As for he Yue's CP, AKB members generally know that she and Murayama Choi hee are two of them, and a few of them are rare he Yue and Guangzong ho party. As for he Yue and Saito flying bird over naimuban, there is always a kind of resistance in their hearts. They think he Yue should be AKB's, and they don't want her to run to naimuban to form CP.

However, this time naimuban is the last live of the three, which shows her relationship with Saito.

Dahota is not antagonistic to Murayama, because Murayama has a good relationship with her. If you want to say that, she has a closer relationship with Murayama. She has more respect and even some fear for Ho Yue. But with Murayama, that's a good partner to play with, although this little partner has such a close relationship with he Yue and even lives together.

But with Saito Feiniao, she has no contact. Saito is only a part-time member after all. There are not many opportunities to participate in AKB activities, and the best one is the thirteen students who are basically in the same period.

At the moment, he Yue and Saito are almost inseparable together. In his heart, he can't help but feel jealous. Why? Why are you so close to Saito when you already have Murayama in AKB? At this time, you should be with Murayama, right?

In this way, Daiwa can't help looking for Murayama. She soon finds her goal. Murayama is standing with nainainai Okada, as well as yoshiose Nishino, while Meicai Sato is chatting with her friends in phase 13.

Well He Yue does have a good CP, such as Murayama and Saito, but they are not always together, especially the nearest he Yue and Murayama. On the surface, they seem to be a little far away. This is not because their relationship has deteriorated, but the evidence of their close relationship, because almost every night they return to the same room, under the same eaves The next life, every night to eat and watch TV, every morning to get up with the two people, there is no need to work together.

However, dahota felt uncomfortable. She couldn't help running to the village and said, "he Yue is coming. Don't you go there?"

Murayama took a look at he Yue, but said: "it's rare for Asuka sauce to come to a big event, and it's the last time. Let them stay together for a while."

That's what it says The tone is full of confidence of the master of the harem!

And he Yue, she really didn't pay attention to Tahota, and she really focused all her attention on Saito. As Murayama said, today is the penultimate activity of Saito, and she still hopes to spend more time with the girls.

After chatting with the members backstage, he Yue took Saito to to the stage.

The stage of wudaoguan, where no one has entered, seems to be a little empty. The staff finish the final work of preparing for the concert in twos and threes in the corner. He Yue and Saito walk slowly to the center sub stage through the middle path, and sit down at the front end of the sub stage.

What fills the field of vision is the empty ring-shaped stage seats of the martial arts museum. Although there is no one in those seats at this time, they seem to have gone through the noisy state of several hours.

"Today is the last time. I don't know if I can be on such a big stage in the future..." Saito sat beside he Yue and said with a complicated mood.

He Yue patted the girl and said, "why do you have such worries? Naimuban has a bright future. If you want to say that we can go to the martial arts museum now, and this will never be our destination."

"But Even if I do, I won't be the leading role... " Saito's legs Dang in the air, and his mouth is very weak.

Sato and Nishino have become popular. This time they are relieved of their part-time job, fans generally recognize that Nishino's handshake performance is the top in naimuban. This time they can go back to the center directly, so they are not suitable for part-time job. As for Saito and Sato, they are just "additions" to part-time job.

She has never been a person with strong self-confidence, especially in the face of he Yue, she is easy to reveal her weak side and express her worry about her future.

Because she knows that people around her can always give her support and confidence when she needs it.

Today is still the case, he Yue said: "sometimes people's ideas are very complex. For example, I firmly believe that you will be red, naimuban will be red, but at the same time, I don't want you to be too red with naimuban, because after you are red, you will become very busy and hard, just like Maeda daisao, who only has little sleep every day, and has great psychological pressure, especially in recent days Master Island, it's true that strangers are not allowed to enter... "

"Of course, I don't mean to stop you from becoming popular. I will still send you to the peak of Japanese idol. I hope you don't forget me then..." He Yue is like a little daughter-in-law who sent her husband out to fight, holding Saito's clothes and saying.

"Well It's hard to say... " Saito suddenly lowered his head, his face was full of laughter, and his mouth was really uncertain.

"If I become popular, there must be a lot of admirers and pursuers By then, I may have forgotten you long ago... ""No! I'm the number one bird in the sky. Have you forgotten? "

"Hum, you are not only the No.1 bird push, but also the No.1 mountain push, the No.1 dahota push, the No.1 Nanmin push!"

"It's easy to say anything else. Why even nanain?"

Compared with Murayama and he Yue, Saito and he Yue are not very proud when they are alone, so she only joked occasionally. Soon the girl changed the topic: "this time, general election, can you enter the circle?"

In this year's general election, naimuban and Murayama did not run for the election, while he Yue made it light.

However, she didn't put her heart into running for the election, neither publicized herself nor solicited votes anywhere, so Saito was inevitably worried.

But these worries are superfluous. He Yue said directly: "no, I don't always choose anything for my route. I prefer to work hard in other places than the general election."

"But I kind of hope that you can enter the circle..." Saito said.

"Well? Why? " He Yue asked.

"Because you are also a part-time member of naimuban, and you are the only one who has been a part-time member of both phases."

"Well, that's a direction I didn't think of." He Yue suddenly found that he had such a fan line.

However, as for naimuban line, she soon didn't care too much: "although I have normal activities in naimuban, I will still be regarded as an AKB person on the whole, right? Fans should not care too much about my ranking. "

"Who knows, maybe in a few days you will really be able to enter the general election ranking." Saito road.