Chapter 310

A few months later, Cheng Chong's lonely and gloomy figure appeared in this economically developed s city on the southeast coast and in this prosperous modern metropolis. However, he has been a soldier for several years, has lived in an almost isolated barracks for several years, and has long been disconnected from society. At the moment, he is obviously a little behind and out of tune with this prosperous international metropolis.

At this time, his dress and behavior were not far from that at the time of retirement. He was still wearing a yellow, earthy military uniform without shoulder straps. His hair was still the short inch strictly stipulated in the army, and his hair was so short that he had almost no future.

Not to mention that he is as bold as his peers, wears some unconventional costumes to publicize his personality as much as possible, and won't catch up with the trend and super fashion and rack his brains to cut out all kinds of strange hairstyles like his peers.

Sometimes, even if he casually wears a slightly decent casual dress, he will feel very uncomfortable and uncomfortable, as if he was covered with ants. And the hair on his head as long as a little bit, he can't stand it, can't stand it.

Not only that, even when I occasionally see those young men dressed in fancy and talking like a mother, or when I see those young women dressed up exaggerated, charming and gorgeous, I will suddenly feel an inexplicable anger, and even have an impulse to come forward and teach a good lesson.

Moreover, his waist seemed to have forgotten how to bend. He was often straight and tight. He even walked in a straight way. He was almost ready to swing his arm as if his elbow wouldn't bend at all according to the requirements of marching in line in the army!

At the same time, his eyes are full of attention, his expression is serious and domineering, his nerves are highly sensitive and vigilant, he is always paying high attention to all the wind and grass around him, and he is even ready to carry out tactical evasion at any time, and is always ready to make a timely counterattack with the fastest speed and the simplest and violent action.

In his eyes, everyone around him may become his imaginary enemy!

In short, at this time, he appeared in this highly developed international prosperous metropolis, just like a gorgeous and different wonderful flower.

To put it mildly, this is called not fading after retirement, this is called simplicity, this is called simplicity, and this is called continuing to maintain the fine style of soldiers. This is called woodlouse, which is called the best spokesperson for the big image.

However, to his death, he didn't notice it at all. Even, he thought why others couldn't be as simple as him? Why must we be so flashy, so ostentatious, so false, so wrong?

In the final analysis, that is, these people lack cleaning, education and repair. If they are pulled into the primitive jungle one by one to stay well for a few days, or all of them are pulled to the cruel training ground to endure for a few days, then they will probably understand the "true meaning" of life!

However, anger is anger, and opinions are opinions. He has long understood the "true meaning" of life. As soon as he meets something he doesn't like, he can't control his hands and feet, fight each other, and set an example to teach others how to behave.

Most of the time, with strong self-control, he just keeps this opinion and dislike in his heart, and will not easily vent out, let alone vent his anger at others.

Moreover, he came to the city without any special mission, specifically to supervise and inspect people's living habits, or to clean up some places in the city. But just to find yourself a suitable job and find a way to make a living after leaving the army.

At this time, although he had returned home from the army for several months, he came to the city to find a job only in the last half a month. For a long time before, he had stayed at home.

In the past few months, although he had already taken off his military uniform and left the army, like most veterans, he always had no clear understanding of all the sudden changes in front of him, the sudden changes in his surroundings and life. During this period of time, he could not even believe that his withdrawal from active service was real and had happened objectively.

Sometimes, he even deceives himself and others that this is simply an unreal dream and is not worth believing.

Sometimes, even if he believed that this thing was real and had happened objectively, he vaguely felt that there seemed to be an inevitable connection between himself and the army. In short, we will never break up easily and completely separate ourselves from the army!

He even firmly believed that maybe one day, the superior suddenly issued an order, he would put on his military uniform, put on his luggage again, and quickly return to the army. Then, he would rush to the cruel and dangerous battlefield again with a steel gun

All this will be performed countless times on almost every veteran who yearns for the army and still yearns for the army. In the vast majority of veterans, they almost have such a dream that they don't want to wake up easily. This is why many veterans, after returning home from the army, still strictly maintain the same set in the army, work and rest on time, do everything at three o'clock and one line, and even suddenly feel nervous when they suddenly hear the whistle.

Or, this is the transition period from a soldier to ordinary people after retirement, which can also be said to be such an adaptation period to the current life! However, this transition period, this adaptation period, some people are longer, some people are shorter, and some people even maintain such a state all the time, and they have insisted on it for a lifetime!

Fortunately, Cheng Chong's transition period took only a few months, and in fact, the actual environment does not allow him to continue like this.

For a child born in the countryside, he has been in his early twenties after returning from a few years as a soldier! According to the old customs in the countryside for many years, at his age, if there were no major changes, he should have married and had children.

So, just a few days after he got home, his parents, who were anxious to have grandchildren, were eager to help him get the right people. Without Cheng Chong's consent, they did not hesitate to look at the host and ask the West. They were busy every day!

In a flustered and anxious situation, Cheng Chong had to shorten his adaptation period and end his seemingly unrealistic dream as soon as possible.

