Even though Murayama, a former child star, has been on the stage for a long time, they are still very stiff. What's more, in a hurry, of course, they haven't read any scripts.

Without a script, Murayama can still read and chat with Saito. On the other hand, Nishino and Saito are even more embarrassed. They can't even keep the conversation going. When Murayama asks, they just sit there and look at he Yue in panic.

After a pause, he Yue, who also understands that they may not be very good at recording programs, has to host the program alone.

"Although we have been given the opportunity to produce this program, the company has not asked us to do anything specific, so my idea is, isn't reality TV very popular abroad now? Let's do reality show, too. The content of our program is the process of our program itself! "

"The content of the program is the process itself..." Saito bird hesitated to read again, feeling he Yue's words very tongue twister.

But we all understand what he Yue means. This kind of program does not need script, because all the process itself is the program.

"But What are we going to do? " The west wild asks a way, he Yue still didn't say exactly what to do.

"If we want to make a program, we have to have money first, so we have to change money first!" He yuedao.

"Money? Need money? Don't we have the money for the show? " Following the tradition of program production, although he knew that there was no money before the program started, Murayama still asked rudely.

"Yes, the program team said that the production team or something is only temporarily rented to us. If we don't have the funds, we can only do the program for four months. Unless we have enough funds after four months, the program will have to end!" He yuedao.

"It's impossible!"!? We are only junior high school students Murayama Choi HSI road.

Presumably, in the eyes of ordinary audiences, the so-called "fund collection" has become a gimmick. The program group does not really want them to make money, but to control the length of the program.

It's impossible for he Yue to tell the audience what kind of agreement the company has with them, and the audience won't care too much about this kind of gimmick. For the audience, it's OK to have a good show.

"There's no rule that junior high school students can't make money, right? What's more, we just try our best to do it. As for the extent of it, thinking about it before doing it will only make us give up in the end! " He yuedao.

"What do you say we do?"

"We don't have anything. It's hard for us to go directly to the TV station to find investment and the manufacturer to find funds. So my idea is, let's make products first!" He yuedao.

"Products? Isn't our product the show itself? " Asked Nishino.

"No, although the program itself can be called a product, we can actually do something else. We may not be able to do something technical, but we can try something creative!" He yuedao.

"So what are we going to do?" Saito bird asked.

"I don't know if you've ever bought Twisted eggs? " He Yue asked.

"Twisted eggs?" Murayama and Saito Nishino looked at each other. Of course, they knew what twisted eggs were, but why did he Yue mention it all of a sudden? Do you want to make twisted eggs?

Hiroda in front of the computer is also curious after hearing he Yue's idea. What is she going to do? Twisted eggs? Can you make money by making twisted eggs?

Don't be kidding.

Twisted eggs, which became popular in Rb in the 1980s, can be regarded as the peripheral market of animation models. Historically, companies have made a lot of money through this, but what can the three of them do? Using AKB48 and naimuban 46 characters to make twisted egg selling? That's impossible. Naimuban doesn't say that the personal and business image of AKB48 is one of the most valuable business images in Rb. After members join the team, the business of personal image will be directly operated by the company. They are not qualified to use AKB48, let alone use it.

In Rb, a country that is strict with copyright use, the four of them can't use AKB's image, even their own image. As for the image of other animation games, they all belong to their own production companies, so they can't get the production right.

So the only way left is to contact he Yue before. Obviously, they have to create their own way.

Can you sell your own image so easily?

Hiroda doesn't believe that if it was so easy to make money, others would have done it long ago.

In the program, Nishino also asked: "we should not be qualified to use the shape of AKB predecessors to make twisted eggs, right? Do we have to create our own images? "

"That's right, let's draw it ourselves!" He yuedao.

"But Can we sell our own images for money? " Saito bird asked.

"Try it first, anyway!" He yuedao.

With that, she actually found out a few sets of paper and pens and gave them to three people, who created images together in the van.After trying for a few minutes, Murayama and Saito put down their pen. They have no painting skills and experience. It's hard for them to draw original characters.

However, Nishino's head was lowered and she was drawing something until twenty minutes later, she put down her pen and gave what she had created to he Yue.

Unfolding the paper handed over by Nishino, a few strange little things that are very similar to the "bean like" created by her later put strange poses.

"What is this? How disgusting Saito can't help but comment.

She used to work hard to be a traditional idol in the so-called "sweet bird" mode, but looking at the strange ball like beans, with only eyes on her facial features and two legged creatures under the ball, she couldn't help getting dark.

"This Is that what we make money on? " Murayama also wants to make complaints about it.

Well That's almost impossible. Even after Nishino becomes famous, only fans will pay attention to it. It's unrealistic to earn millions of yen in a few months by relying on beans.

So he Yue took out the paper he had prepared and said, "come and have a look at what I drew before."

They cast their eyes to he Yue. On the paper she was holding, a little sister in ol uniform seemed to be pressing the cup of instant noodles with her own body.

"Did you draw this?" Asked Murayama.

"That's right. Is that interesting?" He Yue asked.

"It's like Feel familiar? " Asked Nishino.

"Well, I call her Miss Nannan on the glass. " He yuedao.