
After waking up, Logan opened his eyes to see a strange room. The layout of furniture and houses is the style of decades ago.


Gently move the body, the sound of water rings. I found that I was sleeping in a water bed with an arm around my neck. Slim and white, this is a woman's arm! Looking back, you can see a completely strange face. He didn't know his memory, so he got up and came to the window; Open a corner of the shutter, the outside sunlight stabs in instantly. Raise your hand to block the sun, looking at the outside world of skyscrapers and busy prosperous city!

"My God, it's really successful!" He picked up his pants? Just put on your pants

Just then, the door opened and three strange white men came in! Logan looked around in doubt. The woman on the bed was awakened by the sound of the door. She quickly covered her chest with a quilt!

"What's the matter?" Looking at the three men entering the room, Logan asked.

"Gwen, put on your clothes and go out at once!" Said a fat, white man with a bushy beard.

"Who are you?"

The fat white man said, "you should protect the boss's daughter, not her!"

"I didn't sleep with her..." Logan stressed.

"Is it?" Three people obviously don't believe, didn't see one of the two leading characters in the room, is busy dressing?

"In fact, I've done it many times," Logan added

"Jimmy!" Ge Wen turns her head and says discontentedly.

"But it's not me now, it's me in the past... In fact, I just got back here. From the future, back to the present! " Logan's explanation is funny in other people's eyes, and everyone looks at him.

"Yes? What about your clothes? "

"My clothes... Whoa"

"Hum!" The white fat man sneered and said to ge Wen, who was dressing, "go out, honey."

Logan naturally understood what they wanted to do: "that's fine. Now you have to give me your car keys and your money. And your leather jacket, of course He pointed to the white fat man's jacket!

"Because you come from the future?"


Washington, the White House!

"We're reviewing defense spending, even classified programs!"

"We can't support weapons that attack people. If these mutants, as you say, have been living around us, they haven't caused any trouble. They haven't had any problems in the past 10 years, Dr. Trask!"

Trisk said, "in fact, you just said something wrong, your excellency. It's not that the mutants didn't make trouble, but that they have. In the distant Mediterranean, there are several cases of bank robberies by mutants! "

"Even so, what does that have to do with your budget? Because the mutant robbed the bank? In fact, ordinary people are also involved in robbery, shooting and other vicious cases! "

Trisk said with a smile: "Your Excellency, you have a very good saying just now."

The councillor looked at him without knowing what he had just said.

"Ordinary people, in fact, in your mind, have already treated themselves differently from mutants, haven't they?" Trisk continued with a smile: "in fact, mutants are very dangerous. They are all around us!"

A member said, "isn't that Cuba?"

"There is no definite proof that it was a mutant! Now our real enemies are the Soviet Union, China and tutehem in the Mediterranean. They have targeted missiles at us and our allies around us. This is a traitor, a traitor to Europe! " Some members said with a clear tongue.

"As a matter of fact, sir, they do not recognize themselves as European countries, Asian countries or African countries. They divided themselves, China! This has won the favor of China! Intelligence has pointed out that the two countries have made quite close contacts in various fields! Since 10 years ago, this close connection has covered many aspects. Today, China's military industry and heavy industry can get such a huge development, in which touthheim has made great efforts. Now we should not talk about mutants, but how to bring this country, which is located in the sea of the earth, into our arms


Seeing that the building was about to tilt, trisk quickly stopped: "gentlemen, according to my analysis. The forefather of this country, which lives in the middle of the earth, is likely to be a mutant

"In fact, their people think that their ancestor was a powerful wizard, doctor!"

Trisk continued: "gentlemen, have you forgotten that there are several monarchs in the history of that country who have the ability to predict the future?"

"It's just a myth, doctor! It has appeared in many countries in history, and more in China. Even, I heard that there is a picture compiled by two masters of prophecy, which even accurately predicts what will happen in China thousands of years later! "

"Gentlemen, I have a paper here! The intelligence comes from the CIA. The writer is a mutant of Oxford University! " Trask flipped through the document: "I quote this:" for Neanderthals, their mutant close relative Homo sapiens is us! They are "deformed". As soon as the mutant "Homo sapiens" appear, their inferior close relatives will perish! " Now, we are the Neanderthals! "

"You mean yourself, Dr. Trask?" Immediately, some councillors retorted, ridiculing Dr. Trask's short stature.

Trisk didn't mind: "when you send our children to Vietnam, you don't give them the weapons to defeat the enemy."; You underestimated the enemy, and now you underestimate the mutants. This is no longer just a distant land struggle, but a struggle for the survival of ethnic groups! If you don't listen to me, you will meet two failures in your life! At that time, it's too late to start my plan! "

"I'm sorry, Dr. Trask! But I want to say that your sentinel robot project is doomed to fail to come true! "


When the discussion about mutants took place in the distant United States, tutehem, who was far away in the Mediterranean, also presided over a meeting! The meeting about mutants is just a one-man meeting that one person talks about and the rest listen to!

"... with regard to the problem of some more and more serious mutants recently, my request is that all mutants in our country must be registered! As long as they are still law-abiding, they will be given citizenship! Legislation ensures their legal status... At the same time, we can collect the gene pool of mutants, officially launch a "Legion plan", and also admit mutants into the military, police and other departments. With the help of these super powers, I believe the number of criminal cases in the whole country will be greatly reduced! At the same time, it can also stop the malicious guys! " Jiangning talks with great enthusiasm.

