The consolation of Meilian comforted ELO singe, and his face was full of smile and expectation. He even got up awkwardly and wandered around. He even asked his wife, in a way that amused mein'an, "shall we repair our palace and city before ininville arrives here?" Without waiting for his wife's reply, he began to say to himself, "ininville has some harsh conditions for the environment and the place where he lives. He always wanted to make a thing perfect. When he was in quevienen, he also asked for everyone. I think although hundreds of years have passed, the character of ininville has not changed much. "

Meilian was very helpless. She said, "honey, you don't have to be like this." In the face of her husband's puzzled eyes, Meian explained to him, "I think in the luxury palace and city, I can't resist the joy when my relatives meet. I think that when your brothers meet again, all the luxury and beautiful things can't offset such family affection. "

"Yes, you're right, my dear." "It's true, though he's the elder brother in my heart. Although he likes the elegant environment and luxurious city and bedroom, he did not ask people to build luxurious houses for him in quevienen's time. He is always meditating on an oak tree. Instead, he is trying to make our house as elegant and beautiful as possible. He takes care of us like a father and a elder brother. Although he tells us that he likes beautiful and luxurious things, I have never seen them in him He said with a choking voice: "he always has us in his heart and always thinks for us as much as possible. Even in the face of danger, he is the first one to rush out to save everyone. Even if we went to support him without authorization, he would be very angry and scold us

Meili was silent and listened quietly. She felt better and more curious about the unmasked primitive spirit in her husband's mouth, so she said, "honey, I know you miss your brother very much, but you should remember that you will meet again. Didn't I just tell you? He has become king in vilino. I think he will know the news here. I think he will come to the West soon, and you will meet naturally. "

ELO Singh nodded, and his wife, beautiful ANN, said warm words, talking about the original memories. They have been talking for a long time, and finally, Marian opened her mouth, she said the thing about nordo and the fairy diamond“ It's a big deal. " "It's bigger than nordo himself knows," she said; Because the light of amenzhou and the fate of Elda are closely related to the works created by ferno, and he has gone. I predict that no Eldar power can retrieve them; Just before the jewels are taken back from morgos, the world will be torn apart in the coming war. Look! As I have guessed, they have killed ferno and many others, and the death they have brought, and will bring, falls first on your friend Fenway. Morgos killed him before fleeing Amen Although meianming knows that such news will break her husband's good mood, as his wife, meianming, Queen of dorias, must shoulder her responsibilities and obligations, and she must remind her husband.

ELO Singh was full of sadness and premonition after hearing the words for a long time; But in the end, he said, "now I finally understand why nordo left the west to come here, which I had been full of doubts about before. They didn't come to help us; Vera allowed those who stayed in Middle Earth to develop on their own until the time of greatest need came. Nordo came for revenge and for the lost. But what is more certain is that they will be our allies in the fight against morgos. Now we don't have to worry about the agreement and cooperation between them. "

But Marian said: "revenge is the real reason for them to come, but there must be other reasons. You have to be careful of ferno's sons! The shadow of Vera's anger and another curse are hanging over them. Although I don't know what the other curse is, I can see that they have done evil things, not only in amenzhou, but also in their own relatives. All Prince nordo's bodies are shrouded in a sadness, although the sadness now seems to have subsided

"What does that have to do with me?" said ELO singe? All I've heard about ferno is hearsay. It's amazing. Nothing I heard about his son was pleasant; But they can also prove to our enemies that they are his deadly enemies. "

But Meilian said, "their swords and their plans are both sharp swords with two edges." This is the end of the topic, and they never talked about it again.

Before long, rumors about the evil deeds of the nordo people before they came to belland spread among the Sinda people. The only thing that is certain is why the nordo came, but the truth of the evil has been embellished; At that time, the Sinda people were unprepared for lies. They believed in the rumors they heard, and morgos chose them as the primary targets of their malicious attacks (which is very likely after the event), because they did not know him at all. When Sidan heard these dark stories, he was deeply troubled; He was very intelligent, and soon saw that what they had heard this time, whether true or false, had a great vicious plot. However, he believed that the plot was aimed at the princes of nordo, because of jealousy. So he sent a letter to ELU singer, telling him everything he had heard.

