169-Episode 148 Unchangeable Daily Status

'It's peaceful again today.'

'Yes, it is.

Early morning.

As usual, we pull the big cart to the church.

Loretta, who has been so energetic since early in the morning, and Magda, who is as calm as ever today.

As we walked along the unchanging road, I muttered to myself, and Ginette chimed in.

It's peaceful.

There is nothing.

There are no seasons,...... although they do come and go like crazy,...... the weather is relatively unchanged throughout the year, so the morning and evening scenery doesn't look all that different.

There are few events that make you feel the passage of time, such as "It's getting brighter earlier these days even though it's the same time .......

That's why I think.

It's peaceful.

Six days have already passed since the party at the Lumberjack Guild branch.

For the past six days, time has simply passed, nothing has happened, and I've been a little impatient with ...... the peace and quiet.

Nothing is going to happen.

Nothing is going to happen. ...... Nothing.

If anything ...... happens, even nasty trouble, the reason I'm here will ............

'Mr. Yashiro'.

Ginette called my name and I came to my senses.

'You're going too far.

The next thing I know, I'm at the church.

I almost passed it while I was in a daze.

'Oh, sorry.

'Hmm. Do you still want to sleep?'

A soft smile, staring at me.

'Well, yes. ......'

Maybe I'm just sleepwalking.

I can't help but think I'm crazy.

I'm hoping for some kind of trouble, because I'm ...... thinking about it.

'Big brother!You and I are going to peel potatoes together!Let's see who's faster!

'Hmm~......, I think I'll pass.'

'Hmph, you're afraid of losing, aren't you?

'No, you're normal. I'm super good. I feel like I'm ...... overwhelmed by the competition and it's empty. ......'

'No, that's not true!If you're going to go that far, then let's have a fair and honest competition with a five point handicap!Of course, I'll get the extra five!

What's fair and square with a handicap? ......

'Oh well. Let's get the ingredients to the kitchen.

'Yes!I'll carry it!

With all hands in the air, Loretta walked into the kitchen.

...... No, the ingredients!

'd*mn, he's ......'.

'Looks like you're having fun, Loretta.'

'Yes, I am.'

Recently, Loretta has also started to accompany donations to the church.

In the past, when the sunshine pavilion was subjected to harassment and malice, she was worried about the depressed Jeannette and followed her, but after that disappeared, she stopped coming ......, but after the gluttony contest, she started to participate again.

I think he might be feeling something in his own way.

The energy he showed earlier seemed to be overstressed in some way. ......

I'll bully him lightly. I'm going to overwhelm him with my peeling.'

'Please take it easy on him.

Ginette smiles serenely as she holds a crate full of vegetables.

Somehow, that smile was a little like ...... Bertina's.

'...... And her tits surpassed even Bertina's.'

'Magda ......, can you stop reading my mind and adding your own monologue?'



I didn't think you'd be questioning me about that!

I can't think of any reason other than 'because I don't like it'!

'Big brother!I'll come as soon as possible!

Loretta waved at me from inside the church while I was still in the garden.

No, no, no. You can see what's going on, right?

'You, take the vegetables!

'...... Why?

'Loretta, you too?

It's hard to be around people who don't do what you want. I understand Julius Caesar's feelings a little better now.

'Mr. Yashiro.

When I entered the church, complaining about Loretta's lack of help, Bertina was there to greet me at the door.

'Thank you for everything.

'Tell that to Ginette. I'm just a chaperone.'

'Mmmm ...... as usual.'

I don't know what that is, but I'm sure she's teasing me.

Frowning, Bertina chuckled.

I'm going to try and show her a very funny face that I've never missed in my life. And--


That Bertina blew up.

She's holding her stomach and laughing.

Oh, ......, that's something new.

'Bertina, are you all right?

He rubs Bertina's back in a gentlemanly voice.

But her face is still weird.

'...... Yes. I'm sorry to show you my unflattering ...... appearance, it was too shocking.

As soon as she turned around, she saw the funny face right there, and Bertina blew up even more than before. ...... spit in her face ............

It's also ...... a good idea to stop ............ kufufufu ...... ......Oh, my stomach hurts. ............Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!

'Sh, Sister!What the hell happened to you, Yashiro?

Ginette comes out of the kitchen. She won't be able to see my face from that angle, so I slowly turn around and show Ginette.

'There's nothing here.


When I say this with a strange face and a fresh voice, Jeannette lets out a strange sound and blows out, then turns around in a panic. Both of his shoulders were shaking, and he seemed to be trying hard to hold back his laughter.

