In the 2015 finals, when the Cavaliers had many injuries, James almost fought alone. It was very difficult for him to win the game. From the beginning of the game, the warriors firmly took the initiative on the field. Because of this, the atmosphere of the field has always been quite relaxed. In the audience, he Yue and Murayama also looked at the ball at will. Of course, randomness does not mean freedom Not excited, especially when curry scored, he Yue was even more happy, because every goal scored by curry represented that she was further away from the final bet victory.

The half-time game passed quickly. During the half-time, the staff of the program team came over. He Yue stood up and went to the stadium with Murayama to do some program flow. This part of the flow is relatively common. On the whole, he interviewed the less important players of the warriors, and then interacted with the staff of the home court of the warriors. This part is because of the language The reason is that Murayama's participation is not much. She stands beside he Yue most of the time and lovingly looks at he Yue's busy work.

It's not that Murayama doesn't have the opportunity to express herself. In the script, she still has a lot of space to express herself in the program. When she comes back to China to edit the program, she will also have the content, but in the stadium, she doesn't have many opportunities to express herself.

At the beginning of the second half of the game, the stadium entered a slightly tense atmosphere again. Only during the interval of each pause, the atmosphere on the scene would be relaxed.

As a very commercial sports league, the court culture of NBA is very professional. There are things to do in every pause time. At this time, he Yue is already very high. She swings her body easily with the music in the court.

Occasionally, I look at Qiu yuan and the coach who are busy adjusting their tactics. Occasionally, I pay attention to the situation on the big screen. I feel very comfortable.

At this time, kisscam is just on the big screen on the scene. This change is simply to show love. The photographer will catch the couple on the scene and cooperate with the cute vagueness and special effects, while the couple being photographed will normally show love, causing a lot of calls on the scene.

This link has been running for many years in the history of NBA. He Yue liked to watch it when she was a child, but after watching it for many years, now she doesn't pay much attention to such content, so she just took a casual look and then moved her eyes.

Until suddenly someone poked her in the arm.

On her right is a village hill, and on her left is a familiar middle-aged short haired woman in Europe and America, who seems to be a famous talk show host? It's the person who pokes her. He Yue turns his head and looks up to the big screen along the woman's fingers.


What appears on the big screen is exactly what she looks like with Murayama.

In the 21st century, especially after 2010, the so-called trend of equal rights was born in Europe and the United States. LGBT has become an increasingly popular part of the political correctness in Europe and the United States. In this trend, after 2010, there are many homosexual figures in the kisscam of the NBA, which also makes the secondary links more taboo, especially in China It is that some people who are clearly not in that kind of relationship are also given kisscam, and that kind of embarrassment may make people feel interesting.

The appearance of he Yue and Cun Shan seems like a prank by the staff on the scene. They may not know the real situation of he Yue and Cun Shan. It's just that it's not strange for them to appear on such an occasion, whether they are intimate or not. Just laugh and forget it.

However, Murayama is not clear about this. When she and he Yue look up and see the situation on the big screen, the whole girl panics.

"Ah!? Well, we're not that kind of relationship! No! " Murayama flustered waved to refuse, she is so shy girl, of course, will refuse this kind of thing.

But who is he Yue? She doesn't have much enthusiasm for kissing in public, but she knows that at this moment, the camera of the program group must be aimed at her and the big screen on the scene. The occupational disease and service spirit of the professional TV people have the upper hand at this moment, making her the most variety show, the most interesting and cheering behavior at this moment.

She stood up abruptly, then turned her body to Murayama, stretched out her hand and pulled over her body.

"What are you doing?" The village was frightened.

"What are you doing!? Kiss you, of course He Yue said without reason.

"Aye, aye, aye!" Murayama can't help but want to escape, but the whole face is under the control of he Yue's hands. She can't escape at all, so she has to stagger her eyes.

He Yue didn't give her too much time to prepare. With the cry of surprise around her, she bent down and went to the village mountain.

"MUA ~ ~" a thorough, one hundred percent, no misplaced kiss, directly led to a burst of huge cheers, even on the side of the library saw the performance of he Yue on the big screen, clapping hands and laughing.

Of course, there must be some people worried about whether he Yue was forced or not, so the kiss ended here, and the camera still didn't leave. He Yue released her hand, her face was red to death, and even her ears were congested. After a second of silence, she took action. She almost jumped up and raised her hand to beat he Yue.And he Yue is laughing to avoid, Murayama immediately chased over, two people so ran along the court!

The scene fell into a burst of laughter, everyone can see that the expression of Murayama was not angry at all, it was angry, it was more shy, using chase to cover up their feelings!

The two men's fight ends at the same time when the pause sounds. Murayama finally catches up with he Yue, blushing and hammering her a few times. However, in terms of their physical fitness, even if Murayama uses his sucking strength, I'm afraid he Yue can't be beaten.

But Murayama soon changed her strategy. When they got back to their seats, she put her little hand on he Yue's waist and gently squeezed a piece of he Yue's meat Pinch Pinch Twist

In the end, the battle of Tianwang mountain came to an end with the cheers of the warriors' victory. After leaving the stadium and returning to the hotel, he Yue and he Yue were not surprised to see their pictures and gossip in real time on the SNS and media in Japan.

He Yue and Murayama recorded programs in the United States and participated in the finals. Many Japanese people who care about he Yue and people in the basketball circle know that these days when they pay attention to the finals, they will also pay attention to he Yue by the way. Today, in the finals, the kiss made by two people during the suspension period appeared in Japan after interception.

It's not a big news for kisscam to do this kind of thing, so Japanese media don't have much interest in reporting, but for AKB fans, especially CP fans, it's a big surprise