In just three months, the social order was completely out of control! There are living dead everywhere. The living dead occupy major cities all over the world. Gradually, as time goes on, governments all over the world are in a semi paralyzed state.

Especially in these three months, the virus seems to have evolved and become more violent! All over the world, 60% of the population are infected overnight without Recruitment! This sudden infection and change is amazing. Governments all over the world are not prepared at all, and people all over the world are not prepared. Countless cities have been occupied.

Innumerable metropolises, which were once second to none in the world, were depressed in an instant. Except for innumerable living dead people, there were few normal people in every street!

The world's major nuclear powers did not launch nuclear bombs, but this virus can completely resist the radiation of nuclear bombs! And can resist the extremely strong temperature, coupled with the spread of the virus in the air, is already all over the world! Nuclear bombs, in addition to cleaning up the living dead, have no effect! Moreover, because of the elimination of nuclear weapons, the world's temperature changes again, and the greenhouse effect is rising!

For a moment, the whole world except the Antarctic continent, because no one is immune from the ravages, even the Arctic region. There are also some living dead!

In the face of this despairing world, the whole world began to be pessimistic, it seems that they are not optimistic about their future!


"Doomsday judgment, this is doomsday judgment! It's God, it's God's judgment on us! Lost lambs, believe in the Lord! Waiting for the coming of Jesus, the unbelievers will perish, and the voters who believe in God will go straight to heaven without being cleansed! "

In one of the underground shelters, the priest is preaching, spreading the glory of God.

Christians gathered around, holding the Bible with a black cover in their hands, and looking at the priest fanatically; Constantly draw a cross in the chest, looking forward to escape the doomsday trial!


"The end of the world is coming, and mankind will be clear. Nature is angry, God is angry! All this, God has already prompted mankind, why no one attaches importance to all this? Why? The end has come, and everything has come true. "

"One by one there is food shortage, there must be a big earthquake, one by one there must be pestilence... All these have come true. Have we had enough since three months ago? No, we are all starving and on the run. Now there is no place to escape. We can only hide underground! Ha ha... "


In the face of such a result, no one can say anything!

Too sudden, everything is too sudden, too fast for people to respond, too late to pay attention! When human beings pay attention to it, everything is irretrievable.

In the last second, it was prosperous and full of vitality, and all walks of life were booming. People are busy everywhere for a better life every day! However, all this is ruined!

Everywhere to avoid, like a street mouse general crowd, at this moment is how I hope to live in the world three months ago! If everything can be done, I will cherish the opportunity in front of me! However, it's a pity that everything can't be repeated. It's God's patent to turn back time! Mortals, how can it affect time?

The collapse of the world order and the disorder in all aspects have provided a powerful force and foundation for the development of those religions and cult organizations.

"Human beings, let's go astray! God has long known the coming of this day, and the prophets have long predicted it. But, in the past, you didn't believe it. Now repent and think about it carefully. What are the signs before the end of the world? "

"It's a common phenomenon to love oneself, to be greedy for money, to disobey parents, to be unfaithful, to have no family affection, to be slow and uncontrollable, to be fierce, to have a bad social atmosphere, and to divorce."

Countless people look at books, and when they see these "prophecies," they suddenly realize it! Even if I have heard of it for a long time, the end of the world did not come. Now... It has come true.

Countless people cried and prayed to their respective gods for forgiveness!

However, there are still countless people like this world!

In such a doomsday environment, the identities of human beings and all things are completely equal for the first time!

Rich, poor, high-ranking officials, stars, soldiers, tycoons... Whether you are princes, generals or peddlers! All, in this doomsday environment, everyone is equal! They can no longer enjoy the scenery of front and back.

In this world of lack of medicine, how ridiculous are the "upper class people" who once made ordinary people look up to and yearn for less? And what happens when they face people they used to despise? Is it not to lower their heads, pray for mercy and give them a bite to eat?

Hatred of the rich, in the wanton revenge!

They are crazy abuse these people, beating, Jian Yin, wanton ridicule! What they wanted to do but did not dare to do before, now they have no such scruples at all! Law has long been like waste paper!

Chaos, chaos, chaos!


Somewhere in Antarctica, under a science station!

It used to be a scientific exploration station in China, but now it still looks the same! However, its underground is totally different! In the face of this sudden shock of the end of the world, the governments of all countries rarely agree. Mankind, under this doomsday attack, has finally begun to unify for the first time!

Governments all over the world have put forward their own home care technology and spent countless human and material resources to build a refuge base under the remote Antarctic continent!

Because of the special system of China, the Chinese government is the least affected country in the global crisis( Compared with the rest of the countries), the strength of preservation is also the most! Therefore, the remaining heads of state have organized a meeting one after another! The government agencies headed by China, the United States and Russia have been determined! The rest of the remaining national government is the political system of Parliament, and banned the country and the nation, collectively referred to as mankind! The new government is called the "Federal Republic of earth peace.".

The goal that countless people want to achieve in history, now in the context of the end of the world, has been achieved for the first time! This can also be regarded as the first unification and union of mankind! All countries and nationalities have put down their prejudices, started to unite and unite at a high level, and worked hard to establish human civilization again in the future!

Therefore, they chose Antarctica, the last pure land of human beings, as the base camp for the resurgence! And the old world outside, all abandoned! Countless ships, warships, planes, tanks and other weapons, all transported to Antarctica! Spent a lot of money, in Antarctica this ice covered continent, built a base, the last bastion of human civilization!

In just three months, human beings have used their remaining and most advanced technology; Rigidly in this permafrost, rebuild a new base! This efficiency is quite amazing. It is the result of opening and hanging in a flash!


"At present, how much of our base has been completed?"

In the newly formed federal parliament, the former heads of state began to gather for a meeting!

"At present, only about 5% of the progress of the base has been completed, and the goal of accommodating tens of millions of people has been achieved! It will take at least 20 years, and we need to find a way to reserve grain as soon as possible! "

"Australia and New Zealand, where the land is vast and sparsely populated! Compared with Europe, Asia, Africa and the United States, it is easy to clean up! Clear these two areas first, and then plant food crops! Hope to succeed! At the same time, we need to open up the underground ecological environment circle, and hope that the scientific research department can complete it as soon as possible, which is vital to the survival of mankind! Once we perish, if the earth gives birth to human beings again in the future, then we can only be guessed by latecomers and explore the reasons for our extinction! Maybe we can't even leave a trace! "

Pessimistic mood, once again filled the entire chamber!


"My master, you want to destroy the world? Destroy mankind? " Marcus has witnessed the changes of the outside world in the past three months! Jiangning for this only by a bottle of virus, will completely eliminate the human world move, retain endless fear! It is appalling that we do not regard billions of people in our eyes.

Jiangning played with the crystal ball in his hand. Marcus and Victor looked up at the crystal ball, then lowered their heads in horror! In the crystal ball, they saw countless men and women, old and young souls, wandering in pain! Whatever the outcome of this experiment, the billions of souls alone are worth it.

"No, it's just an experiment! At present, it's not the time! If one day I change my mind, let them go! Ha ha, the environment of purgatory saves a lot of trouble! "