Under the influence of Jiangning magic, a terrible scene is happening in the environment of the earth!

The wind is blowing, the waves are surging, sweeping everything!

Countless towering trees are directly uprooted in front of this frightening hurricane. Whether it's a small river, a big river, or even the sea, they all roll up the frightening waves!

The waves are beating on the land, and the deafening sound is heard everywhere! On earth, whether it is the remnant of human beings, or zombies, in the face of this heavenly power, biological instinct makes them shiver.

"What on earth does he want to do?"

The federal government looked at the satellite image, the wind swept across the earth, everything followed the footsteps of the hurricane, and was swam all the way! In the ocean, no matter how good the fish are at swimming, they all dive to the bottom of the sea to avoid this unprecedented big wave!

After continuous brewing, the huge wave and gale will finally trigger the whole earth's weather, and the tsunami storm sweeping the whole earth is coming!

The fighters that followed Jiangning all the way started to return to the base long ago!

Under Antarctica, more than three million people have survived, staring at the projection screens! The military satellites and meteorological satellites in the sky live broadcast this terrible scene in real time!


Tsunami gale, at this time after brewing, the first appetizer! More than 100 meters high tsunami, sweeping the land of the world! The first disaster is the countless islands in the Pacific Ocean! In the face of this wave higher than a wave of tsunami, the island's low altitude lucky to block the first wave, and then was followed by a wave of tsunami into the sea!

Antarctica that a large number of icebergs and snow water, is also surrounded by the tsunami, the global level of area in the rapid rise! All the major continental plates in the world, especially the plain lowlands, are covered by the ocean and pressed into the sea floor.


"The flood is coming!"

"What about the ark? Where is our ark

In the face of this terrible natural disaster, human beings feel small for the first time; Proud of the modern science and technology, in this terrible force of natural disasters, there is no resistance!

"Look, what is he doing?"

With a cry of surprise, the depressed and silent three million people turned their eyes back to the projection screen.

In that picture, Jiangning stands silently in the atmosphere! Overhead, is the diameter of 10 kilometers, let a person awe inspiring black sphere! The unprecedented tsunami activity on the earth was gradually triggered by this terrible sphere.

Jiangning's eyes, shining silver white, looking at the earth below!

The terrible flood scene below was seen by his eyes one by one, and he said silently in his heart, "well, the time is ripe!" The wand slides into the palm of your hand in an instant, and then tens of lights are thrown into the earth in an instant.


The last power of the earth has been awakened by the dozens of light falling from the sky! With the eruption of Mount Fuji in Japan, volcanoes all over the country erupted one by one like fireworks! Then, volcanoes in the Philippines began to erupt, followed by volcanoes in Indonesia, volcanoes in Europe, volcanoes in Africa... To Yellowstone in North America!

And not only that, sleeping in the depths of the earth and the bottom of the ocean volcano, also awakened! All the anger of the earth, the anger of sleeping for a long time, is completely ignited at this moment!

When a satellite looks at the earth from outer space, it will find that there are countless torches on the earth! Then, the volcanic ash spread all over the earth, and the quality of oxygen was quickly polluted. In just five minutes, the outside oxygen was full of poison!


"Close the gate of the base quickly, be quick!"

The last surviving human base in Antarctica, the harsh sound of alarm rang throughout the base! One solid alloy door after another closes quickly, and the self-made air circulation system inside the base opens! Continuously filter the oxygen containing harmful substances, providing fresh oxygen for the base!

"What do you want to do? Is that the end of the world? "

Jiangning, however, seems to have heard the voice of the last surviving three million people hidden underground in Antarctica. His calm and indifferent voice turns into a group of signal sources, spreads to the satellite, and then spreads to the whole human survivor base.

"No, I want to innovate the world again! Go and see with your own eyes, the drift of the continental plate! "

There is such a violent and terrifying trend on the earth, which is followed by a big earthquake! The unprecedented earthquake has begun, enough to create a world pattern again!

The first is the Japanese archipelago!

Under the combined toss of tsunami, hurricane, volcanic eruption and earthquake, the Japanese archipelago was the first to collapse! Debris from the land and the remaining buildings are constantly dumped into the ocean( (2012) is followed by the island countries and islands all over the world.

Philippines, Indonesia, New Zealand, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Britain, Ireland... Caribbean islands, Pacific, Australia, New Zealand... Countless islands collapsed and scattered into the sea!

Next, Central America began to collapse! Then, there is Antarctica, where the thick ice and snow, like shaking dustpan, the ice and snow will be overturned into the sea!

Finally, the chain reaction began to spread all over the world! The location of the three continents of Eurasia and Africa has been loosened, and the location of North and South America has also begun to loosen! Antarctica also began to move towards the north.

In the end, except for the southern part of the continent to retain part of the land! The rest went down to the bottom of the sea, followed by West Asia, Central Asia and most of Europe! Keep only part of Western Europe and central Europe! On the Asian continent, China has lost more than half of its territory. Only the southwest, northwest and a few parts of the Central Plains have been preserved! North America and South America, except for the location of the western mountains, because of geographical factors to retain more, the rest of the land sank into the sea!

And the drift of the continental plate is still going on! The position of Antarctica begins to shift to 40 n ° Right and left! The remaining Asia, Europe, Africa and the United States also began to contact with Antarctica in this process! As several continents collided with each other, Antarctica lost a small part of its land and sank to the bottom of the sea, as did the remaining land of several large states! One part of it broke away from the mainland and became an island on the sea because of the collision. The other part of it was integrated with the Antarctic continent which completely broke away from the ice and snow!

Finally, the land area of the new world, including some islands scattered in the ocean, is about 15.21 million square kilometers! Before the disaster, the total land area of the earth was about 149 million square kilometers! Today, the living space of human beings has shrunk to 15.21 million square kilometers. And the territorial area of the sea, suddenly rising! Nowadays, when we look at the earth from outer space, we can't see the beautiful and vivid image of the earth! Today's earth is a veritable "Mercury" with only 40 N latitude ° Location, see half a day to see a lonely continent floating in the sea! Surrounded by the sea, poor little one!


The earth's dramatic changes in the sky, began to gradually stabilize! The earth is stable again! After this toss, the world's original strength is greatly damaged. I don't know how long it will take to recover to the strong strength before the catastrophe.

And the whole atmosphere is covered with thick volcanic ash! Today's earth, a repeat of the prehistoric scene! However, Jiangning rarely used a spell to clean up the earth. Now it only takes about 100 years for human beings and the remaining animals and plants to return to the ground. I believe that at that time, the last island continent of the earth has been occupied by endless forests and some beasts living in the forests!

To this end, Jiangning expelled the residual T virus in the atmosphere! Release an active substance, and the world has begun to consciously change itself! This is also related to Jiangning. After all, he directed everything and arranged everything. And, timely guidance and change, so he left an active force in the atmosphere! And the world has begun to change according to this active force. The rules have slowly changed and are about to become different.

Jiangning directed the process of extermination and "creation" change, and the source of the harvest is quite huge! The earth's billions of years of accumulation, he almost wiped out! However, Jiangning did not do so absolutely, leaving the seeds of guidance! What's more, Jiangning can clearly feel that the origin of the world is slowly changing, as if it is... More pure?

Jiangning knew that his experiment was initially successful, and he already had a more accurate idea in his heart! All this seems meaningless, but it's all preparation for the grand plan! The key to the promotion of level 5 wizard lies in this grand blueprint!