"My God


"This is..."

When these elites of society, the pride of mankind, cross the wormhole and come to a new and vibrant world. They were not allowed to observe the world carefully, but the scene in front of them completely shocked them.

In mid air, a huge celestial body stands still.

To the shock of the elite, this huge celestial body is entirely man-made. This celestial body is completely made of steel. Although they don't know the structure and the corresponding power, they know one thing clearly. That is, their faith will never bring them here, just to watch this man-made celestial body.

Thinking of this, we all focus on Jiangning.

Jiangning spoke calmly: "name - Death Star! 210 km in diameter, equipped with a super laser gun, 1200 tractive beams, can hold at least 10000 fighters! It has a full capacity of 140000 people, which is the maximum. In the middle, it carries a dark energy cannon, Starkiller. It mainly absorbs the energy of stars, and then turns into dark energy weapons... "

"My God

"It's amazing!"

"According to this preliminary data, the main gun on the death star can easily destroy a planet!"

"Is this the latest made by the Empire?"

Everyone looked at Jiangning again, looking forward to getting some useful answers from this legendary ancestor.

"No, it's not a product of the Empire, it's something I brought from elsewhere." He looked at the elite and said, "your task is to analyze it and understand the technology contained in it. Then, we should try our best to bring forth new things and develop more powerful weapons. This is the last help, understand? "

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that we will eat through the Death Star!"

"Yes, that's right!"

We all made a promise one after another, and then we looked at the death star with green eyes. The cold steel structure, in their eyes, is like a beautiful woman, full of attraction.

"Also, on this death star, there are the original staff, all of them are operation and maintenance personnel. I believe that with the help of these people, your progress may be faster! "

Jiangning's words excited a large number of scientists.

"That's great. With these people who are already familiar with death star, our progress is really much easier."

"Yes, in a short period of time to understand the death star, also have enough assurance."

"What I am concerned about now is that the appearance of this death star represents the deepening of our country's scientific and technological heritage. Perhaps, after we have studied the corresponding technology, the professional knowledge in the university will also change. "

A group of science magnates are eager to discuss, Jiangning is not involved, the figure gradually dim, left the small world.


Xijiao Industrial Science Park.

Jiangning summoned the manager here, John Carlyle. Listening to his report and the corresponding progress of science and technology, Jiangning quietly waited for him to finish, then asked him to step down.

Then Jiangning called in the Duke and asked him how his work was going.

When the Duke heard Jiangning's summons, he put down everything and rushed to Jiangning. As soon as he entered the classical palace, the Duke saw the figure sitting on the high throne.

He immediately stepped forward to offer his highest respect to the God in his mind with perfect and elegant manners.


Looking at the vampire creeping under his feet, all the vampires in this world are born by him. Therefore, in the heart of this new blood group, his status is the ancestor.

"Get up, my Duke!"

I do not know why, the new blood people, for Jiangning's voice, there will always be a sense of blood satisfaction and respect. Hearing this, the Duke immediately got up and stood on one side gracefully.

It seemed that he was satisfied with the Duke's manners. Jiangning nodded slightly. He looked at the Duke and opened his lips: "Duke, report the progress of your blood clan work!"

The Duke then began to report on his work and the progress of the blood group. From the Duke's words, Jiangning learned that the parliament headed by the Duke and other 17 blood groups was setting up a secret order hidden in the dark all over the world. They have organized a large number of capitalists, landlords and other elite who have influence on all aspects of society. After all, they have made some plans, such as hiding behind the scenes, controlling the world economy and raw materials, and so on.

Some small countries have long been occupied, and their economy and people's livelihood are completely controlled. It will only take one night to overthrow them. However, the blood clan did not get Jiangning's order and did not do so. Instead, they continue to lurk behind the scenes, trying to grasp the world economy and the production and pricing of raw materials, but the process is not so smooth.

After all, not all the bourgeoisie are willing to join this mysterious order. However, some people have noticed that there is a huge organization hidden in the world, but it is not clear what it is. Of course, some people look at tutehem and Jiangning suspiciously.

However, when Jiangning showed his way of destroying heaven and earth, such as magic, this kind of suspicious eyes in an instant reduced by more than half. Most people think that in the face of such a powerful existence as a God, even if he wants the whole world, no one is his opponent. So, why bother to create such an organization?

As a result, this kind of suspicious eyes disappeared most of the time, but there are still many eyes that put these doubts and malicious ideas on tuteham and Jiangning.

However, these people are just skeptical and don't know what Jiangning's real purpose is.


Jiangning is slightly satisfied with the plan of the Duke and others to control the world economy and grasp the world raw material production. For him, these are just small tricks, purely playful. However, his real purpose is to reduce the number of useless people in the main world. Because these people are useless. They are a waste of resources and energy.

In the Duke's report, Jiangning learned that the blood clan headed by the Duke and some forces that had developed for a long time in tutehem. According to his meaning, conspiracies are constantly brewing all over the world. Instigators all over the world set off all kinds of contradictions, whether religious beliefs or ethnic contradictions, territorial disputes, etc. they tried to accept new members and infiltrated into the local government and civil society. Spread a kind of extreme belief organization, the doctrine of supremacy, especially in countries and regions with complex and contradictory ethnic composition.

At the same time, in some other countries, it has aroused hatred for the rich and exploited the inequality of all social strata to develop the extreme cannon fodder masses. Every day, these people change their identities. They are proficient in psychology, philosophy, sociology and other disciplines. They don't stir up these opinions as soon as they come up. But in a subtle way, constantly publish some seemingly ordinary, but actually hidden evil words, imperceptibly affect the people of all countries. Pollute their thoughts and three outlooks, and plant a seed in their hearts.

It seems that the whole world has been peaceful for a long time, but in fact, the undercurrent is turbulent. One day, when Jiangning's order is conveyed, there will be endless wars all over the world again to clean up the filth.

Knowing these things, Jiangning affirmed and supported their work progress. In fact, the money of the kinship Council is very rich, coupled with the government's covert subsidies, so that every member who carries out special spy work has good financial support, equipment and technical support.

Now, just wait for the firewood to continue to accumulate, then ferment, and finally... Completely ignite!

Gather up these thoughts one by one, then wave back the Duke, Jiangning will also start to go to a place. There is a paradise on earth and a fountain without roots!

Now, he wants to collect these things thoroughly! For the future plan, reward those meritorious people!

There is no reward, comparable to the real life!