He put down all his fantasies, and then left his home as if fleeing marriage, came to this emergency and very developed s city on the southeast coast, and then began the long way to find a job and make a living for himself.

However, when he had no work experience, he shyly filled out one resume after another about himself and even handed it to one domineering employer after another. Only then did he deeply and truly feel the cruelty of reality and the difficulty of life.

Yes, the dream is full, but the reality is always unexpected. yes! In fact, everyone's dream is always neat, but the reality is always in a mess, which makes people can't bear to look directly at it.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this time, he was like an alien who suddenly fell on this blue planet. The existence of an alien is totally different from those elements needed or even necessary in reality.

There's nothing you can do!

Because he can hardly unify what the employer needs, but the employer does not need those skills he can.

At this time, he was really stupid!

He never thought that when he was in the army, he thought he was omnipotent, extraordinary scenery, extraordinary glory and extraordinary strength... But at this time, he really found that those were really just self thinking, that's all.

For retired soldiers like him, there are probably only these two directions of employment, which are barely matched!

One is security, and the other is doing hard work and selling coolies!

Security is easy to understand. Why! It is these retired soldiers who will stand in the military posture, point to any place, pestle there and stand for hours without moving or shouting tired. Although pestling there may not have any real effect, it is much better than motionless and unconscious sculpture anyway.

It's better to do hard work and sell coolies! Because soldiers are stupid and rough. Imagine, if they weren't stupid and rough, why did they choose to be soldiers at the beginning? On the contrary, it can be said that if he is not a soldier, how can he become a fool?

In today's society, this is simply an inverse proposition!

Even this is an unbreakable truth like existence! Isn't it?

Veterans are hard-working and have a lot of strength. Moreover, he has a strong sense of obedience and does whatever he asks. He is also very sincere. He can't cheat easily, work fast and well, and won't shout bitterness and fatigue. Where can he find such a good labor force, or coolie?

Therefore, Cheng Chong wandered around in this big city for half a month and only these two types of employers wanted him. Other employers who work a little easier, or make a little more money, almost don't even have the desire to take a look at his resume.

Scare! A retired stupid soldier, still coming to our company? I don't think about it myself. We are a famous high-tech company in China. Which position in our company can you do?

It's really a big joke!

Cheng Chong doesn't like or dislike security work!

He once tried to be a security guard for a few days and stood at the gate of others several times. In addition, he can bear it, but when he salutes a fat man with a big stomach, or a woman with thick makeup, his right hand can't lift anything.

With a deep military flavor, he always believes that this is a military salute, and the military salute is sacred. What qualifications, or faces, do these bullshit men and women have to let him, a retired special forces soldier, salute him (her) respectfully? Do they deserve it?

Therefore, after a few days as a security guard, he resolutely stopped doing it!

He had another chance to be a personal bodyguard for a man with a little underworld nature. However, when he just retired from the army, he had a burst of sense of justice, or he was very angry with some scholars. He said he didn't want to follow such a person and be his slave. What's more, the skills and means he learned in the army are specially learned and practiced to deal with the enemy. He must not be easily and arbitrarily controlled by this underworld man.

As for those employers who do hard work and sell coolies, Cheng Chong is not interested in the olive branch he threw, but has an inexplicable anger. Although soldiers can bear any hardship for the sake of the country and the people, this country and the people of this country can not treat soldiers as coolies who can only do heavy work. This is a great insult to the majority of soldiers.

Why? Should these soldiers be treated like this because they have suffered a lot for the country and the people and suffered a lot of crimes?

What the fuck is this?

Therefore, after half a month, although Cheng Chong wandered around this extremely prosperous metropolis for several times, he not only didn't find a suitable job, but also touched the wall all the way and a nose of ash. He didn't have much and didn't have strong self-confidence. In this realistic and cruel society, he was almost consumed.

Under a series of blows, he became more and more frustrated and even gave up on himself!

At this time, he really found that after he immediately joined the army, he would be so useless and so incompetent.

When he was in the army, he could even easily drive planes and tanks worth millions or even tens of millions. However, after returning to the place, he didn't even have the right or opportunity to drive hundreds of thousands of cars. When he was in the army, he could confidently and vowed to protect his country, but when he returned to the place, he could hardly guarantee his normal life!

He began to feel a little angry!

Although, during this period, his belligerent and friendly friend Meng Lang, his good brother, called and sent messages one after another to ask him to find him, he could not make this determination and pull down the face with only a little self-esteem. To be exact, he was reluctant to lose his belligerent and friendly brother.

The reason is very simple. If he accepted Meng Lang's help and took office in their big company! Then, in the invisible, their sincere and pure feelings of comrades in arms have undergone subtle changes!

Before taking office in Meng Lang's big company, he can talk nonsense to his former comrade in arms, father and mother at any time! However, once he accepted Meng Lang's help and became a member of their company, especially after he became Meng Lang's subordinate, can he still have this self-esteem and freedom?

Can the sincere and pure feelings of comrades in arms between them be preserved intact?

There is no doubt that the answer is no!