
Gryffindor looked at the three of them in a daze. He didn't expect that they agreed with each other.

"What about the security of the college?" Roy said worriedly.

Yes, it's OK for four people to go together, but what about the college? It's a college founded by four of us. It's not only for teaching, but also for devoting all our life's efforts. If something goes wrong, there's no place to buy medicine.

However, the old friend's request can not be refused. Everyone wants to go to his old friend's country, to see for themselves the country he founded, the capital city which is said to have a large population, and the wizard Academy in the picture!

The big four are silent. Everyone wants to go to Jiangning.

However, Hogwarts is their common blood. Nowadays, Europe is not peaceful. Even in the 21st century, there are many kinds of tricks. However, the environment at that time is much more stable now.

All four of them wanted to go to Jiangning, but if one of them was left to guard, no one would open the door.

Gryffindor broke his silence and tried to suggest, "or will the college be closed for a while?"

Roener objected: "the college is closed, some children have families. Some of them are war orphans. Where can they go when the college is closed for a while? "

"Yes, they are all homeless children."

"I don't think it's as good as that," Slytherin said! Today's Hogwarts, the strength is not weak. We select some excellent witches and ask for their opinions first. If you want to live in a new place, take it with you. Other tutors have regular classes, but we have to announce that the four of us are doing research! Don't let out that we're not at Hogwarts! What's more, didn't Ning teach us a kind of transmission mark at the beginning? Once something happens in the college, let the left behind tutor send us a letter. Then come as fast as you can. "

"I'm afraid we won't have time to go back to Hogwarts if something goes wrong at that time!" Helga hechpatch is still worried.

Gryffindor said, "Helga, your worries are totally unnecessary. Today's Hogwarts is not what it was when the college was founded more than a decade ago. Now we have hired a number of powerful witches, plus some graduates with excellent strength. In today's Europe, it is very difficult to find a wizard similar to the four of us at one time. And

Royna took over: "besides, we Hogwarts don't have that much energy to attract a wizard like the four of us!"

"That's right!"

The four looked at each other and said with a smile, "well, let's go to our friends."

"That's right!" × four


Later, Gryffindor told several powerful mentors, and talked to some graduates and other knowledgeable wizards.

Some agreed happily, while others did not.

For the wizard who doesn't agree to live and teach in a strange place, Slytherin takes advantage of his unprepared and cleans each other's memory. To ensure that these people will not leak the whereabouts of the four because of their talkative.

Then, that night, the big four took a few wizards and set foot on a magic boat. Through the sea, heading for Sardinia.


Tangzhou, on the outskirts of Xiandu.

Since taking over the second island (Sardinia, Corsica), Jiangning not only expelled the local people, but also cleaned up the local indigenous witches. These witches are wild and have no chance to learn too much knowledge. Their strength is not enough in front of Jiangning.

Now, Jiangning and Elizabeth are standing on a low mountain about 300 meters high.

At the top of the mountain, there is a key to enter the magic world!

The shape of a crooked neck tree, the location of the door key is not good. However, Jiangning will rearrange a door key in the future, otherwise, it will be too difficult to enter the magic world.


As they enter the world of magic, the scene in front of them is naturally different from the outside world.

In front of me is a hilly land, but the hills are very gentle. On the left side of the hill, there is a small forest. A small river gushes out from the low mountains behind itself, winding along the low-lying terrain.

"Where are you going to build the wizard academy?"

Jiangning rubs his hairless chin, and his eyes constantly patrol the low mountains, hills and small forests. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he pointed to the forest: "I'm going to set up the college in the middle of the forest!"

"In the middle of the forest?" Elizabeth looked and frowned, "is it possible that the light is not good. We are not black witches. Are we going to set up a college in a dark and dark forest

"Of course I have a way out!"

Elizabeth was slightly stunned, then thought of something, said with a smile: "I'm looking forward to your next performance!"

Jiangning didn't say anything more. Instead, he lifted Elizabeth and flew to the top of the forest.

In Sardinia, there are not too many tall trees! Although Jiangning had sown some tall trees before, such as seeds of oak and other plants, the growth of plants takes time. At present, these tall trees are still very young and not fully mature. Therefore, the trees in this forest are not tall.

Most of them are low trees. You just need to clean up the forest in the middle.


In front of the forest below, countless soil flies into the air with the rising forest. Later, Jiangning placed these forests around the forest in the form of uniform distribution.

In the middle of the whole forest, there is an open space of about 30 hectares. Later, Jiangning to the side of the forest, with a hand move. The trees with luxuriant branches and leaves are woven and twined together by a pair of invisible hands, forming a "tree road" decorated with trees and wild flowers (refer to the "love tunnel" in Kelvin Town, Ukraine). The mud road in the tree road is hardened by the magic of turning mud into stone. The light of the spell flashes, and then a hard stone road extends to the end of the tree path.

"My God, what a beautiful path in the woods!"

Elizabeth's eyes lit up at the tree road standing in the forest, and the surprise in her eyes was about to burst out.

"I call it the emerald road!" The surprise is still behind With a light finish, the bright silver light in his eyes is very bright. Countless pieces of earth fly into the air. The magic light of turning mud into stone flashed, and countless pieces of earth instantly turned into flat stones. After that, the boulders were flying in the air, like soldiers on review, evolving their formations.

Then, one by one, the boulders kept falling into the foundation that had been built below. Elizabeth will see a manor and spire combined with a strange building, bit by bit from scratch, from bottom to top rapid prototyping.


An irregular shaped boulder falls on the front right of the main entrance of the manor. Then, five characters were engraved on the stone.

"Green jade college?"

"Not bad!" After thinking about it carefully, I felt that there was something missing. I stretched out my hand to grasp the empty space. Countless pieces of clay flew into the air, and then they turned into irregular oval stones, arranged in S-shape from the main entrance of the manor to the emerald road.

And the side of the big pit, in Jiangning magic under the lead, the continuous gushing of groundwater. Then, the ugly hole is filled, and the light of the spell flashes. Innumerable mud in the water sinks, and the turbid water becomes clear and transparent. As the terrain gradually decreases, the center of the water appears dark blue. A beautiful oval man-made lake was built.

Then Jiangning moved a lot of grass from the distant pasture. Fill them in the open space of the whole manor, so that the lawn is built.

"I really want to live here! These kids in the future are really lucky! "