Detect the number of life on the planet... Completely destroyed

The analysis results of omnivision eye are exactly like a supercomputer; Within the detection range of its eyes, everything is revealed in great detail.

This function, for all eyes, is totally overqualified.

"Things went well beyond expectation. I thought there would be a fierce battle? Who knows... Ha ha. " Looking at the beautiful planet below, Jiangning's eyes were shining with a sharp light.

The curse of extinction, again.

Unspeakable powerful force, across countless time and space, came in a flash. The powerful force will wipe out everything that dares to hinder its progress.

The use of extinction mantra once again makes Jiangning feel different from the first time; This is a specious feeling, which can be intuitively understood, but cannot be explained. It seems that before this feeling, any language or words are difficult to describe.

Before, for the extermination mantra. Jiangning just regards it as a terrible and powerful curse. Now, with the gradual deepening of the foundation, Jiangning has an indescribable understanding of the extinction curse. But it can not be explained that it is such a contradiction, but it is reasonable.

The origin of the huge world is pouring into the small world along the imperceptible "channel". Small world has taken over all of them, but Jiangning finds it difficult for small world to get promoted again. In his subconscious mind, he makes the small world like a diversified evolution. In this way, every time the small world wants to be promoted again, it will cost countless world resources. What's more, it seems that the small world at present can't exert the same effect as it did when it was first absorbed.

Such a situation means that the world origin that we have obtained is no longer able to help the small world get promoted. If you want to be promoted, you must seek a higher level of world origin, and some of the worlds Jiangning is experiencing are ordinary. The combat power depends on science and technology, and life bodies are ordinary life. There is no extraordinary life, such a world, doomed its world origin is only secondary origin. Unless, such a pure world of science and technology, the birth of a strong science and technology civilization. Once such a civilization is born, the corresponding world or universe will also be promoted.

But it's rare.

But Jiangning did not have enough time or patience to wait; That's a small chance. It's zero, so his plan has to be speeded up.


Touching the ring on his left hand, Jiangning came to jiezhonglin in an instant. Looking up at the void, relying on the characteristics of the soul and the world, we find that the small world swallows Lin much faster.

"It seems that if we continue with such a good situation, we will soon be able to annex jiezhonglin." Jiangning thought to himself that his eyes were shining and he returned to the main world.


1974, Mediterranean island country, tutehem.

Since 1973, the "terrorist attack" in Paris last year. Governments of all countries have increased military spending and scientific research investment.

The aim, of course, is to put an end to events like those in Paris, France, in 1973. That incident had a profound impact on the people of Paris. Afterwards, under the government's appeasement and more than a year's appeasement, Parisians seem to have forgotten a lot. Although the people gradually forget, but the French government has not forgotten.

That kind of powerful and invincible power makes governments all over the world fear it. Especially for Jiangning display of celestial bodies, especially deep memory! That terrible magic almost destroyed the whole of Paris. After learning the identity of Jiangning, the French government once asked the tutehem government to compensate them for their losses, but it was flatly rejected; For a moment, the official relationship between the two countries fell below the freezing point.

But the French government has no courage to declare war and defend the glorious dignity of France! The fighting between the two governments has always been private. The people of the two countries still travel to other countries without noticing; It seems that the secret war between countries has not affected the ordinary people.

The relationship between the two countries is naturally clear to all countries; But no one publicized it. Instead, they didn't mention it.


Dr. Bolivar trisk, it's been a difficult year. A year ago, at the Paris summit, a mutant attacked and then killed a powerful and mysterious wizard. Paris suffered a lot, and the French government believed that Dr. Bolivar Trask had brought all this. After all, without his plan to publicize and sell himself, it would not have been attacked by mutants. And if there is no mutant attack, it will not lead to the mysterious powerful wizard. So Paris is still the original Paris, and it will not become half of the city, reduced to ruins of Paris.

The losses suffered by Paris have dealt a heavy blow to the French economy. Almost ten years back, and the large-scale ruins of Paris, there is no repair value. Whether it is residential buildings, commercial streets, government buildings, infrastructure and so on, all turned into a pile of worthless ruins.

Paris today is still full of ruins. In more than a year, the ruins have not been disposed of. The damage to the city was so great that there were huge pits in the heart of Paris. It takes time to fill the ravines and level the land. It all takes time.

When Paris was still in ruins, Dr. Bolivar Trask once again submitted his "sentinel plan" to the French government, but it was rejected by the French government, which not only severely mocked him; He was also deported and not allowed to come to France for life.

