At the beginning of 2015, Mayou Watanabe was in a period of contradiction and confusion.

On the one hand, she is the king of idols in this era, but on the other hand, she has reached her own limit, which is hard to advance in theory.

And it is her personal strength that supports her to the top.

In 1994, many top appearance idols were born, including Kawashima Haihe on March 3, ERI Suzuki on April 12, Yaoxiang Shimazaki on March 30, Mayou Watanabe on March 26, zaogui Nakajima on February 5, xiacaizi Baitian on July 12, and Lishi kangu on April 4

Among these people, Mahou Watanabe, who has become the king of idols, is also the top one in appearance.

At the beginning of 2015, she was at the peak of her appearance. When she appeared on the stage, it was really amazing. I felt that the whole person had become a luminous body on the stage.

Even before the election, even the music teacher said: "it's really beautiful

And Watanabe's singing part is also very good.

She is so beautiful and lovely that her singing ability has always been underestimated and ignored. How to say that Watanabe's singing skills She is not the kind of gifted child of top singers such as Aili Suzuki. To exaggerate, she can't go up in high notes and down in low notes, but she is the kind of child who has at least a good level, can't run out of tune, can't lose five notes, and then cashes in all her talents and almost reaches her peak in her own singing field.

The little problem is in the dance.

She is less good at dancing than singing.

Otherwise, the center position would not be replaced in the year of UZA, which is a huge blow to her.

Her dance can't be said to have made any mistakes. In terms of the repertoire she chose and the difficulty of the dance, her performance should have been regarded as the ultimate. It's just Well In a simpler way, the coefficient of difficulty is not high.

At the end of the performance, several teachers fell into a small struggle.

"What to do? For what team? " Takahiro asked.

If only according to the level shown, Watanabe Mayou's singing can barely be put into group A, and her dancing is undoubtedly in group B, but she is the king of idols this year after all. Teachers also know fairness, but fairness is always relative. In front of Mayou's reputation, should we insist on absolute fairness?

"I think group B is better..." Mizuno carries out his role.

However, another strong and serious character, Akane, said, "no, I think group A is more suitable for her."

"Why?" Several people asked.

"Her strength is between the two, but look at this child. She must have made great efforts to get to this point. She is a mirror!"

Several people nodded in agreement. Akane's meaning is very clear. There is such a person who can inspire others. The king of idols has worked so hard. What's the reason why I don't work hard?

Although the four people were hesitant, they all wanted Ma you to go to group A. now, with the steps given by Akane, they did not hesitate to follow the steps and assigned Ma you to group A.

Of course, if you really ask Ma you, she probably hates this kind of accommodation, but she can't refute anything. She can only reluctantly accept the division. At the same time, she thinks that she must work hard in the future to make herself worthy of class A.

After Ma you, there are not many people left.

And at the end of the day, Eiri Suzuki appeared.

He Yue also has full confidence in pushing Eiri Suzuki to Asia, and her performance did not disappoint people. After her performance, several teachers' ideas were completely different from others.

Mizuno said, "if you put someone in class A, we have something to teach her, but Eiri Suzuki Our idea is, why don't you come and sit with us? "

Eiri Suzuki quickly waved his name, but according to Mizuno, not only the four teachers agreed, but also the little idols behind them nodded.

Someone said, "it's really naughty to let ERI Suzuki compete with us! There's no way to beat her! "

After Ellie's performance, the division is over.

By this time, the whole day had passed.

Although it may be only an hour or so on TV, members need to wait for equipment adjustment, shift division, discussion and so on every time they appear on the stage. At the end of the recording, it was already 5:30 p.m.

The teachers left, and 101 girls were given their dinner. He Yue also regained her membership and mingled with the others, chatting about the ideas she had just shot.

But the teachers and the members have a rest. In fact, a group of photographers and staff still have no rest. They are the second class of photographers today. A total of three photographers are carrying three medium-sized cameras around the members. Most of the shooting will be broadcast on the Internet as showroom gags. Before the program starts, he Yue also talks with the members They said that at this time as long as the performance of their own relaxed, there is no need to care about the camera shooting.The state of eating together can be said to be he Yue's favorite.

The lineup of about 100 people brings together the top-level existence in the Japanese Idol circle today. Your deskmate is Mahou Watanabe. Next door are ERI Suzuki and Miyoko heiyong. Not far away are Lingxiang Sakurai and Meicai Sato. With other top idols, this scene is just like the holy land of the idol house.

After dinner, the girls also went back to the dormitory to have a rest.

This dormitory is a very small dormitory with upper and lower bunks. Under the condition of six people living in one room, each dormitory has a small camera to photograph the girls before they go to bed at night. Because the division is over, the girls' accommodation is allocated according to the class rather than the combination. The girls in group a live together, and the girls in group B also live together with group B. This is the status of this group Now, many girls who didn't know each other and were familiar with each other began to communicate with each other. This is what he Yue most wants to see.

For example, Takeo Watanabe and Aili Suzuki were assigned to the same dormitory.

The two girls didn't have any contact at all. They just shot a magazine together when they were 16 or 7 years old. They haven't contacted each other since then. This time, they live in the same room together. From the monitor, he Yue can also see their awkward communication state.

In this state, later programs will definitely be cut into positive films. Fans, no matter HP side or AKB side, definitely love to watch this kind of contact.
