Chapter 516

If we say that in the pursuit just now, the powerful seal commandos can barely maintain the original retreat formation, and even set traps in a hurry to try to plot against the elite of this team of Chinese special forces. Then, in the pursuit at this time, the seals only had to flee in a simple panic, or even a big rout without fighting spirit.

After all, after several defeats, as well as the unexpected big bang, several blows, the continuous deaths of the team members, as well as a series of battle attrition and personnel consumption. More importantly, their morale has almost fallen to the freezing point after losing the war and fighting with the scorpion mercenary regiment.

On the dangerous and strange battlefield, in the battle between life and death and the fight with life, the importance of morale is sometimes even higher than everything and overwhelming.

You know, once the soldiers lose their fighting spirit and their morale is low, even if they continue to occupy an advantage in number and firepower, they are just a group of vulnerable mobs and a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered with no fighting spirit. It is simply difficult to organize an effective battle, let alone win?

However, Rao is so. He can be called a world-class existence. On all major battlefields in the world, the unstoppable seal commandos still show strong military strength, exquisite military skills and strong fighting will even in the process of low morale and continuous rout. Even under the unfavorable situation, they were still not completely defeated, but quickly withdrew from the battlefield in a hurry and slightly chaotic manner, and separated from the direct fire contact with the elite of this team of Chinese special forces as soon as possible.

At the same time, out of their instinct to survive, or their habit of fighting frustration, they continuously and hurriedly sent out signals for help to their superiors, constantly calling for air fire and naval gun fire at sea.

But their calls and calls for help did not immediately get the consent and affirmation of their superiors. The air firepower they eagerly hoped for and the naval gun firepower did not appear as they expected.

Like a stone sinking into the sea, there is no news.

Realistically speaking, their wireless signal has not been cut off by the Chinese side, and it is still unimpeded at the moment. All their call signals and help signals were continuously transmitted back to their command room set in the aircraft carrier battle group.

Although their superiors received the signal, they did not take immediate action.

Because they do have difficulties.

At this time, in the south of the island, hundreds of nautical miles away, in the command room of Sam's aircraft carrier battle group, the lights are bright, the sound of various communication equipment, as well as the sound of mutual communication or loud introduction of staff officers, are mixed with each other, and the scene has long been busy.

Even the top commander of the military operation stood by the encrypted telephone of the radio communication equipment, with his brows locked and a cold sweat on his forehead. He looked very anxious.

Although he repeatedly spoke sternly and urgently asked his superiors to open fire on him, their superiors always restrained and were careful not to expand the situation. Under the continuous waiting, the superior replied to him that he was in a meeting to study.

The aircraft carrier battle group given to him and the seal commandos temporarily under his command put forward the request to continue to maintain a tough attitude and take the initiative to attack, but it is not a last resort, and can not light the war and expand the situation without the written order of the superior.

This is a little worth pondering.

This obviously means that you want to be a bitch and set up a memorial archway.

What does it mean to maintain a tough attitude and take the initiative to attack, but also to maintain the necessary restraint, not to light the war and expand the situation?

This is obviously somewhat contradictory.

This contradiction does exist and is extremely difficult to reconcile.

At this time, even the highest level of Sam's country may not be able to solve it properly in a short time.

Because, at the moment, they are not against other small countries, nor are they armed forces that do not even have their own territory. It is the second largest economy in the world and a great power in the East that occupies a pivotal position in the world.

If they fire directly on the isolated island, they may be regarded as taking the initiative to fight against China. Then, the chain reaction that may occur next is by no means what they can control and grasp. Even those who claim to be the first in the world economy and military strength dare not make this decision easily.

If a large-scale century war or even a terrible world war breaks out as a result, the consequences will be unimaginable. To be more serious, it will even destroy world civilization in an all-round way and directly bring mankind back to the stone age.

Their heads are not big enough and their necks are small. They can't stand such a big thunder.

However, even so, economic strength first, military strength first, known as the world police, the great Sam country of God's voters, face is still needed, and of course, the scene should be supported. Otherwise, how can I get around in the world in the future? How can we proudly teach those small countries and publicize their universal values that can almost stand side by side with the truth of the world?

In this case, a self contradictory order was issued layer by layer.

This can make it miserable for the seals who are on the isolated island and fighting with the elite of this team of Chinese special forces. At the moment, they are looking forward to assistance and firepower.

There can be no assistance, at least not at the moment.

As for air firepower, or the powerful naval gun firepower on the sea, there is no such thing.

But the posture still needs to be put on, the posture still needs to be done, and the face still needs to be fought. Otherwise, the lower level is desperately in front, constantly asking for support. If the higher level does nothing, what is the face and prestige of the higher level? How can we lead and command in the future? In vernacular, how can we talk about ideals and morality to our subordinates, and how can we do ideological work to them?

When other roads were blocked and helpless, the command room of Sam's aircraft carrier battle group had to continuously send seal special combat units to the isolated island, trying to continuously increase troops to the isolated island, so as to completely defeat the elite Chinese special forces on the isolated island.

In order to achieve this goal, we not only avoided the danger of taking the lead in the war and becoming the target of public criticism in the world, but also achieved the perfect effect of final victory.

However, their wishful thinking was wrong again.

You know, just above the sea area not far from the north of the isolated island, the Chinese aircraft carrier combat formation has long been in full battle readiness and ready for all responses. The dense and terrible naval gun fire has long sealed off the sea area around the island.