Well, you're still good, my strongest stare. That's the kind of thing I learned a long time ago.

......Moreover, Yashiro-san, ......No, you can't. ............ ............ If this kind of game becomes popular among children,......'

It's not a good idea. Especially if it is done while you are eating, it is very troubling. Let's not do that, Yashiro. ............Kufufu...... Sorry. Just looking at Yashiro-san is ...... interesting and ............ kufu...... kufu...... kufu '

Ginette rebuked me and Bertina nailed me.

So funny faces are banned for now. Tsk~.

'Sister, are you alright?

'Yes, yes............ hmm...... it's fine......... ...hmmm...'

Ginette is rubbing Bertina's back and nursing her. Ginette is rubbing and nursing Bertina's back.

It looks like I'd better get the hell out of here.

'Then, let's peel the potatoes.

'Yes, sir. Please do.'

Leaving Bertina and Ginette behind, I entered the kitchen and found Loretta waiting for me, looking like the last boss of a ...... dungeon.

'I'm glad you came!Now, you can see what I can do!

That's what Loretta was saying, but ......

The result was an overwhelming victory for me.

Loretta's peeling was, as most people expected, ...... ordinary.

Some of the potatoes used in the game were used for the meal, and the rest were sliced thinly and made into potato chips after the meal.

The crispy and crunchy texture of the potatoes was a hit with Bertina and the children, and even though we had peeled a lot of potatoes, they were quickly eaten.

'Oh my God, I can't believe I just overlooked ...... such a simple method of cooking ...... sliced thin and fried. ......'

Ginette was in for a big shock.

I guess it's safe to assume that this is a ...... compliment.

'I want to serve these potato chips at the sunny-side up restaurant. This is the time of year when root vegetables are delicious.

'Oh, oh. But I think it's more for a snack than a meal.

Is there such a thing as a good time for root vegetables? ...... We have a similar climate all year round.

'If you cut them into small pieces instead of slices and fry them, you can call them French fries, which are also delicious. You should try it next time.'

'Yes, sir. Then please teach me next time.

'Haha, it's not worth teaching.

'No, but ......'

For a brief moment--

'It's fun to learn so many new things with you, Yashiro-san.

I was about to say something, but I swallowed my words, and the smile that was directed at me instead was somewhat distorted.

It's like standing on thin ice.

I'm sure ...... you're being very careful.


When I finished eating and was about to clean up, Bertina came over to me.

With a gentle smile on her face--

'I have something to tell you.

--She calls out to me in a quiet voice that I can't disobey.

'............ All right.'

After leaving the cleanup to Jeannette and the others, Bertina and I headed for the chapel.

It's a confessional that I've been brought to several times in the past.

It's a small space, and when the door is closed, it becomes a completely closed room.

You can talk about anything without hesitation.

'Mr. Yashiro.

You will be called by name.

It just makes me feel like I'm being watched, like my mind is being looked into.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

'...... It's about time, isn't it?

It's about time. ......

I don't need to tell you what I'm talking about.

I think Bertina knows everything about me. I don't know what or to what extent, but perhaps she knew everything about me and who I was from the moment we first met. That's what he made me think.

But ......

I'm not sure if I've spent enough time with him to be able to call it 'about time'.

I'm not sure if I've spent enough time to call it 'about time' or not. ...... I think those words would be more appropriate.

Bertina's arm is gently extended. Her thin, white fingers touch my cheek.

'As one who has been watching you since we met, I say this.

The eyes that stare at me are filled with a kind of earnest ...... yet warm wish.

I'm sure that no one will be able to turn away from these eyes.


He took his hand away from my cheek and folded his hands in front of his chest.

With a praying gesture, begging eyes, and a forgiving voice, ...... Bertina says.

'You can live for your own happiness now, can't you?

--For your own, happiness. ............

Quietly bowing her head, Bertina leaves the confessional.

She didn't even hear my reply.

I guess she wants me to think about it.

I leaned against the wall and looked up to see the emblem of the Church of the Spirits hanging on the wall looking down at me.

It was as if a spirit god was looking down on me.

...... I won't do you any penance.

No matter what you say, I'm a fraud,............ and what I've done,......, the past will never go away.

'...... I'm not the only one who can't be ............ forgiven,' he said.

I stared at the emblem of the Spiritual Church, but ...... looked away within seconds.

In all honesty, ......'How long are you going to dwell on this? It would have been much better to have been shouted at.

After all, Bertina is a stern sister, isn't she?

