
With the sound of the horn, the fleets of both sides found each other.

Both cannibal warships and Tang warships began to adjust their formation and slowly approached each other.

The world's rare naval battle is about to start completely.


Qiao Hai Er stood on the first floor and looked at the approaching ships of the Tang Dynasty: "the fleet of the Tang people is much bigger than our ships..."

His adjutant replied, "but they are very few, sir!"

Joel shook his head slowly: "no, although they are not as many as we are. But the advantage of the other side can not be ignored. I'm afraid it's not easy to fight this war... "

"Don't worry, sir. Even if we lose the naval battle, we still have more troops than the Chinese! I don't believe that even if the Tang people win the naval battle, they can still enter the land? On land, it's our world

"Ha ha!"

Qiao Hai Er is noncommittal to the adjutant's reply!

Even though he had some worries in his heart, he didn't show the slightest bit on his face. He was a famous general and the commander who captured Egypt! The Tang people, even though they have developed for more than 20 years, are not worth mentioning.

Because the other side's army has never experienced a bloody battle!


"What's the morale of the ships?"

Ajert looked at the slowly approaching Dashi warship, looked back and asked the generals around him.

"My Lord, the morale is like a rainbow, although everyone is a little nervous! But there was no fear. On the contrary, the soldiers were filled with anger at the invasion of cannibals

Ajel nodded: "that's good. Keep the morale and beat the cannibal in one go!"

"Yes, your majesty!"


As time goes on, when the two armies get closer

"Bed crossbow, riprap, aim at enemy, fire!"

With the order, the large bed crossbows and riprap machines installed on the warships of the Tang Dynasty started one after another, and the thick arrows and stones fell into the cannibal army.



The huge crossbow easily shot through the cannibal's hull. This kind of special crossbow is expensive! The bed crossbow itself is even more so. In addition to the major cities and military configuration, even with the financial resources of the Tang people, it can not be fully equipped with this super high-level luxury equipment at one time!


Most of the stones fell fiercely into the sea, and the huge waves raised overturned some unsteadily standing soldiers into the sea. But after a few stones hit the target, they easily smashed through the ship deck! Massive sea water, ferocious pour, then the whole ship will sink at a very fast speed!

"Fight back


The cannibal army is equipped with a few large catapults, but most of them are still riprappers! What they are really good at is the next Gang jumping and scuffle.

Rely on the number of cutting around the opponent, and then the number of advantages, rolling in all directions.

"Fix angle, shoot!"

When the order was given, the catapult and the crossbow began to modify their firing angles, and they were launched with a series of attacks. There are more and more ships sinking, not only cannibals, but also the people of the Tang Dynasty.

Finally, the formation of the two armies began to collide.


In the end, it was the larger scale of the ships of the Tang Dynasty. With the angle of impact and the dynamic acceleration, it was just the first round impact that tore a hole. However, the cannibal's outer vessels seized the time to adjust and found that they were ready to encircle the Tang people.


The bed crossbow is more accurate when shooting in close range. In addition, the archers and crossbowmen on the first floor began to pour fire continuously towards the cannibal below.

For a moment, people were looking up.


However, the cannibal ships then came in from all directions, killing the Tang people's ships tightly. Then, all kinds of hooks and boards boarded the ships of the Tang Dynasty, and a swarm of cannibals began to attack.

"Sire, the cannibals are ready to surround us!"

Ajert looked around and said, "part of the fleet is left to meet the enemy, and the rest will follow me to attack the cannibal command ship! As long as you take the command ship, cannibal is not a worry! Besides, I believe that our brave people can fight five at one time! "

"I understand!"

Ajert's self-confidence is not without reason. After 20 years of development, the whole country is full of martial spirit! Basically, within a few days, there are large-scale military exercises. All over the country, regardless of men, women, old and young, their personal military qualities are extremely high! Although not yet experienced the baptism of bloody war, but on the whole, far more than Tongji!

"Kill Everbright cannibal!"

Looking at the big cannibals rushing up, the Tang people gathered in twos and threes to form a triangle battle, two defending and one attacking! They can also turn to attack formation in an instant. They constantly wave their spears and Tang knives to knock down big cannibals. Then, under the leadership of a centurion, the Tang people began to counterattack the cannibal fleet.

"Mr. general, the Tang people are starting to charge back. Our front line has suffered heavy casualties!" The adjutant couldn't believe his eyes. He learned the power of the Tang people for the first time. He didn't expect that he was so brave and skillful in all kinds of martial arts. The martial arts of a small soldier, even if he can enlist a person who is good at fighting, can not be won in a short time.

"The bravery of the Tang people is beyond our imagination! For more than 20 years, the other side has not only increased its population, but also possessed such an army! We must get rid of them, no matter how much we pay! " Qiao Hai Er began to order: "attack the other party's command ship, as long as we win the king of the Tang people, then we will win."

Since ancient times, there have been many places to catch the king first.

The command ships of both sides began to accelerate, and under the protection of the escort ships, they began to attack each other's command ships.

"It's your turn, Mr. Wallace!" Ajertes doesn't worry at all. He has this confidence. What's more, he has the card to turn defeat into victory, so he doesn't worry about cannibalism.

"Yes, your majesty!"

Wallace wizard saluted respectfully, and then the group of tutors from green jade college began to stand in the bow, waving their wands and reciting incantations. Then, large areas of fire clouds gathered, followed by a meteor shower.

Countless fireballs poured into the cannibal formation, and the fireballs from the sky lit the cannibal's sails in an instant. Countless people began to panic the rescue, everywhere is shouting, the scene is extremely chaotic.


With that, ajert jumped directly down, and then rushed to the cannibal ship with his whole body close to the sea. At the same time, his eyes were golden, his left hand held up, and the firelight flowed. With a fierce wave, the huge fireball ignited the Dashi boat on the road.


"Are you the commander of the cannibal?"

Ajert stood in front of Joel, his cloak flying behind him, and his armor shining with light light. Golden eyes, set off by the surrounding fire, are like gods!

The performance just now is extremely eye-catching.

After the Tang people saw it, their morale soared again, but after the cannibal saw it, their morale plummeted.

"You... Are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty?" Some can't believe it, and then look gloomy, look at ajert's eyes with a thick color of fear.


Ajert didn't want to grind with him, and his sword came out of the sheath and slowly approached Joel.


With a solemn face, Joel pulled out his machete to fight, and then the soldiers on the ship took out their weapons to besiege ajert.

"That's all you do!"

In his eyes, the golden brilliance and the invisible impact force instantly sent hundreds of cannibal soldiers into the sea. The whole deck was empty in an instant.

"It's your turn!"

"Damn it, devil!"

With a roar, Joel raised his machete and rushed to ajert.

Ding ~ Ding ~ Qiang!

Compared with the ferocious Joel, ajert is undoubtedly very relaxed. He didn't care, and even began to mock Joel.

"You cannibals, how you were trampled by my father at the beginning, how you should be trampled by me today!"

Fierce force, a huge force hit, Joel fell back, and then ajert kicked in Joel's abdomen.

Joel only felt that his whole stomach, like a river and a sea, was sweet in his mouth, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"I actually..."

Qiao Hai Er can't believe that he can't walk a few moves in the hands of this young monarch! If you fight tightly for several times, you will be easily defeated by the other side!

"Go and see your Allah."

Eyes show ferocious, and then the sword slashes fiercely!

Joel felt a sharp pain in an instant, and then the whole person's vision was completely dim!

"It's over!"

Looking up at the sky, and looking around the battlefield, he said rather uninteresting: "this is not war. It's obviously bullying children."
