Time is in a hurry, fleeting, three years of time, this piece of wild ancient land has changed greatly! Mashayas, now the Scorpion King, joined forces with some tribes to defeat Manon three years ago.

And Manon, the once invincible warrior, also died in the hands of mashayas. According to the principles of the ancient wild continent, the strongest was elected king. There is no doubt that mashayas is the most powerful man in the world. He took over most of Manon's territory. The rest of the land was taken over by the tribe that had been defeated by Manon. Mashayas, in the eyes of all the remaining tribes, officially crowned king!

At that time, it was the year of Scorpio! Therefore, mashayas is also known as the Scorpion King! Gradually, the name spread among the masses. And his original real name, is gradually forgotten by the world, Scorpion King replaced his original name!

In the small oasis of the Oriental desert, Jiangning and Cassandra have lived happily in recent years! Last year, Cassandra got pregnant and gave birth to a boy. He and Jiangning's descendants, the Oriental face is very obvious.

Black hair, dark brown eyes, egg white skin. Perfect, inherited the advantages of Jiangning and Cassandra. Therefore, Jiangning named him Qian, and Cassandra named him tutehem Jiang, which means "the son of wisdom.".

In the past three years, Jiangning not only has offspring. Moreover, he thoroughly studied the secret of blood. The wizard who created this secret method just saw the disaster of Warcraft on the earth. These Warcraft have great power, and human beings are very weak compared with Warcraft. So the wizard had a whim to bring the blood of Warcraft into his body. He had the power to compete with Warcraft. Unfortunately, he failed.

As a result, the blood secret method, which should have been very powerful, was integrated into four parts. Can only, with own blood, surrogate with her person. In short, the fertilized eggs are placed in other people's bodies to make other women pregnant and have children.

Therefore, after studying the secret method of blood, Jiangning was totally in a state of crying and laughing. However, for the sake of the plan in his heart, Jiangning still took Cassandra and his own blood, and made it take shape through the special blessing of the secret method. Next, we need to find young women, inject this group of blood into them, and give birth to descendants! However, this method is difficult to form a certain scale of population in the short term.

The secret also mentions that if we can find a lot of sources of life, we can produce a lot of offspring. Although it feels strange, Jiangning knows that this method looks strange. In fact, it is no different from natural childbirth. It's just the bottom line of morality in my heart!

With the constant learning of mysterious knowledge and its own changes, Jiangning found that it would be difficult to have offspring with mortal women in the future. The change of life form makes it difficult to produce offspring. Either the offspring born are very strong, or they are just like ordinary people.

Unless Jiangning helps Cassandra to advance on the road of wizard in the future, he and Cassandra will have only one offspring. Even so, Cassandra almost killed her after giving birth to her baby. Thanks to Jiangning's unremitting treatment, otherwise Cassandra had already died.

Moreover, Cassandra also told Jiangning. Said their children, inherited part of Cassandra's predictive ability, and this ability actually solidified. It turns into a talent and can be passed on to future generations, but the ability to predict the future is very weak. Sometimes not, and only boys can inherit!

Jiangning know, a sigh of relief, if this ability is inherited by girls! So Jiangning can foresee how many ambitious people will try to get the female descendants of his family in the next few thousand years.

It can't be said that at that time, war would become a routine.

Fortunately, this ability has been inherited by men, which has eliminated this possibility to a certain extent.

With the children, Jiangning began to think about the land for the future ethnic people to live on. The land in Egypt and the Near East, which he did not intend to take, was seriously desertified. The temperature is too high to live in.

Although the sea island of Cyprus is very suitable, but too close to Anatolia, and the size of Cyprus is too small. Anatolia does not have the foundation to become a powerful country, and although it is suitable in size, it is connected with the mainland. In the future, it will be a powder keg for war. The ethnic composition is complex, and it will be a place full of troubles. On the contrary, the same is true in continental Europe. Although it has a large area and is not suitable for living, it is also a powder keg because of its poor resources.

The best place for future survival and reproduction is on the island.