...... I feel like I've been confronted with the fact that I'm the only one who can give an answer.

I was in the confessional for a few minutes.

But my mind is not clear and I can't think straight. ......

In the end, I left the confessional and went back to ...... the sunlit pavilion without being able to think of anything.

Today, as always, lunchtime was busy to the point of needing a cat's paw, followed by another peak at tea time, after which things calmed down a bit.

At this time of the day, old lady Mum, old man Zelmal, and other former regulars began to gather, and although the place was not busy, it was no longer idle.

In the evening, the stalls of No. 2 and No. 7 were sold out! Oh, moooookay! and giggled at Ginette's praise. This too has become a routine.

Lately, it seems that her younger sisters are running the shop without Magda and Loretta's help. They are learning to do the math and their customer service skills are improving rapidly.

I guess they can open more stalls. It might be a good idea to open a chain of stalls in the forty districts.

I'm sure they can run a successful business on their own.

When the sun goes down, Umaro shows his face after finishing his work. Every day, at exactly the same time.

Lately, I've come to know the time by looking at his face.

Recently, Mormat, Yaplock, Norma, and Delia have also been frequent visitors.

Familiar faces gather together, eat dinner, and talk about useless things like 'this and that' and 'that and that', and laugh about trivial things.

Lately, the topic of conversation has been the city gate.

'What are you going to do at the ceremony?', 'I want to wear a dress again', 'I want to see the stage of Idolmeister again! Or, 'Shut up!Shut up, Becko!' And so on. ......

When they're full, they always end the day by saying.

'Oh, it's been a good day'.

All the familiar faces leave, and the business hours of the Sundaari-tei end.

It was another peaceful day.

There was no ...... trouble. ............

The Sunlit Pavilion after closing.

In the empty, dimly lit dining room, I sat in my usual seat at the far end of the room with my cheekbones and my eyes wandering aimlessly through the air.

The opening ceremony for the city gates and roads is tomorrow.

The big project that I initiated will be completed ...... completely and completely.

After the ceremony, ...... I will be released from my responsibility to the 42nd district.

There will be no ............ reason for me to stay here.

There will be no trouble, no serious problems.

Ginette's dream of the "sunny pavilion of those days" has returned. Her wish to make it a place where people can gather and have fun has been fulfilled.

I have also gained the assurance that this restaurant will be able to do well even without me.

Ginette used to say, "It's hard to run a restaurant by yourself," but now I'm not alone anymore.

There are so many people you can rely on, not just Magda and Loretta.

It's the same for me.

I've learned a lot about this town.

I've got a good amount of money saved up.

I've already got a good foundation for life.

All that was left was .......

I clutched the 20Rb in my pocket.

So ...... all that's left is this 20Rb.

It's the price of the first meal I ate, the garbage vegetable set meal that I ran away from and promised Jeannette I would pay. 20Rb--

That's the only reason why I'm here right now, 20Rb--the price of the cheapest menu item at the Sunshine Pavilion.

I can't keep clinging to something like this forever. ............

At that moment, I suddenly felt a glance from right beside me.

I reflexively turned my head and saw Loretta's face, with her cheeks puffed up, a bit silly and charming, looming right in front of me.

'How about it!Big brother!

Loretta lifted her eyebrows and asked me.

Her tone of voice was a bit muffled and funny, as if she was imitating a sumo wrestler, probably because she was trying not to spill what she had stuffed in her cheek pouch.

That alone would normally be enough to make me laugh, but ...... at the time, I couldn't predict why Loretta was acting this way, and could only stare at her with a puzzled look on her face.

'How is ............ it?

She tilted her head to the side and looked at me.

'How about ........................... ...'

Her big eyes stare at me.

'.................. 'Gosh.'


'ugh ........................ ugh ugh ugh ugh!


Loretta suddenly started crying.

She opened her mouth wide and cried like a child. She was crying like a child.

As she cried, apples came pouring out of her mouth.

Even though her cheek pouches have completely shrunk and her face has become slender, Loretta is still crying out loud.

'Hey ...... Loretta............ you,.......'

'Gomen na nai de zuuuuuu ......'



Why are you apologizing?

'Oh, you...... me............ because I'm normal......... ...I can't do anything special ...... or anything ............ about my brother... I can't do anything special ......... and I can't do anything ......... about my brother... ......... about my brother ...... nothing, nothing ...... can help... I can't do anything ......... about my brother. ...... So ............ this is the only thing ......... The ............... best thing about ...... me is that I'm ...... It's a good thing that ...... my brother ...... gave me a good point ....... ......I can't do that either ..................... I can't ......... make him laugh or ............... .........!

