"Ah That I I'm going out with my friends In fact, dahota is a very simple girl with little experience. Or to put it another way, her acting skills are very poor. Let alone he Yue has known the truth for a long time. Even if she doesn't know, the girl's hesitation can't hide from her.

"Oh? Is it? What's so urgent that you have to go out at lunch time? Going to the food District of the shopping mall to have a meal and encountering little gangsters is not an emergency, is it

"You know that!" OHADA's eyes widened in surprise, eh It's lovely.

But loveliness is useless at this time.

"I don't think AKB is allowed to shake hands at noon, but you don't have to do anything at noon? When you first entered AKB, there must have been a teacher who told you, right? Idol is the job of selling people's set-up. No one cares about what you do at home or in private space. But every time you come out from home, your job begins. Your job is to do a good job of idol.

Noon time, even rest, is also the scope of your work time. Once you encounter something outside, you are not the first person to be concerned about, but your idol identity. For example, when things happen at noon today, the media will not report who those gangsters are or even be interested in your name. The media will report, First of all, it must be a member of AKB48! "

After a pause, he Yue continued: "at noon today, it's thanks to someone's help. If no one helps, there are several possibilities in the end. One is that you are harassed and can't stand running away. The other is that you are angry and make a big noise, which attracts the media. The third is that I come out to help you block everything. But I tell you, none of these three possibilities will have a good result. What's this Times? Everyone has a mobile phone. Anyone can record these things and put them on the Internet. How do you think those netizens will evaluate you? "

"I know it's wrong..." Daiwa holding his own things, low head like a small daughter-in-law said.

"You know what's wrong? What's your biggest mistake today? "

"I shouldn't have gone out with them."

He Yue shook his head and sighed, "you still don't understand."


"Your mistake today is not going out at all. If you go out at noon, I made the same mistake when I came out with you."

"Your mistake, first of all, is that you want to do something that you can't control. If I go out, I can deal with what happens. If you are Yoshiko Oshima and Mayou Watanabe, they will take their agents with them when they go out, and they will deal with what happens. But you little girls, what happens, none of them can take on the responsibility, In the end, you can only let things go in a direction you can't control! "

"And your biggest mistake is the way you treat the person who helped you today. He obviously saved you from the hands of a little gangster, but you left without saying a word!? What's the matter? "

"However, you also said that we are idols. It would be better to leave the scene first at that time?"

"If someone really wanted to take a picture, do you think it was too late for you to run? Thanks to the fact that other people didn't recognize you as AKB members except the one who helped you, otherwise today's events would have been uploaded everywhere on twitter. "

He Yueyue said that she was more angry, especially when she realized that OHADA didn't seem to realize that she was wrong.

"If you run out at noon, it's because you don't work seriously and you don't know what to do. If you don't thank the people who help you, you run away instead. This is a moral problem! I'd rather you make the previous mistake than the real one. "

Daiwa didn't answer, but silently grasped the skin on the back of his hand, as if he Yue was making trouble.

He Yue read out her thoughts. If it was the previous situation, she would talk about some relaxed topics here, such as asking what she would like to eat and so on, so as to arouse the girl's interest again. But today, because she was really angry, she didn't do that, instead, she put pressure on her again.

"As for your mobile phone, take it out and send a mobile blog. Although you don't need to make it clear, at least let the person who helps you understand your thanks to him!"

"Ah?" The face of Tahota is hard to see.

"Why, don't you?" He Yue asked harshly.

"I don't want to Why do you want to send such shameful things, and there are several people who go with me, why only I send them? " Dahota said angrily.

He Yue's heart is a little surprised. From the beginning of entering AKB and being trained by her, OHADA basically obeyed her. Now the girl's refusal is the first time in her memory that something similar happened.

"Why don't you apologize when you make a mistake? Or do you feel like you've never been wrong? "

"Wrong is wrong, but there's no need to aim at me alone!? Why do you always treat me so harshly, but never care about others? ""Others want me to manage, but I'm not interested in it yet!"

"It's just a little bit bigger than me, and the number of periods is only two periods ahead of me. Why do you always put on such a senior airs? Why don't you ask me if I'm interested in listening to it?"!? I don't want to hear that anymore! Leave me alone in the future The girl yelled at he Yue.

With that, she turned and ran away. She stood there in surprise, watching her run to the distance, stop a taxi and leave.

A teenage girl in the period of resistance asked her to send an apology and thank others. If you think about it carefully, he Yue himself has a problem.

If she is asked to apologize, she may not have any psychological burden. Her 30-year-old soul, after social training, knows the role of apology. Sometimes it can get twice the result with half the effort. But it is very difficult for a teenage girl who is rebellious to ask her to apologize, especially in a very public place like SNS, to apologize to everyone.

In private, she may be willing to apologize to he Yue. In the face of Guangyuan Pingtai, she will also bow her head. However, it may be too difficult for girls of this era to apologize with SNS.

Also, it is undeniable that he Yue's Daily "pressure" on Daiwa is too great.

After OHADA joined AKB, many things and experiences were controlled by he Yue. Like a controlling parent, she controlled OHADA's idol career.

At this moment, she resisted he Yue and refused. In fact, it was because she liked he Yue before she joined the group that she was willing to listen to her. Otherwise, she might have run away long ago.