In Jiangning's mind, the issue of religion is just a draft, an imperfect idea.

This is a huge and delicate work, which can not be solved in a short time.

Therefore, we can only put this problem behind us. He took his cup, drank his tea, and chatted with Elizabeth. As we talked, the topic shifted to Europe.

"By the way, I heard that the Frankish mission arrived early in the morning."

Jiangning responded: "it is estimated that he is on his way to the palace."

"It's the first time I've seen with my own eyes that a big and powerful country has come to curry favor with an ethnic group with a population of only 300000." Elizabeth chuckled.

"People are very realistic. We are stronger than them. Naturally, they will come to flatter us. For fear that one might not be careful, we turned the blade to them. " Jiangning said with indifference.

"It is."

Elizabeth nodded in agreement.

People who follow Jiangning for a long time are influenced by him. When talking and doing things, we can't help but have the charm of "jungle rules". It's very realistic. It's a little too impersonal.

But this is the mainstream of the times, is the flaunt of communication!

I am better than you, you must agree to my request, or I will beat you! Among countries, the flaunting of measuring relations is this set of contents.

Compare national strength, military strength and economic strength! Once the war starts, can we win? Up to now, it is still the same.


"Your majesty Beautiful looking maid, gently came forward to say.

"What's the matter?"

The maid said, "Frank's mission is waiting at the palace!"

Jiangning said, "let's go to the peony palace and gather everyone to meet the mission."



"Here comes the Frankish mission?" Asked Elizabeth.

"Well, I'll go over and see what kind of questions these Franks are going to ask later, or what kind of relationship they want to build." Jiangning didn't think so at all. After changing his clothes, he explained and walked to the peony palace surrounded by his entourage.


Because of the population factor, the government departments of the whole country are very small and there are very few people.

However, Jiangning still gathered a group of nobles and officials. In addition, the capital area has a prosperous population. The momentum is quite like that. It's quite impressive!

At the regular meeting, officials and nobles raised some questions and reported them to Jiangning, who was sitting on the throne. Some give permission, some shoot right away.

When the ministers and nobles finished their work, it was the turn of the Franks' mission.

The impatient Baron Baptist, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately arranged his clothes. Step outside the eight characters, into the magnificent peony palace!

Peony palace!

As the name suggests, peonies from China are planted around the palace. Inside the palace, there are also peony paintings and large-scale dome murals everywhere, which are very beautiful and bright.

As he stepped in, Baptist looked at the luxurious palace with his spare light.

Is this the emperor of the Tang Dynasty? What a young monarch! Batiste secretly surprised, looking at the figure sitting on the throne, surprised at each other's youth. I am also excited by this young monarch's sensational work in Europe!

Looking at the innocent baby face, Batiste could not connect this face with the powerful wizard in the rumor.

After a routine diplomatic greeting, Jiangning began to ask Batiste about things on the European continent, and said everything from south to north. Battiste marveled at each other's erudition and echoed.

"Your envoy has come all the way. It's been a hard journey!"

"It's very hard. I've never been a seaboat in my life. The bumpy road made me wonder if I could get here safely. God bless me, I came here without danger and met you, your majesty Baptist stroked his chest.


The ministers and nobles looked at each other in silence.

What Jiangning said just now is polite, but the Europeans just can't understand it. They go straight to the point and can't understand the underlying meaning of your words. In the same sentence, Chinese people can explain many meanings. Europeans, however, can't. They can break their brains down with tortuous conversations.

"Ha ha, how do you feel when you come here?" Jiangning said with a smile.

Baptist nodded and praised: "perfect, very perfect. I've never seen a city that can compete with your city anywhere in Europe. Everyone is well dressed, the roads are straight and smooth, and the streets are like Rome. This city is as beautiful as the legendary Elysee paradise. "

"If you are satisfied, I will send someone to show you around the city later."

Baptist was overjoyed: "thank you very much, your majesty. I have been deeply in love with this beautiful land since I came here. Hard working farmers and beautiful and clean cities are not found in Europe. Even in France, there is no city like yours. In most places, it's dirty and messy, and the law and order is poor. Here, on the contrary, it's very reassuring! "

Hearing Batiste's words, the ministers and nobles could not help straightening their chests! With a proud look on his face, he listened to Batiste's praise.

This may not be the case with the boast of the Chinese.

But such words come from a foreigner. But it can make people have a sense of satisfaction and pride, at the same time more deeply despise the outside place.

Hum, you are really uncivilized barbarians!

Jiangning also listen to some light, the mood is very happy. Finally, I understood the mentality of the Heavenly Kingdom. Presumably, the kings and officials of that society had the same mood as themselves.

Everything is afraid of contrast. Once there is contrast, the difference will come out.

While listening to Batiste's argument, the Tang people thought to themselves, "Europa, that's all! It's hard to imagine that there are such dirty cities in the world! How can man and beast live in the same room? "

While thinking, the heart of Europa's contempt, more and more heavy.

When Batiste's endless speech ended, Jiangning hosted a banquet for him. At the banquet, this guy was full of praise, which made the officials of the Tang Dynasty around him feel comfortable and ready to fly to the Ninth Heaven.

Jiangning just took a few bites and left, leaving the rest to the officials. Including the diplomatic relations between the two countries, trade issues and so on.


Back in his study, Jiangning spread out a piece of parchment, stained with ink, and began to write a letter.

Naturally, the letter was sent to the four giants of Hogwarts, Jiangning, which moved the idea of cultivating local witches. When he invaded Sardinia, Jiangning also drove away some indigenous witches who occupied Sardinia.

And then the idea of setting up a wizard academy came into my mind, but it has been delayed by other earthly things. Now, Jiangning thought of it again and wrote to the big four for the first time. Invite them to help, or send some tutors to serve as teachers.

The education of the Tang people naturally starts from the dolls. Not only to learn secular knowledge, the same, have wizard talent must also go to the wizard academy to learn. When these little witches grow up, and can be independent. Once in the future, the existence of this group of witches will surely be enough for the Tang people to overcome any difficulties!