Half of the huge volume slowly moving in is hidden in the shadow.

The warships all over the universe are like model toys compared with the huge man-made objects moving slowly.

A silent sense of oppression is coming.

Death Star brings deterrence, so that everyone can not ignore its majesty.


In the command cabin, with his hands behind him, he stood in front of the window, looking at the missing corner of the capital star of the government of the Republic, the warships of the government of the Republic, and the army of the hateful resistance organization, with a sneer on his face.

"No matter who is facing the death star, there is only one way to die!"

Everyone knows the deterrent power of death star.

The super laser gun, the main weapon carried on it, can eliminate all the obstacles on its way with any strike, and turn into dust in the universe!

Not to mention, the first order has an ultimate weapon far more terrible than the death star.

Starkiller base!

Absorb the power of the star, and then convert the dark energy, the power of one shot, can easily destroy a galaxy.

Now, for some reason, the first order has built a death star again.

"My God

"Death Star!"

"The first order has gone crazy and made such a terrible weapon again!"

The deterrent power of death star was famous in the universe as early as the Galactic Empire! Its main gun, the super laser gun, easily destroyed a prosperous planet with its first launch.

Later, the Galactic Empire, on the basis of the death star, created the second generation of death star. Although already destroyed, but the first order, I do not know when, even once again built a death star.

Let's call it Death Star III.

Its diameter is much larger than that of the original Death Star, with a diameter of 210 kilometers. It carries a super laser gun and 1200 tractive beams. The most shocking thing is that there is a huge gap in the center of the death star, where a dark energy weapon is installed. Super weapons that can absorb the energy of stars and transform them are more powerful than laser cannons.

The dark energy cannon is like an eye, the eye of death, gazing coldly at everything in front of us.


The huge man-made celestial body represents the highest military science and technology in the world of Star Wars!

Now, in a rough way, it's rolling.


"Come on, attack all, destroy this weapon!"

Panic tone, sounded in everyone's ears, immediately, all warships and aircraft, together to meet the death star. Everyone knows that once this weapon starts to take off, no one can stop it.

Huge man-made objects, slowly moving, compared with the stars not far ahead, it is like a satellite.

However, it has the power to destroy everything easily.

Hux looked at the weak resisters with a sneer, his right hand slashed hard, and then the staff began to control this powerful weapon.

The intense light began to gather.

This means that death star's formidable super laser gun has officially entered a charged state. The target is the capital of the New Republic!

"Destroy it!"

At this moment, no matter the government of the Republic or the resistance organizations, they all started their final madness! Desperate, almost suicidal attack, rushed to the front of that slowly charged huge man-made objects.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!!!

Countless dazzling energy rays are constantly shooting, and brilliant fireworks also light up the dark space. There are warships turning into flaming fireworks, and there are aircraft turning into small fireworks.

At present, the highest achievement of science and technology is the grand art of war in this boundless universe.

Human, is really the best race to fight!!!


"Is that the death star?"

Han Solo and Leia, embracing each other, look up at the image in the blue sky, the outline of the death star and the light in focus.

There is a deep shock in their eyes.

They looked at each other, hugged each other tightly, and watched the universe with deep worry.

There, someone is fighting hard.


"Death Star!"

Jiangning is interested in watching the images in the sky. The most distinctive specialty of Star Wars has always been his goal. This death star represents the world of star wars, which is currently the highest technology embodiment.

To build such a death star, materials, weapons, design and layout all serve the war. This is the natural war machine, the life killer.

Everything is born to kill life.

The ever exploding fireworks can not make Jiangning's heart produce any waves. He never cares about these, only the death star in his eyes is his goal, which is why he came to this world. Besides, he never cared, whether it was the government of the New Republic or the resistance.

They are just the scenery that he will pass through in his long life. They have nothing to do with NPC and him. Although because of the time line, the unpredictable branch line is derived from the main line again, which makes him have an intersection with these people. However, he has never been taken seriously by Jiangning. To him, dealing with these people is to assume the responsibility of nanny or guardian. He can't get anything else but to work hard for them.

From the beginning to the end, he focused on the world's science and technology, and his purpose was that. In addition, it is to accommodate the world! He spread out his palm, where is floating a crystal clear beautiful crystal.

"What is this?"

Han Solow and his wife, looking at the crystal floating in Jiangning's hands, asked.

Jiangning slightly glanced at them and did not explain that he was now carrying out his plan of villain. Even if his behavior is just, in the eyes of others, he is a complete villain and belongs to the Party defeated by justice.

Crystal beautiful crystal slowly lifted off, then opened a crack in the top of the crystal, crystal suddenly drilled in. Then, the crystal came to an inexplicable space, and tightly penetrated into the deepest part of this space, where... Is floating a huge sphere emitting endless light


"Go away!"

With the sound without any emotion, the charged Death Star launched its own death baptism fire. Before the flame of death, everything was completely destroyed in an instant, whether it was the warships of the first order, the resistance organizations, the warships of the government of the Republic. And this fire, even a trace of obstruction did not appear, straight into the capital of the Republic.

Those who survived and those on tacodana clearly saw that the capital of the Republic was disappearing in the fierce flames.

Powerful weapons, strong laser guns, in the moment of contact with the capital star, the atmosphere of the whole planet will be torn, followed by the collapse of the structure of the planet, and then turned into a boundless sea of fire!!!