As mentioned above, the magic ship truth can basically ignore any bad weather. It was a storm all night, and the waves were often several meters high, and even more than 20 meters high mad dog waves appeared later!

Many sailors were scared to death, but they were surprised to see that some changes had taken place in the boat, ignoring the huge waves in front of them. Countless sailors witnessed this magnificent force, as if they had never touched a ship. The ship seems to have turned into a sharp knife, and the endless sea water glides from both sides.

The sailors who thought that they had conquered the terrible nature cheered and leaped. In their own way, they kept celebrating that they had won the unbearable mad dog wave.

After witnessing the magic of the ship, the sailors went back to the cabin to have a rest. On the deck, only the corresponding watchmen were left, and the rest went back to the cabin one after another.

After leaving the storm covered area, the ship continued on for some time, and finally it was calm. Blackbeard stopped the boat in the bay of some uninhabited island and went into the cabin reserved for him to rest.

What happened tonight was a nightmare for him.

This is something that has never happened in the decades since Blackbeard's debut. In particular, he is at the peak of the state, the result was a person a boat, easily defeated. How Blackbeard felt in his heart, only he knew clearly.

Lying on the soft and comfortable boat, Blackbeard looked at his hand with a strong reluctance in his heart. However, there is nothing that can be done. The proud magic is vulnerable in front of the opponent.

After decades of painstaking study, his micro mana has also been taken away by his opponent. Now he is a little better than others except his body. In addition, he has a wealth of swordsmanship. He has experienced many battles and is no longer afraid of anyone.

Besides, he is old, not young.

In a few years, who else will be afraid of him?

This night, for Blackbeard, is doomed to be a sleepless night. He doesn't know when he fell asleep. Maybe his subconscious is telling him that he will forget the nightmare after a sleep!

Yeah, nightmare!

Tonight's experience is a nightmare for Blackbeard!


The next morning, Blackbeard, who was sleeping, was awakened by the knock of the door. His sleep was interrupted and he almost opened his mouth to scold. However, she was reminded by her soft velvet quilt, gorgeous bed and decoration that this was not on Queen Anne's revenge, but on another magic ship.

"Are you awake, sir?"

Blackbeard thought of the sound. It was the housekeeper who was following the wizard. His name seemed to be jembert“ Yes, I'm awake. What can I do for you

"I'm sorry to disturb your rest, sir." "I'm going to wake you up and have breakfast in his restaurant," he said

"Breakfast?" Blackbeard sneered, "is there any other conspiracy?"

"Sir? What did you say? "

Blackbeard, alert, explained, "no, nothing." He continued, "please wait a moment. I'll get dressed and come out."

"Yes, please hurry up."

Blackbeard got up, put on his boots and coat. He didn't take off much clothes. So I dressed quickly. I was so worried last night that I hardly looked at my bedroom. Now I'm looking at it. The room is really spacious.

"What a luxury

Blackbeard looked to one side of the room. There was a line on the door. He looked closer and found that the room was the bathroom. He pushed open the door and went in. There was a huge mirror in the room with a bath bucket and a basin beside it.

He brought a basin of water and washed his face and hands. As for bathing, it's too late.


"Sir!" Jembert looked at Blackbeard as he opened the door and bent slightly“ Please follow me. The master has been waiting in the dining room for a long time, Mr. teach

"All right!"

Blackbeard followed jembert, who led him down the stairs to the top floor, where there was a small door. Behind the door is the vast sea.

"Don't you mean to go to the restaurant? Why are you here? " Blackbeard looked at jembert with some vigilance. He couldn't help thinking so. It's really a bad place.

It's like pirates forcing survivors to jump off the deck into the sea.

This kind of behavior makes many pirates happy. They like to watch, the survivors face despair, helpless expression begged them not to do so, but the result is still under the pressure of Pirates jumped into the sea.

Instead of answering, jembert went forward, opened the little door, and half stooped in. Blackbeard looked at it with a suspicious face, hesitated a little, and followed him in.

However, the scene behind the small door made Blackbeard's eyes widened in surprise. What did he see? In front of the foot of a broad room is a broad staircase.


Jembert stood at the bottom of the stairs, turning to remind Blackbeard. Black beard Fang wakes up like a dream and follows behind jembert. Looking at this strange place with both eyes, I can't imagine how a ship can be in the limited space. Made shocking, unlimited possibilities?

As he went down the stairs, Blackbeard followed behind him and stopped at the other door. Behind him was a spacious and luxurious hall. Several people dressed as guards were sitting on the sofa playing cards. Some maids were busy.

"He has servants!" Blackbeard was shocked. What he saw today was beyond his imagination. At the same time, the heart of the unknown magic, once again set off an endless desire to explore. Originally, magic can also play like this!

Jembert opened the door, and Blackbeard looked out. Behind the door was a wide study. On both sides of the room, there are neat bookshelves, which are full of all kinds of books.

In the fireplace on one side of the study, a fire was burning, and a maid was adding firewood. Then get up and leave! At the end of the study, there are rows of huge French windows. The floor is covered with Persian carpet, which covers the whole room. Through the French window, Blackbeard saw a huge table and shadow.

He walked past under the guidance of jambert and found the powerful and mysterious wizard and Jack Sparrow, as well as a man and a woman who didn't know each other.

"Edward teach, please sit down!" At Jiangning's signal, jembert opened a chair for him. Blackbeard then walked over and sat down.

"This is the stern cabin?" Black beard looked around, the top of the head painted with the first mate's dome mural, can not see the specific meaning. But the main character in the painting is the wizard sitting in the first place. It's decorated with plaster and gold. It's like coming to the palace of Versailles!

The whole dining place is like a super large balcony. There is a tall fence on the right side of the dining table. In the middle of the fence, there are plants and tropical plants, and some animals and plants. Blackbeard looked intently, took a breath of air, and looked at the picture in front of him in disbelief.

The animals in the enclosure are not small animals, but carnivorous and herbivorous animals such as lions, tigers, cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, crocodiles, goats, antelopes and elephants. The places where these animals live actually include tropical grassland, tropical rain forest, forest, swamp, lake, river and other natural things, and these animals and mountain plants are all products of shrinking.

The whole enclosure is a small and complete nature with countless lives in it! Even, it contains almost complete astronomical phenomena!

"This is my zoo!" Jiangning is smiling.