He heard the sound of metal rubbing again in his ears. He turned his head and looked, but he saw morgos' hammer. At this time, a force came from somewhere in his body. He rolled fiercely to avoid the fatal attack of morgos. His right hand caught lingier in an instant and slashed morgos's left foot. Dark as ink, the blood was pouring in the moment. Morgos howled in pain and stepped back unsteadily. And Finn quickly climbed up, in the hands of lingier once again left seven or eight wounds on morgos, which made the onlooker's angban army gape at, at the same time also let the fighting spirit army morale boost.

Immediately after that, Fen Guomin tried his best to cut morgos's head with a sword, and the latter immediately recovered and blocked Fen Guomin's attack with his left arm armor. At the same time, the hammer of his right hand hit the chest of Fen Guomin fiercely. A very dull voice sounded, whether orcs or elves, you can clearly see that the chest of Fen Guomin collapsed. Fen Guomin, who was knocked to the ground and couldn't stand up, didn't have the strength to stand up. He was as angry as a gossamer. He spat out blood foam with meat in his mouth. His bright eyes were fading at the moment. With the disappearance of his breath, the kingdom of Fen died, and the supreme king of nordo fell!

With the fall of Finland, there is a shower in the sky, and a series of meteors glide through the sky. Manwei, Valda and Vera are heartbroken for the death of Finland.

Morgos's left leg, the wound left by fingol, will not get better in the years to come. He became lame and could not recover from his injury, which made morgos very angry. He grabbed the body of finguomin and wanted to throw him to the wolf to swallow. At this time, however, solondo, the king of eagles, arrived in time. His sharp claws scratched morgos's face and scratched his face. Later, solondo took back the body of finguomin and took him away from the battlefield.