In late June, the temperature in Tokyo was just right. The quiet room was full of Saito's breath of life. This is her own world. Working in the entertainment industry, xiaofeiniao is quite similar to Watanabe's in that she tries not to reveal her family's character. There is no doubt that she is the most casual and real at home.

After finishing the first competition, the program entered the advertisement, and the bird, who had been lying on the bed watching the program, continued to watch in a more comfortable position. In the dark, her little face was staring at the TV, but her eyes were a little erratic, thinking that she didn't know anything. Until the second part of the program began, her attention was focused on the TV again.

"The second game is dodge ball," Shele said on TV! But different from the normal dodge ball, quannaimuban's members play he Yue alone

"No, no, no!" He Yue set out to deny.

But Shele didn't seem to hear the same and continued: "so, can he Yue beat the 18 people who came to the program today?"

"Sheresang! No He Yue continues to block each other.

"Well? What is not? What did you say? " Shele asked casually.

"Quannaimuban? Eighteen members? If only 18 members are OK, what are those things? "

With he Yue's fingers, the camera turns to the members.

Eighteen girls from naimuban are standing there, dressed in purple sportswear, and some of their green bodies are curious. But this is not the point. The point is that there are two volleyball service machines beside them!

"Forget the members. These two serve machines are too much!" He Yue pointed to make complaints about the way out.

"Well? what? "Serve machine?" Shele continues to play dumb.

"Yes! Serve! Can't you see such a big server? "

"Oh, server, what's wrong with that? It's just game equipment. It's just like basketball games have basketball stands and football games have goals. Isn't it normal for dodge ball games to have service machines? " Said Shele.

make complaints about Tucao is just part of the program, and can feel that the two banana people here are quite satisfied with the performance of he Yue.

make complaints about make complaints about the small idol, especially the new RB who just entered the entertainment circle of the RB. Facing the older generation of artists, even if the script is written here, it is necessary to make complaints about the performance of the girls. The girls will really feel weak. It's the same.

"What's normal!? Which dodge ball game on earth has a server! And it's too many balls, isn't it? " He Yue points to the volleyball held by Sheng Ju, Sakurai and Baishi respectively.

"So there are only a lot of Volleyball Serving machines, if not some of them are not normal!" Setting up music is unreasonable.

He Yue was angry and laughed. She asked again, "forget all these. There is the last one. How can I win? It looks like I'm alone in the field. They don't need to enter. How can I beat them? "

Speaking of this, Saito bird in reality and Saito bird on TV said at the same time: "do you still want to win at this time?"

"Who! Who is there to make complaints about it? He suddenly turned to see the members, and the camera moved along, and immediately caught the little bird that hid at the back of the member. But he did not seem to make complaints about her. Instead, she stopped wide after asking two questions.

Then, in the next picture, it is obvious that he Yue's protest is invalid, so the first dodge ball game officially begins.

But Saito, who is watching TV, knows that the real situation is that after he Yue asked for that sentence, the program team suspended the shooting and began to prepare for the next recording of the competition. In this gap, he Yue ran to her and asked, "did you say that sentence just now?"

"Ah No, it's not! " Make complaints about the incident, but she did not think that he Yue said, "don't deny it. I can't make complaints about the voice of the regiment. Your voice can't be mistaken. The Tucao just is very good. I'll give you another chance later, remember to Tucao!" Be hard

"Well? Aren't you angry? " Asked the girl in surprise.

"What am I angry with? That's not what it's like to do a show. " He yuedao.

"But Am I not suitable for this... " Saito is still hesitant.

He Yue realized what she was worried about. Love strawberry cake is adorable. Make complaints about

. It is different from the slightly poisonous tongue after seven years. Now the little bird is cute on TV, and likes the traditional setting of strawberry cake. With such a set, it is really hard to make complaints about the previous Tucao, though that is the real idea of her.

He Yue said to the bird seriously: "mixing in the entertainment industry, I think it's taboo to create a false character, because it's a great burden for the artists themselves. Those who are willing to do it are not only naturally like to play a special human device, but most of them have no way to find their way and finally make a helpless move, but you obviously haven't reached that level, and I love it I think your real personality is also very interesting and attractive. Traditional cute idols are everywhere. Little birds with a little black belly and poisonous tongue are actually more lovely. ""He is right, or he is more happy." he said he would like to make complaints about it. Even if there is a problem, we will help you to take it. Is the edge of the rest of the set music Tong also came to say.

"I I see Never mind make complaints about the joy of the birds, but make complaints about the joy and setting up music, but obviously they have no resistance to Tucao, and this is exactly what he hoped for. In her estimation, the little bird will not learn to vomit in a flash, but it doesn't matter. If she can expose her true self early, she may enjoy the happiness of the idol earlier, rather than the same hard camouflage. own.

Behind the variety shows on TV, there are more details that fans can't understand. It may take several hours to shoot between the two seemingly compact scenes. What he Yue said to Saito during the shooting interval is a little grateful to xiaofeiniao. First, she didn't expect that he Yue was so familiar with her voice. Second, she didn't know her voice Thinking that he Yue doesn't care about her different parts at all, instead, he encourages her to show some dark and self-conscious parts.

This makes her feel that he Yue is tolerant of herself, although this idea is only a very common one now.