Chapter 376

At the same time, the elite Chinese special forces who have made military deployment and launched military operations have not changed at all, but continue to carry out operations as usual.

The Tiger Group is in front, and its main purpose is to cut off the enemy's rear road, followed by the flying dragon group. At that time, it suddenly appears on the enemy's right side at the critical moment, giving the enemy an unexpected surprise. At the same time, when the enemy is in chaos, take the opportunity to capture and catch people.

The lone Eagle Group continues to stick to the original position, attract the enemy's fire and attention, and block the enemy who is attacking head-on. Win time and opportunities for the actions of the tiger group and the flying dragon group.

This was originally a well planned military operation and a well deployed special operation.

However, man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. Things in the world are unpredictable. If it is really man's plan, it is heaven's success.

There are some things in the world that happen to happen.

As the previous attacks were thwarted, the plot to lead the enemy in-depth failed to succeed. This group of monkey agents who responded quickly and were also familiar with the way of special warfare quickly made corresponding military deployment after some discussion and discussion.

They no longer adopted the tactics of drawing the enemy in depth and taking things in the middle, but decided to invest all their troops and pour out. Trying to rely on their own number and firepower advantages to face-to-face, tough conventional tactics to annihilate this group of Chinese special forces.

In this way, one side disperses its forces and carries out military operations, while the other side gathers its forces and pours out and pours out. Therefore, for this group of Chinese special forces, especially for the solitary Eagle Group, which stuck in place and attracted almost all the enemy's firepower and attention, a bitter battle with extremely different forces and extremely dangerous situation broke out.

To be honest, if at this time, Cheng Chong, the captain of the whole special combat formation, temporarily changes his mind and temporarily modifies the order just now, so as to cut off the enemy's rear path and take the opportunity to delay the implementation of the military action of capturing and arresting people, it will still be in time.

However, he is extremely stubborn and strong willed. He faces the enemy who has fallen into a dangerous situation, himself and the whole lone Eagle special combat team. He did not waver, nor did he have the slightest idea of changing strategy and tactics and delaying the military action.

It is to continue to implement it resolutely and thoroughly.

Under the thick night, in the dense jungle, a great difference in strength and a high-level frontal battle is unfolding.

Obviously, the monkey agent who has made up his mind to concentrate his troops and attack the nest has made all preparations and determined the attack tactics before the operation. At the moment, they are well aware of the strong strength of this team of Chinese special forces and the existence of terrorist snipers among this team of Chinese special forces.

Therefore, in order to better carry out the attack, they deliberately dispersed their forces at the risk of being sniped and killed, and quickly spread their remaining 20 or so troops to both sides. Moreover, the positions of individual soldiers were disorderly and did not follow the conventional special team shape distribution and configuration.

Even in this case, they can also carry out tactical cooperation and fire distribution.

They rely on each other, cooperate with each other, echo left and right, go hand in hand, and come almost everywhere.

Although there were only about 20 enemies at this time. However, at the moment, for the lone Eagle Group, which has been stuck in place and has only five special combat team members, it is not too much to describe the crazy attacking enemy at the moment.

However, under the hillside in front of me, the scattered enemies, with the help of the jungle and the cover of the night, are thin and flexible, like ghosts in the middle of the night, flickering, looming, constantly rolling forward or leaping forward, at the same time, constantly firing forward and attacking forward.

Da... Da... Bang

For a moment, all kinds of guns, all firing, issued scattered and all kinds of random gunshots. High speed bullets crisscrossed back and forth in the night sky deep in the jungle, intertwined with each other, carrying a breath of death, scattered over the five special combat members of the lone Eagle Group.

However, even these rare and varied gunshots are not a small threat to the whole lone Eagle Group.

Because those monkey agents who control guns are also well-trained special forces. They not only have flexible and skilled attack tactics, but also their shooting skills are very accurate. At the moment, if you are a little careless, you are likely to be directly hit by the seemingly sparse and not too dangerous bullets of the enemy.

The five special combat members of the lone Eagle Group, who are well aware of their interests, face a large number of enemies and this highly targeted and strange attack. All the special combat team members had to play a twelve point spirit, nervous, highly focused, try their best to use what they have learned and what they have learned in their life, be careful and go all out to deal with it.

Under the enemy's powerful and strange offensive, in the face of the enemy almost everywhere, the five special combat team members of guying group cooperate with each other, divide their work with each other, make use of the favorable terrain on the site, try their best to fight back.

Cheng Chong and Chen Zheng cooperate with each other and concentrate on dealing with the enemy from the right, while Wang Rong and Dai Wei cooperate with each other and concentrate on dealing with the enemy from the left. The four men cooperated left and right, relied on each other, constantly and quickly transferred their shooting positions, and used flexible special tactics to block the enemy with great tenacity and determination.

