In the 17th century, the era of maritime colonization was in full swing.

For the sake of wealth and status, the major European countries are sailing on the ocean. Expand new routes and discover new geographic locations.

America, Africa, Asia

Ships of gold and silver, as well as sugar, tobacco, coffee and other cash crops, continue to pull back to Europe. Countless merchants, lured by wealth, went to the ocean.

He took ships of gold and silver materials and sold goods everywhere. He brought the goods purchased from China back to Europe for sale.

The huge and enviable benefits have prompted countless people to go abroad.

Of course, the ancient occupation of piracy closely followed the pace of the colonists and flourished again.

Huge and enviable interests made pirates rampant in the Caribbean At that time. Countless people are willing to risk the punishment of hanging when they are caught and join the ranks of pirates.

Even some sea merchants also take part in piracy.

While they are doing serious business, they are also part-time pirates, killing and setting fire, selling stolen goods and eliminating traces. At the same time, black slaves from Africa were brought to the American colonies one by one to open up various plantations.

Strong ships, cannons, spears, spears, and spears run across the ocean.

I have to say that this kind of adventure life is very desirable.

Even though, countless people know that at that time, it was luck to survive a voyage. But it still can't stop people's yearning for that time.

In the days when the blade licked the blood and there was no fixed place to live, he did not agree with each other and drew his sword.

Perhaps it was because people were bound to "freedom" in the social system that they fantasized about the lawless days at that time. However, such people are only a few.

Although the pirate industry is rampant, the huge interests from the American colonies in the new world still cause countless people to ignore this potential danger. Race to the top and enter the ocean.

Many poor people, who could not get along, went to sea one after another and chose to become sailors. Or, immigrate to the new world colony, do some pirate business, wash yourself white, go ashore and open a plantation.

Or, following the colonial army, they attacked the local land, took away their wealth and land, and became landlords of the property class.

I have to say that money and silk move people.

In the face of such temptation, no one can resist.

With the passage of time, the pirate industry has become prosperous. Then, countless treasure stories began to spread among the crowd and sailors.

Some people, successfully find the treasure buried by pirates, and then get rich overnight.

With the spread of this kind of story, countless people have been ignited in the heart of blood, many people are in fantasy to find the pirates buried treasure site. Then he got rich and went ashore to buy some family property.

What's more, the pirates need to sell the stolen goods.

Some remote islands, occupied by 35% of the pirates, have gradually developed into pirate ports, ashore resting places and booty selling places. The merchants who pursue profits are like cats who smell fishy smell.

On pirate controlled islands, pubs and brothels were set up.

General fire, wine, grain, spices, industrial products and other things, brought to the pirate's port, by the way to bear the seller. They buy the loot from pirates and sell it.

They don't care who the former owner of these things was. In that era, there was no corresponding identification method.

Anyway, as long as you have money.

As for the source, businessmen can't care who the former owner is. When it comes to their own hands, it's their own. As for other things, don't worry about him.

Not only do the people provide such places to sell stolen goods, but even the government also operates such places. Some pirates are employed by the government and accept the orders of the government.

With a plunder certificate, robbery becomes reasonable and legal.

However, it is not possible to rob domestic merchant ships.

These are privateers. In fact, they are pirates in essence, but such pirates are officially recognized and protected by the government. Basically, the major maritime countries keep their own pirates.

Britain, as a famous country, started with pirates.

In this way, he defeated one maritime power after another, dominated America, and brought countless gold, silver and raw materials back to his native land. Then it turned into industrial products, sold back to the colonies, and made a lot of capital. With money, in order to huge interests, followed by large-scale expansion of their fleet.

With the passage of time, and then the achievement of the world legend, Poseidon Trident!