It happened that Finn's son was a guest of Singh's because they wanted to see their sister, galantrel. ELO Singh was very excited after reading the letter. He was very angry and said to finrod, "my good relative, how dare you do such a thing to me and keep such a big secret from me. Now I know all the evil things that the nordo have done. " Finrod replied, "my king, what evil have I done to you? Or what did the nordo do do in your country to make you so angry? They have neither thought of nor done any evil to your royal power nor to your people( Finrod, the eldest son of phinaphene and Arwen, was the founder and first king of the kingdom of slond. Finrod once formed a deep friendship with human beings in the BeO family: this friendship enabled him to retreat completely in the sudden fire battle, and he finally returned it with his life.)

"Arwen's son, I treat you differently." "How dare you come to visit your uncle's kingdom with your hands stained with the blood of your mother's blood, and you don't even have a word of apology," said ELO singer

Fenrod felt it hard to say anything, but he said nothing, because he could not defend himself unless he accused other prince nordo of his crimes; And he was very reluctant to do it in front of Singh. But in finrod's heart, however, there was something that kalanchir scolded him, so he cried out, "my king, I don't know what kind of greedy words you heard, or when you heard them; But there is absolutely no blood on our hands. After listening to ferno's cruel words, everyone followed him like drunk, but soon sobered up; We may be stupid, but we're here for nothing. We didn't do anything evil along the way, but suffered a lot for what we did wrong; And then forget the pain. For you, we are just people with a long story. For nordo, we can be betrayed - contrary to what you know, we have our loyalty to defend, so we are silent in front of you. Unexpectedly, this will provoke your anger. Now, we don't have to bear such charges any more, and you should know the truth. "

So fenrod angrily told what the sons of ferno had done, told Singh about their bloodshed in okurondi, and then called in the verdict of mendos, as well as the burning of the ship in rosgar. Then he said in a loud voice, "why do we, those of us who trudge through the cold, bear the name of killing relatives and betrayers?"

"But the shadow of Mandus is also over you." Said Marian.

ELO singe didn't say a word for a long time“ Let's go Finally he said, "my heart is burning now! You can come back later if you like; My younger generation, I will not shut my door to you, otherwise I will trap you in injustice. In the same way, I will maintain my friendship with Finland and its people. They have paid a painful ransom for the evil they are involved in. Among the great enemies of hatred, our grief may be forgotten. But listen to me! From now on, I never want to hear the words of those who killed my family in Oklahoma! Similarly, as long as my kingdom exists for one day, that language is not allowed to be spoken in public in my country. All Sinda people must obey my orders. They are not allowed to speak the language of the nordo people, and they are not allowed to hear or answer. Anyone who dares to use that language will be tantamount to killing relatives and betrayers and will never be forgiven. "( The kunya language has been abolished, and the Sinda people do not use or speak kunya until now.)

As a result, finafin's sons left Minneapolis with a heavy heart. They finally realized how true the words of Mandus were. None of the nordo people who followed ferno could escape the shadow of their family. As ELO Singh said, Sinda people all obey him. From now on, the whole belland refuses to use the nordo language and avoids those who speak it aloud; The group of exiles in daily life has completely adopted sindah and iswel language, the higher language of the west only spread among the nordo. Since then, the language has become a kind of learning, always preserved by its people.

After fenrod left, ELO singe sat down, and Meilian squatted beside him, rubbing his hand with her face. ELO singe said, "when on earth did the people who were united and seeking common survival actually kill each other? Ininville, do you know what happened to our people? Don't you take care of it? "

Looking at her tearful husband, Meian comforted him, "it happened so suddenly that even ininville couldn't believe it. Now I can be sure of the source of the other curse of the nodos. " ELO Singh did not speak, but looked at his queen, his wife, Miriam, and said, "if I am not wrong, then the source of another curse on nordo is ininville. Presumably, after he knew the tragedy, he cursed nordo! And I am sure that he should have been on his way to China at this time, or that he may have arrived in China. "

But ELO singe's eyes brightened and he looked out of the palace. He couldn't help looking forward to seeing the figure he hadn't seen for hundreds of years!