With their greatest combat power and willpower, to delay the enemy's crazy attack.

Only the sniper min Jie is in the middle, controlling the whole war situation as much as possible, and acting as the firefighter of the whole special combat team with the sporadic and extremely accurate fire of the 88 sniper rifle in his hand.

For those who take the lead or attack too fast, implement appropriate accurate sniping.

Unfortunately, compared with the 05 submachine gun in the hands of other special combat team members, the 88 sniper rifle in her hand is too long and bulky. At this critical moment, every time she fired a shot, she had to immediately transfer the shooting position.

In this way, it greatly limits her mobility and the speed of firing bullets at the enemy. Therefore, at this time, although her shooting method is extremely accurate, and each bullet can give the enemy an accurate blow, it doesn't bring the enemy a great deal of direct killing.

After all, no one in the world is strong enough to use his sniper rifle as an assault rifle or even a submachine gun. No one can let his sniper rifle play the effect of assault rifle or submachine gun at a close distance.

Therefore, at this time, although the enemy has been injured or even killed directly, the remaining enemies continue to attack madly and bravely.

The distance between the opposing sides is getting closer and closer.

Similarly, this is becoming more and more unfavorable to the five special combat members of the whole lone Eagle Group.

Because once the distance between them is close, the advantages of the night vision instrument worn by the five special corps members will become less and less obvious, and the mobility and flexibility of individual combat will be greatly limited.

At the moment, when we are outnumbered, we can naturally imagine the degree of danger.

For a moment, the five special combat members of the lone eagle group fell into a dangerous and bitter battle... At this moment, There were five of them without any foreign aid, because at this time, the tiger group and the flying dragon group had resolutely executed Cheng Chong's order, quietly detoured and interspersed to the side and back of the enemy, and had left the current blocking position. At this time, the two special combat teams could not give up halfway or turn back to support them.

Not only that, but the five of them at the moment, in any case, must stay where they are, can't withdraw from this position, and can't easily give up this commanding height. Just imagine, if they give up this commanding height and let the enemy easily occupy it.

Then, the initiative and passivity of the opposing sides on the battlefield will immediately change their positions. In this way, the detour between the tiger group and the flying dragon group will become meaningless, and they will be hit by the enemy from a commanding height.

Therefore, in this case, on this extremely important key point, no matter what price they pay, they must also stick to their original position, stick to this commanding height, firmly control the initiative of the battlefield, and must not step back or give up easily.

So as to win valuable time for the tiger group and flying dragon group who are circuitous and interspersed to the enemy's side and rear.

All these are well known to the five special combat team members of guying group. Therefore, there is no need for the supervision and encouragement of team leader Cheng Chong. All special combat team members have a good heart, have a very tacit understanding, firmly adhere to it, carry it hard and unswervingly.

Even if the incoming enemy is getting closer and closer, the situation is becoming more and more dangerous and urgent. However, these five brave and fearless special combat members, these five elite Chinese special forces, like steel nails, were nailed to this position, never retreating and sticking to the same place. They also fought back tenaciously and resolutely against the enemy.

Even at this time, they are ready for close combat.

The battle is becoming more and more fierce

At the moment, for the five special combat members of the lone Eagle Group, it also means more and more difficult, more and more difficult.

Of course, the importance of this commanding height to the whole war situation is also very clear to these enemies who are well versed in the way of special warfare. Therefore, after implementing several tactics of luring the enemy in depth, I saw that this team of smart Chinese special forces were not fooled. I simply concentrated my troops and had a hard and bloody frontal battle, trying to win this commanding height at one stroke.

What's more, when they found that the Chinese special forces on the commanding height they adhered to were weak and few in number. One by one, they seemed to be excited about discovering the new world, and everyone seemed to have just beaten chicken blood. Thus burst out an incomparably powerful, even abnormal fighting force. Everyone seemed to be crazy, scrambled to be the first, and rushed forward recklessly

For a moment, all the monkey agents who thought they were profitable rushed frantically towards the only five special combat team members in the lone Eagle Group.

These are monkeys. Once they encounter stubble, they immediately retreat or even flee, as if they saw the master of their life. If they encounter a weaker opponent, they will show their ugliness, exhaust all shameless methods and try their best to pretend to be tough men.

Bullying the soft and fearing the hard is a deep-rooted inferiority of monkeys embedded in genes and deep into the bone marrow.

Unfortunately, this time, they were wrong, and they were very wrong. Even if they want to break their small brain, they will never think that they are facing the absolute elite of Chinese special forces at the moment.

In addition, among the elite of this team of Chinese special forces, there is a lieutenant who is extremely stubborn and willpower. He is the captain of the whole special combat team and concurrently the leader of the lone Eagle special combat team - Cheng Chong.