
People's dreams are so strange that no one can describe a person's dreams.

What's more, people can't control their own behavior in their dreams. Sometimes, you want to run forward, but can't run, or the speed is very slow.

People's subconscious can't control their dreams, it can only be like a leaf, with the dream of this piece of water drift, involuntarily.


Of course, ajert also had dreams. The experience in dreams is both magical and frightening.

Because you can't control everything you encounter in your dreams. And this kind of encounter is unacceptable, so for this illusory world, people always keep fear in their hearts. Although dreams or nightmares can not affect the physical reality, if they do so for a long time, it will have a great impact on people's spirit.

Looking at the beautiful world, ajert asked the blue elf walking ahead.

"Spirit, is this really my dream?"

The genie looked back: "yes, your majesty! Here, indeed, is your dream

"But why do I feel like I'm awake? I can freely control my behavior, including my thoughts, including my language... "

"Ha ha."

The genie said with a smile, "this is the magic of my master, my majesty."


Ajert was silent. Ajert didn't know whether the master of the mysterious spirit was the person he thought. He had expectations and fears.

I'm looking forward to meeting the people I miss so much, and I'm afraid that everything is a dream

Somehow, in the dream, ajert was not afraid of the strange looking spirit ahead. In the heart, on the contrary, it is full of serenity.

When they go around a lot of beautiful scenery and a lot of winding paths, they come to a pool. Above the pool, there is a small waterfall. Next to it, there are people sitting on rocking chairs with their backs to them.


With his back to ajert's figure, he waved his hand, and the spirit left respectfully, turning into a light smoke.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the familiar figure, ajert still hesitated to ask.


When the familiar figure turned around, the familiar dress, familiar face, let ajert overjoyed.


Ajert ran to Jiangning, looked at the figure still sitting on the rocking chair, and said happily, "father, you're back, aren't you?"



Ajert asked eagerly: "why don't you see me and my sister? Also, why choose to meet me in my dream? Why don't you come back? "

"You're on your own, son!"

Jiangning looked at him mildly and said, "I'd better make this country a legend in the future! You and your sister, all these years of experience, I understand. You've done a good job. You're a qualified monarch. It's not good for me to show up again. This country needs a thorough and visible monarch, not a mysterious wizard monarch! Besides... "

"Long term stability and peace cannot maintain the healthy development of a country. Prosperity, decline, ZTE, and then prosperity again. Only setbacks can make a country mature and its people mature! "

"Besides, I won't stay here forever."


Ajert opened his mouth and was silent again.

Jiangning's words confirmed what he thought in his heart: "yes, son. I come back this time to say goodbye to you


"Relax, son, don't panic!"

Jiangning calmed ajert's panic and uneasiness and looked at him with a smile: "I wanted to take your sister and brother to leave together, but I can see from your eyes that you will not choose to leave with me. You can't abandon these millions of people. "

"Yes, father. We can't do it. Our country is now entering a strong period, and I've just repulsed the attack of cannibals. In a few days, we will organize a counter offensive and defeat these cannibals thoroughly. "

"That's why I say you are a qualified monarch, son." He stopped what ajert wanted to say: "if you have concerns, you won't put down here and leave with me."

"Are you disappointed, father?"

Jiangning shook his head: "not, but feel happy." He got up, went to ajert's side and held him on the shoulder: "you've grown up completely..."



The father and son turned their heads and looked around. Then they saw Christina, who was dressed as a queen in a palace costume, accompanied by a strange person with a triangular face, also came here.

"Sister, how can you appear in my dream?"

"I don't understand either!"

Sister and brother turned to see Jiangning, but Jiangning said with a smile: "this time out, the harvest is not small! I've found everything I want to find. "

"Father, are you here to say goodbye to us?"

Jiangning looked at Christina with a smile and touched her hair: "that's right, son."


Sister and brother are silent, and neither of them is in a good mood.

"Don't be sad, don't worry. This meeting is not a farewell! When we meet again, you two drink the spring of eternal life. Although you can't live for a long time, it's easy to live for hundreds of years. When my preparation is finished, we will meet again, and then I will take you home to our real home

"Real home?"

"That's right!" Looking at the illusory world, he murmured: "real... Home!"

After a while, Jiangning watched them: "before I leave, I'll help you once!"

"Help us? Father, do you mean cannibal Ajert said with a smile: "if it means cannibals, then it doesn't have to be. Now they have lost their courage and are lambs to be slaughtered in front of us. Although there are still more than 100000 troops, they are not in my eyes. Please rest assured! "


Jiangning shook his head and said with disdain, "big cannibals are never in my eyes. They are just a group of ants. Don't you think that our land, scattered on the sea, is not conducive to rule? "

"It's true, but who let our geography determine our environment? It's hard for us to be as big an island as a mainland country, let alone Britain. Our main island is very small. Although Kyushu is very big, it connects with other places... "

"That's why I said, I want to help you once!"

"You mean Sister and brother stare big eyes, can't believe looking at Jiangning.

Jiangning did not answer, but looked at the illusory world and said for a long time, "it's dawn..."

Ajert and Christina are puzzled, but in a flash, the whole dream is illuminated by infinite light, and then the dream collapses and they wake up together.