Chapter 122

Cheng Chong was really surprised by the vain appearance of this white militant with strange tattoos on his body. Since he fought with the militants organized by Yidong before, there have been no fewer than hundreds of militants destroyed by him, but this is the only white militant, and this militant has strange tattoos on his body, The weapons used are also completely different from other militants.

However, time was pressing on the battlefield and the situation was urgent. He could not afford to waste too much time guessing and answering.

At the moment, he is determined to care who the fuck is coming? As long as they are enemies and dare to offend China and threaten the security of the motherland and the people, there are only two means to deal with them.

One is to kill them, the other is to fucking kill them, there is no reason and humanity to say.

After receiving all the other party's guns and ammunition, Cheng Chong quickly locked the fifth attack target and intended to use the flying eagle warrior to silently kill the other party. In principle, it is undoubtedly the best way for him to kill the enemy quietly with cold weapons.

What a wonderful and pleasant thing it is to let the enemy disappear in the world one by one and die one by one inexplicably!

However, when Chong made up his mind to kill the fifth militant again, his mind suddenly remembered Meng Langlai, his comrade in arms who was still playing a race game with the enemy's bullets. The reason why he has such a good opportunity and environment to kill the enemy is that Meng Lang is exchanging his own life with the enemy.

At the thought of Cheng Chong here, he couldn't help feeling creepy. His back was cold and he couldn't help sweating.

In this way, he built his own safety on Meng Lang's danger, and Meng Lang acted as the danger of the two. In this way, Meng Lang's danger will undoubtedly increase. If it continues like this, Meng Lang will certainly be surrounded and annihilated by this large group of armed elements.

no way! We must not go on like this. We must shoot at once and lead as many militants as possible. In that way, we can share part of the pressure for Meng Lang.

Thinking of Cheng Chong here, he immediately took action. He took over the m, 16a2 rifle in front of his chest. After butting the butt of the gun, he decisively shot behind the large group of militants who were firing at Meng lang. at the moment, he naturally used fierce fire.

Because first, he intended to attract the enemy with fierce firepower. Second, this large group of armed elements had not found him yet. He opened fire fiercely, and of course, he had to use the most fierce fire, so that he could destroy as many enemy people as possible before the enemy reacted.

Dada dada

The light m16a2 rifle then roared violently, and a series of bullets exploded at high speed in the gun chamber, pushing the hard steel lead composite warheads out of the gun chamber at a high speed, and then roared to the militants who had a large number of people and could hit them without much aiming.

Under the fierce roar of m16a2 rifle, rows of militants began to be shot and fell forward. After hearing the sound, other militants who had not been shot for the time being were startled, and then reacted quickly. They quickly turned the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger very quickly.

Da da... Su Su

In an instant, countless bullets poured from different directions to the place where Cheng Chong was hiding. The dense bullets immediately intertwined into a thick barrage and rushed towards Cheng.

In a moment, Cheng Chong's hiding place became the target of countless bullets.

Fortunately, Cheng Chong was ready before firing. After seeing the completion of a round of shooting, he quickly lowered his body and quickly and flexibly transferred the shooting position under the cover of thick night and dense shrubs. Therefore, although the incoming bullets were enough to sieve or funnel all life bodies, But it did no harm to Cheng Chong, who had already transferred his position.

After quickly passing through a dense bush, Cheng Chong became invisible behind a big tree, then quickly bent down, lay down behind a sudden big tree root at the bottom of the big tree, and then quickly fired a gun. At the same time, the muzzle is hidden in a pile of dense bushes. In this way, the flame emitted from the muzzle will be covered by dense bushes to a great extent, which is more conducive to hiding their own fire points.

After determining the shooting position, Cheng Chong immediately adjusted his m16a2 rifle to the firing state. At this moment, it is undoubtedly the best choice for him to fire with spot fire, because it is in the dark night. Spot fire not only has a higher hit rate than a single shot, but also does not easily expose his fire point like continuous fire, which saves bullets.

This m16a2 rifle also has a very reasonable performance, that is, the three shot firing function, that is, after the shooter adjusts the rifle to the three shot firing state, each time he pulls the trigger, he can only fire three bullets at most. In this way, it can not only improve the shooting accuracy, but also save bullets accordingly. In terms of the impact at the moment, the short firing can also hide his fire point very effectively.

After a little adjustment, Cheng Chong shot decisively again. Every time he locked the target, he quickly pulled the trigger after aiming. As a result, he could always kill an armed element accurately. In this way, he failed every seven or eight times in a row.