"Your Majesty, what is your Legion plan?" Carlisle asked tentatively. After years of hard climbing, Carlisle is now mixed with wind and water. It not only opens amandane company all over the country, but also has construction branch in the international market. The founding of the commercial empire gave Carlisle a political heart; After years of hard work, he has now become prime minister!

In his long-term national planning policy, touthheim's economic strength is superior to the world! The per capita wealth of the world is the first, and the overall economic strength of the world is the second, which is only a little less than that of the United States. Proud of his achievements, he was officially canonized as Marquis of Jiangning this year, and his reputation resounded throughout the world, a world celebrity!

"The Legion plan involves my plan. It's top secret. Carlisle, you need to give full play to your super power and create a group of powerful legions for me." As far as Jiangning is concerned, these legions are just mole ants, belonging to the level of cannon fodder. His purpose is just to accumulate data. He will consider it in the future!

"I see, sire!"

At this time, Jiangning suddenly a Zheng, expression seems to have noticed.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?" Carlisle asked.

Jiangning shook his head, said: "nothing, you continue to work!" With that, the body turned, the light flashed and disappeared. Fortunately, we are familiar with the wizard King's means of coming and going without a trace. Continue to carry out the relevant conference content!


On the other side, the Wolverine Logan also drove to the residence of Professor X!

But Professor Charles's manor, now seems very depressed and decadent, once made Wolverine doubt whether he came to the wrong place. This place is not in line with the lively and beautiful gifted youth school in my impression!


After parking, Logan goes to the gate and knocks on the door. Before long, a thin young man with glasses opened the door. After seeing Logan, he looked up and down and asked, "who are you?"

"Er... What's wrong with this school?"

The beast said, "this school was closed many years ago. Are you the parents of the students?"

"Roar, I don't want to be." "Who are you?" Logan said with a smile

The beast said, "I'm hank, Hank McCoy! I'm taking care of this school now! "

Logan said with an unexpected smile: "you are a beast! Look at you, you must be a late bloomer

"I don't know what you're talking about, but please leave quickly!" The beast's expression looked very uncomfortable, and he was about to close the door, but logan was against the door.

"An ordinary thin boy doesn't have so much strength, beast! I'm looking for the professor. I have something very important to look for him! " With that, Logan pushed the door open and went in.

"You're in the wrong place. There's no professor here! I'm the only one living here. Get out of here. " The beast strode after Logan and tried to get him to leave.

Logan turned, looked at the beast and said, "listen, you and I are very good friends in the future, not now!" As soon as the words came to an end, Logan hit the beast hard on the nose. Nosebleed, was hit at the beginning.

"Professor!" Cried Logan, going upstairs. Just then, a wild animal roar came, and Logan turned to see that he was hit by a powerful force. Then, he was thrown to the stairs. He didn't allow him to slow down, but he saw the beast roaring and coming.

"Oh, how terrible!" Logan was lying on the ground, and the beast came quickly, and was about to repair him again.

"Hank, what's going on?"

"Professor!" Logan saw the young professor x come down the stairs. He was quite surprised and said, "can you walk?"

Charles said with a smile: "your eyes are so good!" He looked at his legs and replied, "this is private property, friend. I have to ask you to get out of here, you know? "

"Professor, I'm here today. I have something very important to ask you!"

Charles looked like a decadent youth. He took out a bottle of wine from somewhere and took a sip of it: "don't call me professor. I haven't called him that for a long time." He took another sip of the wine and said, "you said you had something important to ask me? What, I don't think I can help you? "

"If you can use power now, you'll know everything." Logan pointed to his head.

"How do you know that I have no ability? Are you spying on me? "

"No, I come from the future. You sent me here. You sent me 50 years later."

Charles said with a smile, "you mean you were sent by me 50 years later?" He took a look at the beast, and the beast shook his head. It was obvious that he felt very ridiculous about this kind of thing.

"I know you don't believe it, but it is. The ability you've had since you were 9 years old to hear a lot of voices. At the age of 12, this ability becomes more powerful, and you can hear a lot of voices. But also from that time on, you know, not everyone can hear it! " Logan vowed.

Charles's face changed: "I've never told anyone about these things!"

"In the future, you will tell others."

"You just said I sent you. What's the matter?"

Logan organized language and said, "we have to stop Raven. If she continues, she will be in danger."

Charles's face changed: "what's the danger? Stop her? What happened to her? What did she do with Eric? "

"In fact, raven is now doing a very dangerous operation. She's going to assassinate Dr. Bolivar trisk. "

"Dr. Trask? Why did Raven assassinate him? " Charles asked, puzzled.

Logan said, "that's why I came to you this time!" He said helplessly: "Dr. Trask is studying the ability of mutants and has made a" sentinel "plan for mutants. By chance, raven discovers the truth about this project and trisk's research on mutants! He tortured the mutants, dissected them. And trisk wants Congress to propose a defense budget for sentinels! "

"Wait a minute, why does this trisk do this?"

"Dr. Trask hates mutants very much, and the sentinel project is for the total extermination of mutants," Logan said. When Raven finds out, she goes to assassinate trisk. Unfortunately, raven failed. Besides, she was captured by a powerful man! This man is very interested in trisk's plan.

He invited Dr. Trask to his place, provided sufficient funds to help Dr. Trask, and made changes to the sentinel program. Some other plans were added and renamed "destiny". In the future, 50 years from now, the world will be dark. Countless mutants and human beings have died, and we are also surviving, so I come back here, hoping to prevent this from happening! "

"What you said is ridiculous!" Charles was a little unbelievable, and he doubted his heart. He easily believed what the man said. Clearly is the first time to meet, why, he should easily believe it?