
"These things you prepare are divination rituals?" Jiangning pointed to the pile of things in front of her and looked at the busy Natalia.

In her busy schedule, Natalia took the time to answer him: "of course, it's a divination ceremony, but I'm a little special!"


Lilith looked at the pile of things, and the magic array arranged by Natalia, and said, "I don't think it's special. It's similar to what's written in the novel!"


Natalia: --

Natalia rolled her eyes helplessly: "forget it. Later, you will know. " She looked at Jiangning: "give me yadunis's arm!"

"Here you are!"

Instead of picking it up with her hands, Natalia raised her arms slightly, her palms glowing white, and held up Adonis' broken arm to put it on the platform of the ceremony.

"Is there anything else to prepare?" Jiangning asked her.

Natalia: Yes


Natalia: shut up



When everything is ready, Natalia asks Jiangning and Lilith to step back. Then, she stepped onto a slightly higher stone platform. In front of her, there were five strange shaped wooden columns, arranged in five corners, and a magic array of five pointed stars was depicted below.


A wind of Yin, without reason, appears out of thin air; The top of the five wooden pillars ignited a miserable green flame in an instant, and the five pointed star on the ground was bright in an instant, then opened a gap, and one shadow after another appeared in the magic array across the gap.

"The dead?"

After hearing this, Lilith looked at it in surprise: "is this the spirit of the dead?"

Jiangning looked at her strangely: "aren't you afraid?"

Lilith asked him, "Why are you afraid?"

Jiangning speechless, simply do not say these boring words, continue to watch Natalia's action.


Natalia pointed to the broken arms on the ground in the pentagram. The dead were instructed to dive on the broken arms one by one and suck the blood and flesh inside. Then, a faint light curtain appeared out of thin air, and the eyes of the dead projected wisps of light into it. Then, a scene appeared in the light curtain, first a continuous mountain range and lush forest, and then a towering mountain appeared in the picture. The mountain is covered with snow, and the picture seems to be drawn closer. At the top of one of the mountains, there stands a magnificent castle!

"That's the castle of Adonis!"


Natalia said the spell, then the light curtain dispersed, and the dead returned to their country again. The ceremony ended when the local Pentagram was dim and the green candle was extinguished.

"I'm sorry, I can't see Adonis. There is a border in his castle!" Said Natalia.

Jiangning did not care: "it doesn't matter, after all, as long as you know the location of yadunis' nest. It's no big deal if you can't see him. "

Natalia was relieved. "You don't mind!"

"Where are the mountains? Why does it look familiar? " Said Lilith, frowning.

"It's the alphates. The castle of Adonis is on the peak of despair!" Natalia explained to Lilith.

"No wonder!" Later, Lilith's face changed: "if you want to cross that mountain range, you must go through the place where it is said that there are countless demons. Then you..." she looked at Jiangning anxiously.

Jiangning was about to speak, but Natalia comforted her with a smile: "don't worry, I will directly open a portal and send him there!" Then she whispered in Lilith's ear again. I don't know what she said. In a word, Lilith's expression is not right.

"You have just said that there is a border in the castle of Adonis! Then I... "Jiangning hesitated and said," how can I get in? "

Natalia said with a smile, "don't worry about that. Since I help you, I will help you to the end. I'll give you a piece of magic equipment so that you can cross the border and enter the castle. However, my only concern is that the portal may be affected by the boundary. "

Jiangning frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

Natalia: literally, the location of the portal may be unstable

"The instability you said is..."

Natalia said, "it's also possible that you will appear directly in the castle, maybe on the mountainside, maybe on the top of the mountain, and... You can also appear in the sky!"

Jiangning:! "

Lilith covered her mouth: "it's too dangerous. There's a way to appear on the mountain. However, when it appears in the sky, it's just

"Only to die!" Jiangning's face was also a little ugly. He looked at Natalia and said, "I have confidence on the ground, but I don't have any confidence in the sky. I can't grow wings like a bird!"

"Well "It's a problem," Natalia thought She kept pacing back and forth. She thought of something and ran upstairs. Then Jiangning and Lilis heard the sound of rummaging. Then I saw Natalia coming down the stairs like the wind.

"Take this!" Natalia handed Jiangning a feather and a piece of magic equipment to let him into the castle.

"Light feather hair?"

Natalia nodded: "yes, if you put it close to your body in your underwear, even if it appears in the air, it will land as light as a feather."

"Thank you very much, Natalia!" Jiangning sincerely thanks.

"No, you helped me catch the moonlight potion, didn't you? Now, I've helped you, and we're done. No one owes anyone! " Natalia said with a smile.

Jiangning nodded his thanks, then looked at Lilith beside him: "OK, I'm going to carry out my entrustment. what about you? Will you stay with Natalia or go straight home? "

Lilith said, "I want to stay with Natalia first. When you come back, I want to know the result first."

"Whatever you want!" Jiangning said a word, and then he looked at Natalia: "then, please help me transmit it."

"Little things!"



The distorted portal appeared out of thin air. Jiangning checked his equipment and articles, and then went to the portal without hesitation. When he stepped into the portal, he opened his eyes and looked at the huge moon in the sky and the cold wind whistling past his ears! Also, the strong sense of falling.

"It's really high up in the sky!" Jiangning is unable to make complaints about it at the moment. How much chance does he have to make him hit? But don't be afraid that he has the feather that Natalia gave him. The feather in his arms was activated, and then Jiangning obviously felt as if he had turned into a light feather, slowly falling down.

After solving the life crisis, he has the opportunity to overlook the earth below. When people look down from a very high position, the vastness of the earth is clear at a glance, and there is a bright and colorful landscape below, all of which are illuminated by the light of plants themselves. And in the highest mountain, there is a magnificent castle!

That's the castle of Adonis!