The reconciliation with his son makes Jiangning feel happy now. In the same way, Cassandra and touthheim. Because of drinking the water of immortality, Cassandra's appearance is restored to what it was more than ten years ago, and her skin is full of vitality again. Jiangning has a deep understanding of this when she is in bed with her.

Tutehem is happy because he has untied his heart knot with Jiangning. What's more, this boy has been harassing Jiangning from time to time these days, asking Jiangning for some advice on governing the country and so on. Jiangning gave him some superficial knowledge. In such a wild age, it was not good to be too advanced.

Taking some time off, Jiangning made a very large parchment book. This book is about two meters long and one meter fifty-six thick. It has nearly thirty thousand pages! It includes politics, military affairs, culture, medicine, architecture, metallurgy, manufacturing, navigation, paper making, food, mineral resources, plant information, animal information, and drawings and illustrations. It is an encyclopedia.

However, it contains all the basic knowledge. Jiangning's goal is to leave the rudiment, from which the latecomers are developing more advanced things. Jiangning also noted this on the title page of the book. It is the hope that the latecomers will have some enlightenment when they read this book. So that future generations can understand his meaning.

Moreover, Jiangning added a special defense witchcraft to this "treasure book" which can be called a hundred great works in the next few thousand years. Waterproof and fire prevention are basic. Most importantly, Jiangning added the blood curse witchcraft to this book.

As the name suggests, this witchcraft is set for blood. If outsiders look at this person, he does not have Jiangning blood. Then, the curse of the book will take the man's life. Therefore, this book is called "the book of curse" in later generations, and the myth of its author, tutehem Ning Jiang, goes a step further. This design was made by Jiangning on a whim. Moreover, on the bracelet of death, there are special witchcraft and curse.

In short, Jiangning is a nationalist. Besides, it's stingy!

I don't want any other people or barbarians to live in my own land, or to deal with myself after learning my own knowledge. This kind of thing is the most disgusting thing for the client.

China was constantly disgusted by some white eyed wolves around, but the situation at that time was that, if you can't beat yourself, how can you be disgusted for nothing.

What Jiangning should do is to put an end to this situation.


Now, Jiangning is hiding in the wizard tower alone, studying the curse of extinction.

This is a very powerful witchcraft in the world of chayne. However, although this witchcraft is very powerful, it also has great limitations. Moreover, the scope is uncontrollable, which affects the practical value of the witchcraft.

At present, what Jiangning wants to study is how to improve the extinction mantra. Reduce the original uncontrollable area of the extermination curse to a magic that can be manipulated. In this way, the spell of extinction becomes a magic that can be controlled by people, and its practicability will be greatly increased.

For example, limiting the scope of the curse of extinction to a region or the whole territory of a country. Except for this area, everything else is not affected. Then, Jiangning will once again increase its deterrence.

Although he is invincible in the world, it also means that ordinary people do not use missiles or nuclear bombs to attack him.

If we attack him with missiles or nuclear bombs, Jiangning is not sure that he will be intact. The premise is that Jiangning will stand still and let missiles or nuclear bombs fall on him. In such a consideration, Jiangning must add a card for itself.

But the original extermination mantra was too powerful.

Once used, the whole world will be destroyed by this spell. This is not Jiangning's original intention, therefore, he is constantly thinking and demonstrating with the housekeeper. At the same time, if possible, we need to find a specific world for experiments.

Mummies in this world can't be experimented. At present, Jiangning has long been in charge of the world. There should be no loss, and the extinction mantra is too harmful. In case of failure, something goes wrong. He needs to find the right world again, the most important world.


"Sir, with your knowledge and power, you want to improve this level of advanced witchcraft. It's very difficult! " The housekeeper threw cold water without hesitation.

Jiangning did not stop his movements for a long time. He continued to calculate and analyze on the paper: "it's because it's very difficult, once it's successful. Well, it's good for me. At least, in the future, when it comes to this kind of advanced witchcraft, I have had a successful experience. Then, after I officially become a level 4 wizard, I can start to develop my own witchcraft. "

"You want to create new witchcraft, don't you?" The housekeeper is surprised that there is no lack of genius in the multiverse. However, there are few people who can independently create a new kind of witchcraft. And all of these people are genius. Once fully grown up, they are all the overlord figures on the Megatron side.

At the moment, the housekeeper is also somewhat glad that Jiangning is completely different from the previous masters. At least, the 3600 masters did not expect to create their own witchcraft. Jiangning, however, started to think about such things when he was a secondary apprentice. It has to be said that it is a difference.

"I have always recognized that no matter how good other people's things are, they are not as good as their own." Jiangning frowned and pushed aside the drawing on his desk: "it's like this extinction mantra. It's good, and I didn't create it. The day it was created, its power showed that it was born to destroy the world. I would not have such an extreme idea, at least in a short time. However, I don't like this kind of witchcraft which is not controlled by myself. Because, a bad, it may also hurt myself and even relatives! So I will try my best to improve it. Let it be under my control, not a dangerous bomb that will explode at any time! "

The housekeeper said approvingly, "I have to say that you are a real wizard, sir."

"Compliment, because you don't have to say it again. I'll be proud if I say too much. " Jiangning waved his hand: "steward, now your task is to help me deduce and perfect the extinction mantra."

"I'm afraid it will take a lot of time, sir!"

"Am I short of time now?" Jiangning asked.

Indeed, he is short of everything now, and the most important thing is time. With a life span of 6000 years, Jiangning has enough confidence to carry out this kind of experiment. Once successful, it will be of great benefit to Jiangning. And this kind of advantage, will turn into inside information. There are some inestimable benefits for his future promotion.

"You are not short of time, but the world has changed. The timeline has changed a lot. Once you stay here for a long time, I'm afraid... "

Jiangning frowned. This is really a problem. The last time the timeline changed, when he went back to the future, 21 years had passed in the future world. When we go back to the period of 5000 years ago, more than ten years have passed here.

This kind of unstable time line change, Jiangning also dare not guarantee, if stay here a little longer. What kind of influence will it have? But if you look ahead and don't improve the extinction mantra, you need to have a solid foundation bit by bit. With the help of time, you can build up your own foundation.

Such a thing, of course, is not the result Jiangning wants.

"Do you have any good ideas? Housekeeper I couldn't think of a way, but I had to ask the housekeeper for help again.

The housekeeper suggested: "you'd better find a new world and study what you want to study. The timeline of other worlds is different from here. It will not be affected by the main world. It is the best choice for you. "

"It makes sense, but I haven't been back long. If you go out again, in case of mistakes, your face is not good-looking. Let's put this matter on hold! When things here are completely settled, I'm looking for a new world to study the extinction mantra. "

"Your will is the truth I do!"