However, even if the location of his hiding place is so secret, and no matter how well his firepower point is hidden, there will always be some glimmers of sparks or clues to follow, and his short gunshot may also point out the direction for the militants. Once a militant finds his hiding place, Then his hiding place will soon be covered by the enemy's all-round fire.

In view of this, he had to be cautious and cautious.

He didn't dare to be careless, so he quickly shifted his position and repeated it again after firing once or twice at a position. At the moment, although he is not like his predecessors, he is not far away.

He kept firing at the group of militants and constantly changed the firing position. A moment later, Cheng Chong actually killed more than a dozen militants one after another, but he didn't lose a hair. It was really a business that made no loss. It was very cost-effective.

At the moment, he effectively combined the two subjects of shooting and camouflage and concealment, which played a great role. At the same time, he burst out powerful lethality, forming a huge threat and terrorist psychological pressure on this large group of armed elements.

At this time, he was like a fish in water and enjoyed killing the enemy.

However, just when he was like a fish in water and enjoyed killing the enemy, Meng Lang, who had been serving as a distraction from the enemy's firepower, was on the verge of extinction.

Constantly running forward and fast, Meng Lang consumed a lot of his physical energy, but he still didn't stop moving forward at all.

At the moment, his single-minded thought attracts the enemy as much as possible and as far as possible. In this way, his comrades in arms Cheng Chong is relatively safe. He intended to let himself bear all the dangers alone, so as to help his comrades in arms Cheng Chong get out of danger smoothly.

Therefore, along the way, he has been running with his life without any intention of stopping to hide. After all, he is in the dense jungle. Moreover, his sight is extremely dim at night. As long as he goes to the dense Bush to catch a cat, the militants organized by Yidong have no owl function after all, and it is impossible to easily find him.

But he didn't.

Instead, he clenched his teeth and tried his best to move forward. At the moment, he had only one belief in his heart, that is, the more he could attract these enemies, the better, and the farther he could attract them.

After running a kilometer or two ahead at the speed of 100 meters sprint, he quickly crossed a long hillside. Meng Lang climbed a thickly forested mountain hard because of his huge physical consumption at the moment. Moreover, there are branches and vines in the jungle. During running, things often happen, so the physical energy consumed is several times or even more than that on the ordinary road.

Even at the moment, he was panting and speeding up, sweating all over his body, and his steps gradually became a little messy. The long-distance vigorous exercise soon exhausted him.

Moreover, the gunfire that followed did not stop for a moment, and there seemed to be a trend of gradual intensification. At the moment, the group of almost crazy armed elements gradually lost their patience because they failed to shoot the target for a long distance, and the fire naturally became more and more dense.

The countless bullets seemed to be free of money and poured rapidly into menglang. The warheads with high kinetic energy kept roaring and passing around him. The thrilling and unusual scene was enough to frighten many tough men who think they can't take care of themselves.

Meng Lang was still unwilling or unwilling to stop to have a rest, but tried his best to move forward with almost all his strength.

Just after crossing the dense mountain in the jungle, he had been groping forward in the dark, and gradually felt that Meng Lang was unable to do his best. On the ground covered with thick withered branches and leaves, his right foot stepped into the air at high speed, suddenly twisted to the side, and his body that had tilted forward lost its center of gravity in an instant.

At the moment, Meng Lang's uncontrollable body fell forward naturally. Because it was a downhill and he had full kinetic energy to run forward, he had no choice but to roll forward quickly. Meng Lang rolled down this strange rock and thorny hillside until he rolled to the foot of the mountain 100 meters away, Just slowly stopped.

Meng Lang, who rolled to the foot of the mountain and then stopped slowly, immediately used both hands and feet, which enabled him to borrow strength. When he was ready to stand up, he forced his right foot, and then he couldn't help but "ouch" and fell down again.

His right leg and ankle had been seriously sprained. Now he was exhausted and rolled dizzy. He couldn't stand up immediately, but he never gave up.

He hurriedly stretched out his hand to protect a small tree around him, hoping to support himself to stand up quickly with the help of the power of the small tree.

However, when he was using his hands and feet and making use of his strength everywhere, the group of armed elements of the Yidong organization that followed him had flocked to him, and immediately surrounded him.

Then the fierce gunfire in pursuit of Meng Lang stopped.

This makes Cheng Chong, who kills the enemy bravely, feel abnormal immediately.