Surrounded by the sea in all directions, the invasion of the outside world is eliminated, and the blood is also prevented from being mixed.

And in the next few thousand years, the development of navigation is very slow, no country has the potential to become a maritime power! But while it's best placed on an island, the Mediterranean is too small. Although some islands are large in area, they are too close to the land. Jiangning is very dissatisfied.

Then, it can only be like the ocean to land! Moreover, it should not be too close to or too far from the mainland. This is to prevent, like being an Indian.

The location should be just right, able to communicate with the land, so that the information will not be blocked.

So, the question is, who do you want the land from? To the sea? Although Jiangning has learned a lot of wizard knowledge, a large part of it has not turned into strength. He was just a little apprentice, and he didn't have the ability to make land out of thin air.

Unless you ask for it from the gods, it was planned from the beginning.

How great the gods are! It should be more than enough to build a small piece of land.

Therefore, Jiangning will share this idea with housekeeper!


"What do you think of this method?"

The housekeeper pondered for a moment and said, "Sir, are you going to make this world your main base?"

"That's necessary. That's a question." Jiangning did not hesitate to answer, do not intend to be the main base, why bother to decorate these? Don't you just want a safe and stable rear area? As for why create a nation? That's because Jiangning is careful. Although it can rule other nationalities, Jiangning doesn't want to take advantage of these people. Good things, advanced things, why share with you?

"Then why do you have to choose to cooperate with the gods?" The housekeeper suddenly uttered this sentence. Jiangning was a little stunned, and then said, "the gods are the most powerful in the world. It should not be difficult to create a piece of land! You just need to trigger a volcanic eruption on the bottom of the sea, and then there will be land. "

"But you can also choose world consciousness!"


Jiangning suddenly realized that although the gods are very powerful, they can create a brand new land. But the gods are also greedy. God knows how much to pay to create a piece of land? Since all gods can create land, the world consciousness can't create it!

And compared with the greedy gods, the world consciousness is undoubtedly much more just.

And don't worry, the world consciousness will pit itself. Gods can't guarantee it! Jiangning wondered why his descendants had disappeared in the future? It must be because of anubis. He must have sunk his own land. Otherwise, there is no explanation for the extinction of one's offspring.

After thinking about this relationship, Jiangning accepted the housekeeper's words and chose to sacrifice to the world consciousness in exchange for a piece of land.

Well, he'd like to have a location, too. It's in the Mediterranean.

The island doesn't need to be too big. If it's too big, it doesn't fit your plan.


After thinking about this floor, Jiangning immediately ordered the housekeeper to prepare a picture of the island. And tell yourself the ritual of sacrificing world consciousness.


In the following ten days, Jiangning was preparing for this.

The map drawn by the housekeeper is irregular in shape. It is wide in the west, narrow in the East, and widely spaced from north to south. In a trance, it looks like a lion crawling on the ground!

"What's the size of the island?" Looking at the topographic map, what does Jiangning think and like. As for men, they all have an imperial dream and want to own their own land. My subjects, so that I can show the way of governing the country!

The housekeeper replied, "it's less than 50000 square kilometers. It's quite different from your plan at the University."

Jiangning is very satisfied. This area is just right in the Mediterranean bath basin. No matter how big it is, it will be bordered by Europe and Africa. That's not what Jiangning wants!

"OK, this area is just right! The day after tomorrow, begin to sacrifice the world consciousness All of a sudden, Jiangning thought of something: "by the way, how much world origin does such an area of land need?" The origin of the world is few now, so it's hard for him not to be careful!

The housekeeper replied, "about three million!" Jiangning is relieved. Three million is OK. It's just right to leave half a million to yourself for urgent use.

"Well, the day after tomorrow we will start to witness the birth of my land!" Jiangning said boldly, with a look of playing the world badly. Think about it. Originally, there were only those islands in the Mediterranean. This time, there will be one more island. How can we see the rhythm of a different world!

Ha ha ha ha!!!


Two days later, Jiangning came to the Mediterranean with Cassandra in his arms.

He looked at the open sea at his feet, and before long, there would be a whole sea