At this time, let alone teams of heavily armed seals, I'm afraid even a bigger fish can't swim past.

Unless it wants to be blown to pieces by the terrible ship guns and disappear on this blue planet in advance.

In this case, the seals on the isolated island almost cried. It's true that there are strong enemies inside and no reinforcements outside. What's more, there's no fucking way out!

Because, this is a small island, hanging alone overseas, with a small area, surrounded by vast sea water and rough and boundless waves. There is no way ahead! You can't even run for your life.

Do you still let people work?

However, at the moment, with anger and high morale, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces are in a state of high morale, fighting with their lives and striving to pursue. They don't have time to deal with the difficult situation of the seals. Instead, I firmly grasped this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and was preparing to shake off my arms and do a big job!

Under the leadership of Cheng Chong, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces are fierce, everyone is awe inspiring, and everyone shares a common hatred and anger.

In the dark, on an isolated island, Cheng Chong took the lead and kept firing. He quickly and accurately solved one enemy after another who were dangerous to his own side. At the same time, he accelerated his pace and kept chasing forward, without giving the other party any breathing time or chance to escape.

The remaining members of this team of seals, out of the instinct of survival, or some inertia, all fled to the southwest of the island. Gradually, they were forced to a small corner in the southwest of the island.

The position of the seal team was compressed bit by bit, and finally everyone was trapped on a rock less than the size of half a football field. This rock is slightly higher than the surrounding ground. There are few vegetation on it. Only a few trees that are not tall stand there. In addition, there are only clumps of low shrubs scattered among them.

However, although there is less vegetation on this rock, the rock itself is very dangerous. The strange rocks on it are abrupt and row upon row. It can be regarded as a rare defensive position and favorable terrain.

That was their last position on the isolated island. Almost all the remnants of the seal commandos who retreated from all directions rushed up and quickly occupied a favorable shooting position, trying to use this last position to defend tenaciously.

Cheng Chong led the elite of the Chinese special forces and slowly approached the rock. However, because this rock is a rare defensive position, Cheng Chong did not immediately give an order of strong attack for security reasons.

Under the condition of concealing themselves, the team members slowly gathered around Cheng Chong. After everyone quickly looked at the enemy and US situation in front of them, their expectant eyes turned to their commander and their backbone Cheng Chong.

At this time, Cheng Chong, frowning, was thinking about countermeasures quickly.

"What to do, boss?" The flying dragon lay behind a sudden rock, gasped and looked at Cheng Chong.

"Attack now!" Cheng Chong didn't have time to reply. Lightning quickly landed on the ground and rolled over. While shooting forward quickly, he proposed hurriedly.

"Strong attack? Don't you see the situation clearly?" The sharp sword that had been closely following Cheng Chong looked at Cheng Chong, then turned to the lightning that had just rolled over, and then said, "if we attack hard, we will pay a heavy price, which is certain."

"Are you afraid?" At this time, the lightning had finished shooting, turned to look at the sharp sword and provoked a way like a fierce general.

"Afraid?" The sword was about to refute, and Feilong put in a sentence: "don't talk nonsense. No one is afraid here. Everyone is good. But we can't act recklessly. After all, their strength is still no weaker than us. What's more, they also occupy a favorable terrain. If we attack hard at this time, it's obviously not a good way."

"I think they have been frightened. It is impossible to organize effective defense." Lightning quickly poked out his head, looked ahead, quickly retracted back, and then said, "since it is so, why don't we work hard to kill them completely, or drive them all into the sea. Aren't they seals? Let them go into the sea to see if they are good at swimming or not?"

"What's your code name or lightning? You're really like lightning..." because the sword was blocked by lightning just now, he took this opportunity to take advantage of his mouth.

However, the time is urgent and the situation is urgent. As the formation leader, Cheng Chong, of course, does not allow the team members to have the leisure to quarrel at this time, so he immediately interrupted the sharp sword and said, "don't say a word! We can't drive them into the sea now."

"Why?" Cheng Chong's words had just finished. Obviously, a little dissatisfied lightning asked immediately.

"No why, how can there be so many why?" Cheng Chong stared at lightning angrily and turned to look at the flying dragon: "tell the brothers, everyone back -"

"Retreat?" Obviously, the flying dragon was also deeply surprised at this time. For a moment, he didn't react. Then he asked a little hesitantly: "solitary eagle, what, what's the situation? Although we can't launch a strong attack immediately... But we can't fight without fighting, just retreat immediately! This..."

"Execute the order! I'll tell you the reason later." Cheng Chong didn't answer Feilong immediately, but his tone became serious and put on the posture of the formation leader. After leaving such a sentence, he quickly took the gun and took the lead in withdrawing backward.

Leaving the team members who have not yet reacted, they look at each other and don't know why.

"Well... What's the situation? What's the matter with the lone eagle? Give up such a good fighter and say to withdraw?" Lightning looked puzzled at the flying dragon not far away, shook his hand and asked.

"Don't talk nonsense. The lone Eagle asked us to withdraw. Let's withdraw immediately. If you have any comments, we'll mention it later. Withdraw quickly -" the flying dragon stared at the lightning angrily, turned to the sharp sword and said so.

The sword nodded knowingly at the flying dragon, turned to follow Cheng Chong and quickly withdrew back.

"You, you, wait for me, I didn't say not to withdraw..." seeing this situation, lightning quickly withdrew his gun and got up, and then quickly withdrew back.