Everyone who has been on the battlefield knows that the originally fierce gunfire on the battlefield suddenly stops. What will it mean? In addition to indicating that one party is brewing a huge plot, it is more often an accident that the war has ended.

At the moment, the war of seven or eight enemies chasing Meng Lang is over. What will that mean?

At the moment, Cheng Chong almost didn't even dare to think about it.

no way! I have to save him, I have to save him!

Just as Cheng Chong wanted to fight to help Meng Lang from the heavy enemy array in front, a strange scene suddenly appeared in front of him.

However, seeing that the group of militants in front of him no longer opened fire at him, they collectively quickly collected their guns, quickly gathered to one side, and then quickly retreated to the other side.

They retreated together! None left?

At the moment, Cheng Chong, who was extremely anxious, had no time or interest to deal with this extremely abnormal scene. He did not take advantage of the situation to pursue, but ran desperately in the direction Meng Lang had just run.

He doesn't know what happened to his comrade Meng Lang at the moment?

He doesn't know what happened to his comrade Meng Lang at the moment?

He didn't know why the fierce gunfire suddenly went off?

At the moment, he was anxious and focused on the safety of his comrade Meng lang. everything else became unimportant. Everything else must give way to this matter.

Anxious, Cheng Chong rushed forward and ran desperately. He crossed the long hillside. Cheng Chong quickly climbed up the thickly forested mountain. According to the gunshot just now, this should be the position where Meng Lang had just been.

Cheng Chong stopped his galloping steps, and then tried his best to find and inquire around. His two bright eyes almost jumped out of his eyes.

However, after searching in a hurry, in the dark and dense jungle, the original line of sight was very poor. At the moment, no matter how hard Cheng Chong worked and how careful he was, he couldn't find a trace of Meng Lang at all.

Where is Meng Lang going? It won't disappear out of thin air, will it? Doesn't make sense? I want to see people in life and corpses in death! Ah, bah! Smelly crow mouth, only people, no corpses. I must see others.

After inquiring anxiously around, he didn't find the slightest trace of Meng lang. just as anxious Cheng Chong fell into confusion, a burst of noisy noise and noisy noise came from the foot of the mountain.

Cheng Chong was suddenly surprised, and then ran quickly to the foot of the mountain. Many steep hillsides, he didn't care what would be below, and he slid down directly. As long as he could reach his destination quickly, he really didn't care.

At the moment, he firmly believes that if he can arrive as early as a moment, his comrade in arms Meng Lang will get out of danger as early as a moment. If he arrives as early as a moment, his comrade in arms Meng Lang will have more hope of survival.

Saving lives is like putting out a fire, even eager to put out a fire. How can there be a moment of waste and delay?

However, when rush rushed to the foot of the mountain as fast as possible, the noisy militants had already gathered with the large group of militants and seemed to have begun to retreat. Among the withered branches and leaves at the foot of the mountain, there were no other valuable clues except a pile of ambiguous people's footprints.

Anxious Cheng Chong had to hurry to the retreat direction of the group of militants, hoping to find any clues on the group of militants. The current situation made Cheng Chong feel a very bad feeling in his heart, but he was very reluctant to believe that this bad feeling was real and objective.

He pulled away the crisscross branches and vines, waded through simple passages in the dense bushes, chased forward as quickly as possible, and kept his movements as small as possible, so as not to arouse the vigilance of the group of armed elements.

After chasing back for a kilometer or two, Cheng Chong gradually approached the group of militants, but they were still 70 or 80 meters away from each other.

After passing through a dense jungle, the scene in front of me suddenly became bright, but I saw that there were only scattered dwarf trees and low shrubs without the shelter of tall trees. Therefore, the visibility of the scene in front of me was significantly improved under the weak night light.

I tried to look forward, but I saw that the group of militants were meandering forward in a mighty way, no less than 100 meters in front and back.

Cheng Chong looked anxiously back and forth and carefully searched the group of militants, but he found that there was still a man in the group of militants. However, seeing this man constantly twisting his body in the middle of this group of armed elements, he seemed to be struggling and struggling desperately, which still seemed particularly eye-catching and not so harmonious in the whole not so neat team.

Seeing this, Cheng Chong's heart couldn't help but gasp. His heart suddenly cooled. He thought it was bad. Meng Lang was captured, and Meng Lang was captured!

No wonder those bastards are in such a hurry to retreat. There's a fucking reason!