With the completion of the depiction of the blood witch array, Jiangning began to start the witch array! The faint blue halo is all over the whole sorcery array! He took the Welsh green dragon egg and put it in the witch circle. Then, with a special pen, he wrote the charm on the egg!

When the spell is finished, a strange force appears in the magic array and acts on the dragon egg.

The charm on the dragon's egg is shining with a blood red halo. It seems that Jiangning has seen earth shaking changes in the embryo that has not yet been conceived in the dragon's egg. A trace of red blood in the black, constantly oozing from the eggs, sliding.

The original brown color of dragon eggs with green dots also began to change. Green constantly erodes the eggshell surface, and finally becomes the main color! Moreover, the color began to deepen, and finally became translucent jade color!

"Welsh green dragon seems to have a high level of blood!" Looking at the jade translucent egg in front of him, Jiangning thought to herself. This sorcery array has a high failure rate. If there is no higher blood in the body, it is likely to fail! It can happen that blood vessels degenerate or dragon eggs turn into blood.

Even if the organism has high blood, it will not necessarily succeed! Even Jiangning did not expect that it would be a one-time success!

Then he put the eggs of the Hungarian wasp dragon and the Black Dragon into the sorcery circle! Draw a charm on the eggshell and activate the sorcery array! This time, some bad luck, dragon eggs directly into blood! Nothing left! This made him very strange. He reformed this sorcery array. It's also the first time he uses this sorcery array, and some defects are normal.

After that, put in the remaining two eggs of the Hesperian black dragon, and draw a good charm for the two eggs. Side by side, put into the blood witch array. With the start of the sorcery circle again, the two dragon eggs, under the influence of the mysterious power, had a connection with their common blood.

The dragon's egg is disappearing, and the two blood vessels are mingling in the sorcery array! The blood lines belonging to impurities are eliminated, the higher blood lines are purified, and finally turn into a dragon egg like Obsidian!


Although we lost the wasp and a black dragon egg, we got two dragon eggs with high blood. No loss! Anyway, it's too easy for him to get these eggs, even if he loses them all at one time, he doesn't have to worry.

After that, the problem is to find a suitable mother to breed a unique pet!


After the work of blood purification, Jiangning returned to his study! Call DOMA and ask him to bring tea and snacks. Jiangning is in the study, looking for information!

It was very inconvenient for him to inquire about some news because of the different languages in the past few times!

Therefore, he is ready to find a special witchcraft from the data, which can make him communicate with people without obstacles!

"Housekeeper, is there any witchcraft that makes people communicate with intelligent creatures barrier free?" When I met with different language problems, I was in a hurry several times and forgot to ask the housekeeper. Fortunately, after calming down, he thought of the existence of housekeeper. Before, in the super out of control, the housekeeper once transmitted English to him.

Let him learn English as easily as his mother tongue!

"Yes, this witchcraft is called language mastery!"

"Is it difficult?"

"Your level is enough to learn. Its creation is mainly created when the wizard conquered the multiverse. The purpose is to communicate with the aborigines!" The housekeeper explained.

"I see. Then give me the information!"

"I understand!"

Then a parchment recording the witchcraft of language fell out of thin air.

Jiangning took the parchment and began to scan the records.


It wasn't long before he learned the magic successfully!

So he got out of the carriage and walked through the Amazon rainforest.

It is said that even in the 21st century, there are still some indigenous Indian tribes living in the Amazon rainforest! With the vast rainforest, they avoided the persecution of the colonists and lived in an isolated environment! In the era of the rise of human rights, governments are no longer engaging in large-scale massacres for the sake of shame! In addition to the little Japan, this animal country, can do the slaughter! Indonesian wild monkeys, South Central savages, Korean sticks, all of them are bastards of cats and dogs( Flood and earthquake, let them go to see the king of hell The worst is white!

In the 21st century, thanks to the development of the network, this kind of thing is almost eliminated! In addition to the Indonesian monkeys, they committed a large-scale massacre of Chinese in 2000. Even the little Japanese devils boasted by animals didn't do it in modern times.


Damn it, Jiangning is so angry when I think about it! He decided to take revenge sooner or later( With personal extreme emotions! Excuse me!)


At present, Jiangning is walking deep in the Amazon rainforest. He meets a tribe!

This tribe has a very small population, about a hundred people. It's a very small tribe! What's more, there is a bad habit of cannibalism!

Looking at the arrival of Jiangning, a well-dressed stranger, they are very alert to Jiangning, each armed. They have never seen the clothes of Jiangning. I haven't seen hair ornaments, and the three gem rings in Jiangning's left hand and the silver wand in his right hand make them curious and alert!

"Hello, I'm a traveler from far away. I'm thirsty. Can I have some water like you?" Jiangning is in charge of the native Indian language and speaks it very fluently.

The familiar language surprised these Indians. They were slightly stunned. A chief dressed man (referring to the design on his body, the necklace on his neck and the feather in his hair) stepped forward and said, "how can you speak our language?"

"I have a gift for language!"

The chief was even more surprised: "I've never met anyone like you? What tribe are you from? "( I don't know if there are these words in Indian grammar! After all, the content of this book is written by Chinese people, so follow the Chinese custom! The Chinese are the biggest

"I came here from the deep sea in the East. The place I came from is called China."

The chief was even more puzzled. He obviously didn't know where the Chinese tribe was. As for the sea, he just heard about it, but never saw it.

"The sea? China? Is China the name of your tribe? "

Jiangning patiently explained: "China is a country, in short..." he pointed to all the people, and then pointed to the East and the West: "from here to there, on such a vast land, my people are all over me!"

"You come from a very powerful tribe!" The chief was awed. He had lived for so many years and had never seen a tribe with so many people. If, you have to ask, how can Indians believe it so easily? I said, "we are very pure, very simple!"

Thanks to the strength of the motherland level tribe behind him, Jiangning was treated ceremoniously. He was invited into the chief's hall and sat with the chief. Enjoy a leg... Human leg, but also a woman's leg!

The chief looked at Jiangning and asked, "Dear guest? What's the matter with you? Why don't you eat? "

Looking at those people who ate a lot, a strong sense of nausea surged into his heart. He could only resist the protest of the moral bottom line: "chief, I'm sorry. In my group, they don't eat people. " Pause: "moreover, according to the instructions of the wizard and the gods, cannibalism is a felony! You will go to hell after you die! "


Chief panic God: "this is our tribal customs for many years, God did not give us such instructions!"

Jiangning said with a smile: "that's very simple. From today on, you will get rid of this bad habit. Eat plants and animals and God will forgive you


"Of course it's true. I don't believe what it is." With the chief's eyes looking at his right hand, Jiangning waved his magic wand and burst into flames at the top of the battle, burning all those stumps to ashes! Then, he waved his sleeve, not taking away a cloud... Waving his sleeve, he dropped some meat, which was regarded as compensation!

Chief eat a Essence: "God's envoy!"

Around all the people see Jiangning that cool magic real special effects, Hula of kneeling down a large, follow their chief, constantly kneeling, shouting God ah and so on.

Ah, I have successfully installed a wave of force!