"Wow..."! Oh! Cough, cough The girl's painful voice sounds like the sound of nature at this time. People who don't understand it any more feel relieved when they hear Hashimoto's voice.

The girl who has just released her voice can now make a voice. It's obvious that the thing choking into her windpipe has been vomited out.

"Can you breathe?" He Yue holds Hashimoto's body and asks.

The girl's body is as soft as cotton candy, but she can feel that Hashimoto's breathing has been much more stable.

Holding the girl to the chair, he Yue let go of her hand.

"I see. It's called Heimlich first aid, isn't it?" Someone clapped his hands and said.

"So it is!" Another cried.

For patients with foreign bodies in the trachea, the use of heimlik first aid method is not a rare way to deal with it. It can be said that people with a little experience in first aid should have experience. Among the staff on the scene, he Yue is by no means the only one who knows how to deal with it. However, it is undeniable that in such a messy scene, when such a situation suddenly occurs, he Yue is the calmest and the best The one with the best response.

The foreign matter blocking the trachea was vomited out, and AI Hashimoto was finally "safe", and the scene soon returned to work.

Today's shooting has nothing to do with AI Hashimoto. The film "Zhenzi 3D" is mainly about the story of the protagonist teacher, rimei Ishihara, who leads to Zhenzi after encountering the supernatural video. AI Hashimoto plays Zhenzi in the film, so a few minutes after the shooting, AI Hashimoto left the scene with her agent.

As for he Yue who saved people, except for the assistant director who was in charge of the set saying thank you, no one would talk to her or wonder where she learned the Heimlich first aid method when she was young.

Shooting continues. He Yue is a passer-by role in this movie, which is normal. She has no background and no company. She recruited the job on the homepage of the film company.

Most of the time I spent reading and eating in the corner. Only at the beginning of the shooting did I come to the crowd to play the role of Rb high school students in this era.

One day's long Tao working time passed quickly. Just after five o'clock in the evening, director Ying Mian stopped today's shooting.

Most of the young girls at the scene are under 16 years old. RB doesn't allow them to work too late. As for whether adults still shoot at night, it's not he Yue's interest. Her goal is only 5000 yen in her hand at this time.

He Yue has a very bad family. Her father died early, and her mother, who is not in good health, is raising her while doing short-term work everywhere. Running like this can earn 5000 yuan a day, which is a great help to he Yue's family.

Unfortunately, this kind of work can't be done more. At most, it's just two days a week on the weekend. On Monday, he Yue will carry his schoolbag and go to school like others.

She is now in the third year of junior high school. Her predecessor seems to be very introverted and lonely, so she doesn't have any friends in school. She usually lives a two-point and one-line life, which makes it easier for he Yue to integrate into school life. At least she won't be seen as strange by her classmates and friends so easily.

He Yue went to a junior high school, a national junior high school near shingaoyuansi station, at the junction of Tokyo's Tsuga and Nakano districts. On Monday, he Yue, wearing a junior high school uniform, walked into the school gate with his head down.

Different from yesterday's ponytail, now she completely put down her hair and covered her eyes with long hair. In addition, she only looked down and walked forward. She was a very introverted girl.

It's not surprising that he Yue didn't know her on the set yesterday. No one paid attention to her appearance. Now she's a little shy in the face of her classmates who have been together for three years.

Especially The skirt of the school uniform is too short

In other words, the first thing he Yue did after she found out what had happened was to go and buy a good pair of safety pants. When she was a man, she could say that she hated it very much, but when she became a girl, she absolutely didn't want to be seen. Of course, she would wear long pants if the situation allowed, but now she is still a student, so she can't help wearing this school uniform skirt, Unless she has made up her mind to tell the school that she is a gender cognitive impairment group, it's OK, but she can't do it for at least a few years, because she still wants to do something, such as being a little idol.

He Yue, who has graduated from university and worked as a social animal for several years, has been a junior high school student, Mandarin, mathematics, science, history, society RB education in the relaxed era, even though there are still elite students in elite schools, like the ordinary national high school where he Yue works, there are few teachers and students who are determined to be elite. The teaching atmosphere of the whole school is lazy and scattered. The teachers teach hard and the students listen quietly in class, but the effect is

But he Yue found that he seemed to be different.

She thought that she had lost her learning ability after she had been a social animal for several years, but she didn't expect that after several classes with nostalgic psychology, she found that not only her learning ability gradually recovered, but even those things she learned in junior high school and senior high school were recalled again!This kind of feeling that my mind is gradually filled with knowledge is very good. He Yue, who is immersed in it, is even reluctant to put down his books! Crazy reading, she hardly had any communication with the students around her, and in the classroom, no one really noticed her existence for a day. At 3:30 in the afternoon, the bell rang, and the students around her scattered in a crowd. He Yue also packed up everything and was ready to leave.

But unexpectedly, he Yue who came to the school gate was stopped.

Looking down, the first thing she saw was a pair of girls' thighs, which were neither long nor white, far less than the present 1.65 meters of her.

Looking up slightly, she saw a girl in the same school uniform.

However, different from her low-key and plain face, the girl in front of her has long dark golden hair. The skirt from her school uniform to her knees has been folded to half of her thigh and almost becomes a short skirt. The sailor's jacket and even her fingers are pasted with a lot of twinkling sequins. It's a standard RB campus girl's mixed dress.

It's undeniable that girls are beautiful, especially with small faces. Of course, they can't compare with he Yue. Now he Yue can't be called a peerless beauty, but at least she has three essential things to watch TV: thin, small face and big eyes. The girl in front of her has the same face size as he Yue, and her figure is not so suitable. Her height is no more than 155, not to mention her waist and legs The thickness of the hips is also very worrying.

"What can I do for you?" He Yue asked, the girl in front of her, according to the memory in her mind, should be Yaji Takemoto of the next class. She belongs to a children's star company called starkins. She is a star student in the school, especially when she occasionally takes a picture of CM. When she has a guest role, everyone knows that she makes trouble every time. In this ordinary national junior high school where he Yue works, Yaji Takemoto has no idea There is no doubt that the school flower level exists.

However, he Yue knows RB's entertainment circle very well. She has never heard of Takemoto's children's star company. She has no memory of her previous roles in cm he Yue's past life, especially when she is still in the third grade of junior high school. It can be seen that Takemoto's children's star company is probably a small role that few people pay attention to in the entertainment circle.

"I heard you went to film yesterday!" Takemoto asked arrogantly.