Faced with this humiliation, Trask left France immediately. Back home again, the United States of America. When he submitted his plan to Congress, he was criticized by members of Congress. If we adopt his plan, the US government will probably face the threat from mutants. Therefore, after the French government, the US government also rejected Trask's plan.

Two powerful countries in a row rejected his plan, and Dr. Bolivar Trask had few choices. He didn't like the Soviet system and political atmosphere. Moreover, with the Soviet economy's poor condition, it could not afford the follow-up funding of the sentinel program. It is even more impossible for China to adopt such a plan of wasting people's money. Moreover, China still gives the international impression that it is poor, although it has been paid more and more attention by European and American people because of its close relationship with touthheim. But in the short term, people are still accustomed to focus on Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean and the United States in North America. It seems that it is difficult for other places in the world to get into the eyes of the people of the world unless they are outside.

... in this case, Dr. Bolivar Trask again focused on Britain. One of the overlord of the last century, even if the glory is no longer; But some of his family remains when he went to England hopefully to lobby parliament, the government and the queen. Britain is even less interested in his plan, and now Britain's national strength is declining; The two world wars seem to have consumed the country's energy. Britain is not only interested in economic development, but also in money. It seems that they are not interested in anything else. Even less likely to be interested in trisk's plan, the dejected trisk left the UK.

He looked around blankly and pessimistically and found that there was no place to show his talent in the world. His eyes, watching the continent of Europa, Britain and France have refused to let him suffer. He also focused on the Iberian Peninsula, a country with two teeth on the peninsula, where mud could not support the wall. It seems that I have long forgotten the glory of crossing the ocean. Germany in Central Europe, on the other hand, is still surviving the two world wars. Although Germany has shown its dignity and fame, it has also consumed the strength of the country. What's more, they are still in a state of division, and there is no unity, let alone such conditions.

So he looked at Italy, the Apennine Peninsula country. But the result disappointed him. The Renaissance seemed to break the blood of Italians. It seems that they are separated from their diligence and bravery. What's more, during the period of the Italian colonial war in Ethiopia, they fought so badly, which is a great disappointment. As a result, Trask only paid a little attention and then shifted his eyes again.

This time, he focused on the Middle East of the Mediterranean. Sicily, the vast area between the islands of trich. This island country, with an area of only over 50000 square kilometers, is small but rich in products. The mountains in the southwest of the island block the hot current from North Africa and the cold current from the north polar circle. The cold and hot currents meet here, giving birth to the first civilization in the world.

Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, after five thousand years of ups and downs, the country has not been destroyed once; The national royal family is a 5000 year old family ruled by one family.

The history of this country is the history of this family! It's also a place where the people of this country are proud of and proud of the world.

What's more, after a short period of decline, the country has regained its vitality. Today, they are ambitious, but no one can see through. Just like what happened in history, no one can see through this country. It's even more unclear what's going on in the head of the country's policy makers.

Moreover, with the return of the first king of the country, the mysterious wizard king who almost destroyed the whole of Paris. This country has radiated amazing strength. After seeing the means of the wizard king, the whole world is extremely afraid of this island country, which occupies the Mediterranean Sea and guards the traffic arteries!

For Jiangning, Dr. Bolivar trisk is undoubtedly afraid. However, he had no choice but to devote his life to the elimination of mutants. Now it's hopeless. Three major powers in a row refuse, and the rest are unable to support his plan. Now, he has only one choice.

Looking at the map, which looks like a creeping lion country, and the black robed, cold and merciless, powerful mysterious wizard, Dr. trisk felt an unspeakable fear. What's more, what Jiangning said to him that day kept him thinking about it.

"Dr. trisk, I've heard so much about you! Are you interested in being my servant

"Slave!" Dr. Trask clenched his fists, his heart struggling. One will loosen, another will clench the fists, because the grip is too tight, even the fingernail pierced palm also did not notice. It was not until the scarlet blood flowed along the lines in the palm and dropped to the ground that he regained his consciousness.

Staring at the scarlet blood, the sun shines on his glasses, reflecting the white light. Can't see clearly, his specific expression.

He went to the window, opened the dense blinds and looked at the busy street outside. A firm look flashed through his eyes.

Came to the mirror, carefully combed his clothes and hair. Until there was no leak, Dr. Trask pushed the door and went out. His driver, who opened the door for him, followed Dr. Trask on the bus. The driver returned to the driver's seat again. Dr. trisk, who was sitting in the back row, gave a command. The beetle immediately sped towards the prime minister's residence in tutehem.
