In ruoyue's opinion, he is surrounded by big men. Needless to say, Fukuda's identity as a director is too strong for little idols. He refers to the fact that he has just become the king of idols last year. He is not as good as the marginal people selected by Osaka, but he seems to be more famous than them when he talks and laughs with these two people. The key is that this existence is not so good But I'm still a teammate

This brings a very uncoordinated gap to ruoyue.

On the one hand, he Yue and everyone in naimuban get along very well. She talks about everything when she is joking. On the other hand, when she turns around, she can talk and laugh with these big guys and arrange powerful jobs for them. This kind of gap really makes people feel strange.

Ruoyue can even feel that some of naimuban's players are concerned about trying to please he Yue. To put it bluntly, they want to snatch he Yue from Saito.

It's a pity that this idea is only implemented in the end. He Yue's relationship with Saito has been very good and stable, and the girls can't lose face. They really "compete" with Saito, but the envy is obvious in daily chat.

Well Of course, there are some jealousies and worries about Saito, because before Saito, he Yue still had a village in AKB.

By the way, speaking of this, there is also a lively mentality.

He Yue can bring her to participate in such a program, she has been very happy, did not expect that this is not all her purpose, to give her the work of an actor is!

Actors There has always been an actor's job, but in the idol group, there is a "sequence" of such jobs.

The reason why they can play in yuejiu and Baima can play in movies is that they are top members of the team.

However, if she is a month old, she is just a member of three rows with a relatively fixed selection position. At this time point in 2014, there are not many actors working, and the team has no reason to give her.

The resources for operation are limited in order, but he Yue's doesn't. what's more, it seems that when he gives resources, he just looks at his mood and doesn't think about his relationship with him.

Murayama Saito, who has a good relationship with him Yue, has so far eaten something delicious or lived in a better place. He has never got any "resources" from he Yue. Who has he Yue given all his resources to?

Last Valentine's day gave Shengtian the opportunity to interview with Zhongyuan on stage drama. At that time, Zhongyuan didn't even have many opportunities to enter the selection group. Later, in the AKB activities, several second term students also got the opportunity to work part-time. We all know how much role he Yue played. There are also some jobs of ITO wanlihua this year. It seems that they are more and more like her The closer people are, the less they will get immediate benefits. It's just that girls who are more "marginal" and usually have a more ordinary relationship with he Yue can occasionally win the lottery and get he Yue's care.

The more marginal members, the more they can appreciate the precious opportunity. The shooting of several people was carried out in a restaurant. During the recording, Ruo Yue carefully regarded himself as the lowest among the people present, not only politely laughed, helped to pour drinks, but also full of admiration, admiration and even praise for the three people.

Both he Yue and Fukuda are aware of ruoyue's carefulness. After a look at each other, they have a tacit understanding and don't say anything. However, it seems that they are not used to ruoyue's reaction. Seeing that he Yue and Fukuda don't say anything, she is also patient when nothing happens.

A whole day's recording is done in this delicate state.

Although she refused to be invited by several TV stations to make her a title program, he Yue didn't object to her participation in the production of the program. The difference is that the former requires her to give almost all the ideas and plans, while the former requires her to give suggestions and ideas to the TV station, but the main creator is in the TV station.

He Yue only has the right to participate in it and put forward suggestions. The final decision is made by the TV station.

For example, TBS's "East King" is like this.

In January, the program "king of the East" made a special group. The repercussions at that time It's subtle.

He Yue participated in that program. Although she didn't really go on the stage to answer questions, as an active high school student idol producer of the East King program, this stunt still made her get a lot of lens care when the program was broadcast.

After the program was broadcast, the initial evaluation was quite good, the topic was interesting, and several members of the East King also made people feel very fresh, but gradually, the evaluation seemed to start to get a little deviated.

The main reason is that the identity of he Yue is too subtle. Although everyone regards her as a genius, making programs is usually something that only 40 year old producers can do. Can he Yue, a 16-year-old girl, really make programs?

This "king of the East" will not be performed by AKB and TBS. In order to promote he Yue, it's more possible to put other people's ideas and other programs on he Yue.In terms of the type of programs, the East King of tefan has not fully developed the confrontation between dongdasheng and artists. Not only is there a problem of difficulty control in the title, but also the choice of artists is not even enough. Some people are too strong, while others are obviously too weak.

After the program was broadcasted, the program group of "East King" was constantly introspecting and adjusting throughout January, and then in February, it began to officially prepare for the normal broadcast of the program in April.

The first thing to do, of course, is to select the main participants.

On the East King's side, yizetuosi, guanghaishe and others were selected. Of course, there are also girls, not he Yue, but a girl from the Liberal Arts Department of East University.

And the most important thing is the choice of participants on the artist side.

Dongda students can answer questions beautifully, but the effect of the program depends on the cast of artists.

The selected comedians must first be the ones who can make the show hot. In addition, their ability to answer questions should not be too poor. Otherwise, if they become a burden, no matter how good the effect is, they can no longer be called.

Soon, Yoshiko Hara and minshi Fujimoto, the couple, entered the program group's attention under the intentional mention of he Yue.

Both of them are serious college graduates and smart entertainers, but at the same time, especially minashi Fujimoto, who is also known as the "king of cajoling", as long as he is in a show, it will almost never be quiet.

Some people may think that he is too noisy and annoying, but he Yue knows very well that if there is no such guy in a scene like "king of the East", it will only be more embarrassing.