'You ...... idiot, you ......!

I quickly stood up and hugged Loretta, who was crying, her face twisted into a mess.

But Loretta's tears would not stop.

'I can't ............ ...... do anything... ...............!My brother ............, my brother ............... I like ............ my brother ............. ...... and yet ............ I ......... ...together .................. with ...... I'm ...... sorry ............ you're ......... ......... ......!

In my arms, Loretta's shoulders shake and she sobs.

But what the hell am I doing ......?

What am I doing, forcing Loretta to ............ go through all this, forcing her to ...... say all these things?

I can't believe I can't just hug her and say something to her. ......


Magda came close to me without a sound, and called out my name.

There was a quiet, deep look in his eyes that reminded me of the deep sea.

'...... I'll take care of Loretta. Magda's taking her home today, and ...... she'll be by your side all night.'

'...... I see.'

Magda even took care of me. ............ No, no.

I've been cared for for a long time.

I've been taking advantage of ............ their kindness.

'...... Come on, Loretta.'


Magda opened her arms and called out, and Loretta slipped out of my arms and jumped into Magda's chest.

Magda hugged Loretta tightly and rubbed her back gently.


With Loretta's body still in her embrace, Magda turns her face toward me.

'...... Magda doesn't stop Yashiro.'

My heart leaps.

For a brief moment, I forgot how to breathe. ......

'......It was Yashiro who gave Magda a future. Magda will not deny Yashiro's future. ...... No matter what that future is. ......'

The heart, which had stopped for a short time, no more than a blink of an eye, now raced busily.

The ............ back of my throat seems to tighten.

'...... I want you to tell me when you're going.

Even at a time like this, Magda's expression remains ...... as beautiful and serene as china, and ...... that's why it makes me sad.

'It is ...... painful to be separated without knowing that you will ...... never see each other again.

I think it goes without saying what those words imply.

It is a very heavy word .......

When I was unable to reply, Magda gently lowered her eyes.

And then he put his hand on Loretta's shoulder and whispered to her.

'...... Loretta, let's go.'

'But ............'.

Loretta looks at me with an anxious expression.

If I take my eyes off her, she'll ...... think I'm gone.

'......It's okay.'

But Magda said this to drown out Loretta's fears.

'......Yashiro may tell lies, but he will never ............ break his word.'

The eyes that stared straight at me seemed to appeal to me, "I believe in you. ............ I bit my back teeth.

'...... Let's go.'

'Yeah ............'.

Despite her unsteady gait, Loretta walked away with Magda supporting her.

Just before she opened the door and walked out, Loretta said with her back to me, her voice still trembling slightly.

'Big brother. Good night. I'll see you tomorrow.' ............


'......Yashiro. See you tomorrow.'

Magda is putting words in my mouth.

Will this ...... thing make you guys feel better?

This ............ thing is the only thing that ......

'Oh, ...... see you tomorrow.'

I say, and Loretta turns around with just her head, and ......

'Ehehe. So I love you, big brother.'

She gave me a smile.

Magda, being Magda, quietly raised her arm and stuck her thumb out at me.

Then they both walked out ...... and the door closed.

............ Oh.

.................. This is no good.

I can't ............ make up my mind anymore.

I look towards the kitchen.

By now, they're probably upstairs calculating today's sales. ......


I was about to step out, but ...... ha ............ my knees were shaking.

'......Clearly, I'm not.'

I hit my knee once and managed to get to my feet.

The world wobbles ...... and my vision becomes unstable .......

You can't get your footing, even if you try to step on your heels, as if the earth is melting.

It's been a long time since I've had such a hard time breathing. ............

It's just like that day ............ when you knew you couldn't get it back, but your brain was denying the reality ...... with all its might. ......

But ...... here is ............ now I have ...... that guy ............

I put my hand on the counter and use the strength of my arm to propel myself forward.

I am frustrated with my motionless legs, and at the same time I am frustrated enough to want to scream.

I stare at my knee, but the shaking doesn't stop.

...... d*mn it!

I'm just about to go over the counter and into the kitchen when ......


Ginette came out of the kitchen.

She looked surprised for a moment, then looked at me closely. ......

'I'll get you some hot tea.

He gave me a gentle smile. ............

Yes, ...... that's the kind of guy he is. ............ I can tell you this. I can talk to him properly. ............


I stopped Ginette as she was heading to the kitchen to make tea.

Let's ...... settle this.

'...... I need to talk to you.'